Friends of Hamas ...

Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'

It is pretty funny. An alleged "journalist" calls Hagel to find out if he took money from Friends of Hamas, then writes a damning article that Hagel avoided his calls.

Sure, the article the Brietbart idiot wrote is entirely accurate. He did call Hagel to ask about Friends of Hamas, and Hagel's office did not respond.

Shapiro really was that stupid. He did not check first to see if Friends of Hamas is even a real organization. Yes, that is accurate. It is one hundred percent accurate to say Shapiro fucked up.

If Shapiro had called Hagel to ask if he took money from unicorns, and then reported Hagel refused to answer the question, that would be an accurate report of what occurred. It would also demonstrate what a stupid fuck Shapiro is.

Instead of "unicorns", it was "Friends of Hamas".
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A story by Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Joel B. Pollak documenting Saad Hariri's ties to Hamas ran on the same day that Shapiro's story ran on, further developing the story to its factual core.

The media, including the Huffington Post, ignored those facts and have shown little interest in exploring Hagel's financial ties or in demanding the full disclosure that has been requested by members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.


Have you stopped molesting children?

See how that works?
PUNDIT: Hagel got money from unicorns.

BREITBART: Senator Hagel refuses to answer our queries as to whether or not he took money from unicorns! Veeeeeeery interesting!

PUNDIT: Hey idiot. I was joking.

BREITBART: Was I telling the truth when I said I called Hagel about getting funding from unicorns?

PUNDIT: Well...yeah.

PUNDIT: Hagel got money from unicorns.

BREITBART: Senator Hagel refuses to answer our queries as to whether or not he took money from unicorns! Veeeeeeery interesting!

PUNDIT: Hey idiot. I was joking.

BREITBART: Was I telling the truth when I said I called Hagel about getting funding from unicorns?

PUNDIT: Well...yeah.


Friends of Hamas

When I saw this thread the first thing that popped into my mind was John Kerry. ~shrug~

The first thing that pops into normal's people's minds is, "Who are the Friends of Hamas", and then they try to find out. ~shrug~
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Gosh, I can't find Bigfoot's apology to me.

I'm sure I just missed it because, hey, he's big enough to admit he was wrong.


Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Gosh, I can't find Bigfoot's apology to me.

I'm sure I just missed it because, hey, he's big enough to admit he was wrong.



He will slowly, but surely quietly remove himself from this topic. It's what the rightwingers on this board do when their BS is called out.
Geez, another Luddy lie...who would of thunk?

Instead, they have attacked a story by Ben Shapiro citing Senate sources who said they had been told Hagel had received funds from a group "purportedly" calling itself "Friends of Hamas." Shapiro reported that he had attempted to obtain confirmation or comment from a White House spokesperson, who hung up on him.

Dan Friedman, the New York Daily News reporter who claimed today to be the original source for the accusation, has now admitted that the Feb. 7 story by Breitbart News' Ben Shapiro, which merely reported the allegation, was accurate as written.

Daily News Reporter Admits: Breitbart 'Friends of Hamas' Story 'Accurate'

Yeah....sure...."accurate"-enough for.....


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