"Fringe" Boy, Coward Trudeau Goes Into Hiding from Anti-Mandate Trucker Convoy, 40 Miles Long

It will be interesting how Brandon responds if the Canadian people are able to throw off the yokes of Trudeau's ultraliberalism and win back their country.

Are libs committed to the idea of intervening in the Dominions of Canada and sending our sons on to die on the frozen Northern Tundra to help keep socialism in the north lands?
When Prime Minister Trudeau sends in the military to clean out the rabble he will be a national hero.
When Prime Minister Trudeau sends in the military to clean out the rabble he will be a national hero.

If the military turns against Trudeau, will the PM flee to Cuba or North Korea- or will he stay and fight?
When Prime Minister Trudeau sends in the military to clean out the rabble he will be a national hero.
Trudeau will be and is a fASCIST dictator---you should of heard his we poor communists being picked on by big bad uncivilized truck driver speech. What a joke---He was calling them unpatriotic, terrorist, and of course the lib communists favorite racist.
The unvaccinated drivers are required to quarantine after crossing border.

If they can't do the job then they can just haul loads in country. If they defy public safety measures by choice then pull their CDL.
I'd rather pull our moron Biden and his fucked up little communist brother Trudeau out of office and place them on trial for treason and violation of human rights.
How fascist of you---they have done nothing to warrant their CDLs being removed.
They have blocked streets, damaged historical sites, carried NAZI & confederate flags while attacking a soap kitchen for the homeless and it's just starting....

Impound all trucks and deny CDL's to owners.

In an official statement on its Facebook, convoy organizers sent out a message of "Peace, Love, and Unity" and condemned all violance.

View attachment 594470

Canada Anti-Mandate Convoy Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

View attachment 594464

#FreedomConvoy2022 Demands:

- We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR

– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.


For full mission statement see official website “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U. -

Top Pathologists Say mRNA "Vaccine" Injections Killing People​

Trudeau step down?
A demand by a rable of brain dead truckies??
Yeah sure he will.
I'd rather pull our moron Biden and his fucked up little communist brother Trudeau out of office and place them on trial for treason and violation of human rights.
Well why don't you charge them with that? See how good you are. You're all piss and wind big mouth.
They have blocked streets, damaged historical sites, carried NAZI & confederate flags while attacking a soap kitchen for the homeless and it's just starting....

Impound all trucks and deny CDL's to owners.

There is no justification for that. The protest has been mostly peaceful and many of the protesters are unarmed.

IMHO, Trudeau needs to negotiate with the workers.
There is no justification for that. The protest has been mostly peaceful and many of the protesters are unarmed.

IMHO, Trudeau needs to negotiate with the workers.
There will be no negotiations.

There will be arrests if this continues much longer.
They have blocked streets, damaged historical sites, carried NAZI & confederate flags while attacking a soap kitchen for the homeless and it's just starting....

Impound all trucks and deny CDL's to owners.
Oh wait a minute, you wanna discuss how soup kitchens are so political and really don't care about people going hungry that they would deny truck drivers food who sissy Treudeu is trying to make homeless? Really?
They have blocked streets, damaged historical sites, carried NAZI & confederate flags while attacking a soap kitchen for the homeless and it's just starting....

Impound all trucks and deny CDL's to owners.
They were protesting the soup kitchen that decided that they didn't want to serve truck drivers that Trudeau was trying to make homeless.........a political statement from the christian charity......Immoral and likely illegal as well
They were protesting the soup kitchen that decided that they didn't want to serve truck drivers that Trudeau was trying to make homeless.........a political statement from the christian charity......Immoral and likely illegal as well
That's some apology tour that you're on.
There will be no negotiations.

There will be arrests if this continues much longer.

I wouldn't be surprised if the one arrested was Trudeau.

The people of Canada are pissed, eh, buddy.
Yeah, at the truckers and their freedumb fried bullshit.

I can appreciate that you think that freedom is stupid.

But just like the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall fell, so will this. The Canadians are rebelling, and Trudeau is going to beg Brandon for help in suppressing his people.
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