French Leader predicts Global Chaos in 500 days!

So, totally correct OP, other than it wasn't the French leader, and he didn't predict chaos in 500 days.

That is, it was the foreign minister, and the prediction was of chaos at some undetermined future time if action wasn't taken in 500 days. But I guess that wasn't alarmist enough for the deniers here, so they amped up the hysteria.

I think the OP was mocking you clowns and how every post you make is about some new impending disaster. It's sort of funny that now, thanks to your silliness...there is no such thing as weather any more....Nope...that's to plain jane for you all, now they are weather "events".:lol::lol::lol:

Predfan, it's not working. That is, your attempted deflection from the crazy inaccuracy and stupidity of your OP, which everyone is still laughing at.

I'm just assuming stupidity on your part, of course. If you'd like to plead deliberate dishonesty instead of stupidity, please proceed to do so.
Predfan, it's not working. That is, your attempted deflection from the crazy inaccuracy and stupidity of your OP, which everyone is still laughing at.

I'm just assuming stupidity on your part, of course. If you'd like to plead deliberate dishonesty instead of stupidity, please proceed to do so.

497 days left.

Do you have your Bug-out bag prepared?
Yesterday, the french leader, who's name escapes me at the moment, told of Climate Chaos in 500 days. I suppose he's using the same "data" that the AGW crowd uses to scare us into accepting socialism, so let's put a clock on it:

Day 500: 5/13/2014

today: 499 and counting.......
They need to get Sarkozy back. Seriously.
497 days left.

Deliberate dishonesty it is, then.

I'm still looking for deniers who aren't proud to be openly dishonest assbags. There are very few such deniers. They get kicked out of the cult if they refuse to lie along with the other cultists, hence they always lie.
497 days left.

Deliberate dishonesty it is, then.

I'm still looking for deniers who aren't proud to be openly dishonest assbags. There are very few such deniers. They get kicked out of the cult if they refuse to lie along with the other cultists, hence they always lie.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You need a new routine're getting a little stale...
Yesterday, the french leader, who's name escapes me at the moment, told of Climate Chaos in 500 days. I suppose he's using the same "data" that the AGW crowd uses to scare us into accepting socialism, so let's put a clock on it:

Day 500: 5/13/2014

today: 499 and counting.......

Oh noes!
Well it seems that the French can now dictate to the US what it wants and we will follow without question. Just look at Libya and several African countries (which are French territories).

Obama loves to lead form behind and can not make the tough decisions and is a weak leader even weaker than Jimmy Carter.
You need a new routine're getting a little stale...

So I take it you endorse his big lie that a French guy predicted chaos starting in 500 days?

Of course you do. He's a fellow cultist, and your cult's rules require that you back up a lie by any other cultist. You don't have the balls to go against your cult, hence you'll be endorsing the lie. Then you'll scream your pissy rage at anyone who points out your bad behavior, try some neg-bullying, and wonder that doesn't intimidate ethical people. The usual.

It's so good to be on the rational side. There's nobody pressuring us to lie. The ethos is completely different here, with none of the "the ends always justify the means for my side" mentality which is now required for the kook-right-fringe cult.
You need a new routine're getting a little stale...

So I take it you endorse his big lie that a French guy predicted chaos starting in 500 days?

Of course you do. He's a fellow cultist, and your cult's rules require that you back up a lie by any other cultist. You don't have the balls to go against your cult, hence you'll be endorsing the lie. Then you'll scream your pissy rage at anyone who points out your bad behavior, try some neg-bullying, and wonder that doesn't intimidate ethical people. The usual.

It's so good to be on the rational side. There's nobody pressuring us to lie. The ethos is completely different here, with none of the "the ends always justify the means for my side" mentality which is now required for the kook-right-fringe cult.

I believe it was you who stated this...

"That is, it was the foreign minister, and the prediction was of chaos at some undetermined future time if action wasn't taken in 500 days. But I guess that wasn't alarmist enough for the deniers here, so they amped up the hysteria."

So, yes, it's a French guy, and I am merely agreeing with you admiral! :lol::lol::lol:
497 days left.

Deliberate dishonesty it is, then.

I'm still looking for deniers who aren't proud to be openly dishonest assbags. There are very few such deniers. They get kicked out of the cult if they refuse to lie along with the other cultists, hence they always lie.

Blah blah blah, we've told you the truth you just won't accept it. According to your religion, if they are denying climate change they are lying, so you are lying by saying you are looking for a honest denier.

496 days to climate chaos!
Any other deniers officially joining Predfan's Doomsday Cult?

Predfan, did you get your cult's permission to form a splinter cult?

And we see who the true deniers are. The AGW cult will deny any real science to promote their religion and make everyone believe in their Armageddon.
You mean the one that demonstrates your abysmal failure to grasp the simplest facts? No problem.
So Kosh has declared himself to be a devoted acolyte of Predfan's doomsday cult. Anyone else?

Predfan, do you plan to sell off all your possessions and wait on a hilltop for the mother ship? If you want more followers, you need to provide more details on how the faithful can be saved. If you're a wise cult guru, you'll tell all your followers to sell their possessions, and take their cash for yourself. Then when doomsday fails to arrive, tell them that their pure faith saved the world and staved off doomsday.
So Kosh has declared himself to be a devoted acolyte of Predfan's doomsday cult. Anyone else?

Predfan, do you plan to sell off all your possessions and wait on a hilltop for the mother ship? If you want more followers, you need to provide more details on how the faithful can be saved. If you're a wise cult guru, you'll tell all your followers to sell their possessions, and take their cash for yourself. Then when doomsday fails to arrive, tell them that their pure faith saved the world and staved off doomsday.

Nope. I have no plans to do any if that because man made global warming/climate change/climate disruption/climate chaos has not been proven, nor does it make scientific sense. I'll leave the doomsday prep to you warmers. After all, you are the ones who believe in that nonsense.
Last edited:
Yesterday, the french leader, who's name escapes me at the moment, told of Climate Chaos in 500 days. I suppose he's using the same "data" that the AGW crowd uses to scare us into accepting socialism, so let's put a clock on it:

Day 500: 5/13/2014

today: 499 and counting.......

His name escapes me at the moment but some dodo put up an OP based on a quote he could not give us by a French guy he could not name. The only conclusion one can reach given the info contained in said OP is that the poster is a dingbat.:cuckoo:

So far - Timewaster of the Day.

That is pretty much the level of posting we see from the deniars here. Constant posting and repeating of disproven lies are their specialty.
Just curious, are you denying the French dude said that?

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