Friends of Hamas ...

Friends of Hamas

When I saw this thread the first thing that popped into my mind was John Kerry. ~shrug~
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'
Just heard Rand Paul tell lushbo that this was a very concerning piece of information.

Even though it was a flat out LIE.
Even though Paul didn't bother to find out that there is no such thing as "Friends Of Hamas".

What an incredible bunch of liars and boobs.
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'

"accurate as written"


There is NO Friends of Hamas.

Sheesh. You can lead rw's to facts but you can't make them READ and UNDERSTAND!

A story by Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Joel B. Pollak documenting Saad Hariri's ties to Hamas ran on the same day that Shapiro's story ran on, further developing the story to its factual core.

The media, including the Huffington Post, ignored those facts and have shown little interest in exploring Hagel's financial ties or in demanding the full disclosure that has been requested by members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Get fooled once? Sure. Get fooled again and again, and ask for more? Only if you want to be fooled.
That’s the real lesson of the embarrassing “Friends of Hamas” incident and the Republican Party and the Republican-aligned partisan media. To recap: a reporter for wrote a story that alleged Chuck Hagel had nefarious links to something called “Friends of Hamas.” The story was rapidly picked up by high-profile conservatives such as Mike Huckabee, Hugh Hewitt, Andrew McCarthy, and others, but when Dave Weigel noticed all that he smelled a rat and investigated, and found out that”Friends of Hamas” doesn’t actually exist. Today, we got what is probably the rest of the story: the story appears to be begun as basically a joke by a New York Daily News reporter who was talking to one Senate staffer; it apparently then was repeated and spread among GOP Senate staff until winding up getting published as a real report.

After the ?Friends of Hamas? debacle, will conservatives finally learn the obvious lesson?
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'

"accurate as written"


There is NO Friends of Hamas.

Sheesh. You can lead rw's to facts but you can't make them READ and UNDERSTAND!


Obviously you didn't read the link. Liar.
Unbelievable! I had just read the story on HuffPo before seeing this thread. Apparently Breitbart's Ben Shapiro is not offering an apology for his bogus story. Not surprised...
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'

"accurate as written"


There is NO Friends of Hamas.

Sheesh. You can lead rw's to facts but you can't make them READ and UNDERSTAND!


Friedman: I spoke to Ben--and I'm trying to avoid getting into a sort of personal argument, I'm trying to tell what I thought was a funny and newsworthy story, without setting myself as some kind of media critic or something like that--I talked to him, and what he said is that if you read his lead as caveated, that he didn't directly say this group exists.

Liar. Pants on fire.
So how many of our resident wingnuts bought this bullshit and disseminated it on here?

Well, hey now...

Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'
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Unbelievable! I had just read the story on HuffPo before seeing this thread. Apparently Breitbart's Ben Shapiro is not offering an apology for his bogus story. Not surprised...

Friedman: I spoke to Ben--and I'm trying to avoid getting into a sort of personal argument, I'm trying to tell what I thought was a funny and newsworthy story, without setting myself as some kind of media critic or something like that--I talked to him, and what he said is that if you read his lead as caveated, that he didn't directly say this group exists.

The Huffiness Post lied to you again.
Get fooled once? Sure. Get fooled again and again, and ask for more? Only if you want to be fooled.
That’s the real lesson of the embarrassing “Friends of Hamas” incident and the Republican Party and the Republican-aligned partisan media. To recap: a reporter for wrote a story that alleged Chuck Hagel had nefarious links to something called “Friends of Hamas.” The story was rapidly picked up by high-profile conservatives such as Mike Huckabee, Hugh Hewitt, Andrew McCarthy, and others, but when Dave Weigel noticed all that he smelled a rat and investigated, and found out that”Friends of Hamas” doesn’t actually exist. Today, we got what is probably the rest of the story: the story appears to be begun as basically a joke by a New York Daily News reporter who was talking to one Senate staffer; it apparently then was repeated and spread among GOP Senate staff until winding up getting published as a real report.

After the ?Friends of Hamas? debacle, will conservatives finally learn the obvious lesson?

These lies are very effective. They brought down ACORN and the damn rw's can't wait for the next lying email to forward to everybody they know.

And, some rw's can have it spoon fed to them but STILL not get it.

For those who are having trouble with this, here's the crux:

There is no such organization as "Friends of Hamas". Brietbart LIED.

Please feel free to read that line as often as necessary to understand it.
The following day, an article appeared on the conservative website with the headline, "SECRET HAGEL DONOR?: WHITE HOUSE SPOX DUCKS QUESTION ON 'FRIENDS OF HAMAS.'" Conservative pundits, including Mike Huckabee, and other websites also addressed the rumor. It even came up during a Fox Business segment with host Lou Dobbs. Other outlets published articles questioning if the group "Friends of Hamas" even existed. Friedman wrote:

I am, it seems, the creator of the Friends of Hamas myth. Doing my job, I erred in counting on confidentiality and the understanding that my example was farcical — and by assuming no one would print an unchecked rumor. If anyone didn’t know already: Partisan agendas, Internet reporting and old-fashioned carelessness can move complete crocks fast. If you see a story on Hagel addressing the Junior League of Hezbollah, that’s fake too.​

More: Daily News' Dan Friedman Claims He Inadvertently Started Chuck Hagel 'Friends Of Hamas' Rumor

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