Friendly Reminder: If you like borders, you hate the free market.

Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Yep. Trumpsters aren't libertarians, and they're not conservatives. They have no interest in free markets.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

They're on your side.
How the hell do you think the United States grew into a Super Power? We had borders, language and culture. We protected out industries and manufacturing and even had tariffs. You guys are the ones who complain of corporations today. They went globalist. We signed trade deals that has near crippled our industries. See how long we have people pushing paperwork lasts.
The Fundamentals: Immigrants Power the Superpower

Today, one of every 3.5 domestic patents is issued to an immigrant worker. Of the eighty-seven US startups valued at $1 billion or more, forty-four of them, or 51 percent, had at least one immigrant founder. In addition, 71 percent of those same companies had at least one immigrant responsible for growth and innovation in a key management position. However so many immigrants, especially entering the US from the south, never have the chance to put their entrepreneurial drive to work in the US.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Yep. Trumpsters aren't libertarians, and they're not conservatives. They have no interest in free markets.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

They're on your side.
How the hell do you think the United States grew into a Super Power? We had borders, language and culture. We protected out industries and manufacturing and even had tariffs. You guys are the ones who complain of corporations today. They went globalist. We signed trade deals that has near crippled our industries. See how long we have people pushing paperwork lasts.
The Fundamentals: Immigrants Power the Superpower

Today, one of every 3.5 domestic patents is issued to an immigrant worker. Of the eighty-seven US startups valued at $1 billion or more, forty-four of them, or 51 percent, had at least one immigrant founder. In addition, 71 percent of those same companies had at least one immigrant responsible for growth and innovation in a key management position. However so many immigrants, especially entering the US from the south, never have the chance to put their entrepreneurial drive to work in the US.
There was no social safety net back then when we became a great nation that people like to deny. This isn't about immigrants. Its about illegals and the amount allowed to enter here without assimilating into the American culture. The border needs to be closed for a few decades to let this happen.
There was no social safety net back then when we became a great nation that people like to deny.
Then we should fix that problem, and not use it as an excuse to create a police state.

This isn't about immigrants. Its about illegals and the amount allowed to enter here without assimilating into the American culture. The border needs to be closed for a few decades to let this happen.

It's not the job of government to dictate what kind of culture we should have. Government is there to protect our freedom to create the kind of culture we want.
Yes, that makes entirely too much sense.
In order to free something, it is necessary to build walls to constrain it.

The constraints define its jurisdiction of the market overseers and the government that authorizes them.
Mercantilism was rejected by Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, more than two centuries ago.
That is irrelevant to the simple fact that bodies of oversight like the SEC have to have jurisdiction and that is dependent on a defined government with defined borders.

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