Fried Apple Sticks


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
You can't find fried apple patties or sticks anymore in the grocery frozen sections and you only occasionally find them at Chinese Buffets.
I previously tried making my own, but the batter and process was messy and to difficult until today when I figured out a clever way to make them.
Instead of choping them in small cube dices I cut apple sticks then slice 1/2-3/4 way through the stick vertical and horizontally in tiny cubes-so that the stick is in one easy to handle and coat piece, but will texturally fry up like a diced filled fried apple stick.
I take the cubed apple sticks and add them to a heated sauce pan with butter, brown sugar, little corn syrup and slight cinnamon, just lightly cooking them so still firm.
Fridge it till chilled and ready to batter them at a later time.
Before batter I have a tray with little flour teaspoon sugar sprinkle of salt and a butter powder (I use Butter buds) and small hint sprinkle of cinnamon. Shake the tray to mix the ingredients. Coat the cubed sliced apple sticks with the flour, this helps the batter stick better and adds the sweetness.
In another tray the batter is flour, milk or
soy milk and 1 egg, not to runny or too thick.
Coat the flour coated apple sticks in the batter then use a third tray filled with
plain bread crumbs with very little salt & butter powder. Coat the battered apple sticks with the plain bread crumbs then fry them (348 degree oil) without the batter mess or spongy batter that occurs when adding mini apple pieces instead of whole sticks.
I also cut some apple slices and battered and breaded them like you would fried green tomatoes.
Or you could just make or buy a pastry, and put them in that.

I make my own fruit tarts using either my own pie crust, or commercial...just put jam, apples with sugar and cinnamon, or some other fruit in, fold it over, crimp the edges and bake until it's done.
Yeah tarts are good, try sauteeing the apples in butter, brown sugar, and cap full or 2 of *lemon juice* and sprinkle of cinnamon and throw in raisens, makes a good tart.

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