From coast to coast, Americans are not complying with gun grabbing laws…they are too smart for that.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes….this article looks at the American people…and how they are ignoring their "Betters" and the desire of the small group of elites to disarm them in the face of crime and terrorism……

On Guns, Californians Practice ‘Irish Democracy’ and Ignore Bone-Headed Laws

It isn’t even St. Patrick’s Day, but we are all Irish now: In Connecticut, the boneheaded state government passed a law demanding the registration of certain firearms, and the people of Connecticut, perhaps communing for a moment with their independent-minded Yankee forebears, mainly refused to comply.

On the other side of the country in the heart of California’s technology corridor, the city of Sunnyvale demanded that residents hand over all firearms capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds — effectively, everything except revolvers and some single-shot rifles — and the good men and women of Silicon Valley responded by turning in a grand total of zero firearms. Similar initiatives in other jurisdictions have produced similar results.
I like this bit…where he points out the nuts trying to ban guns….

Our new prohibitionists are a lot like the old ones. The nice corduroy-clad liberals in places such as Georgetown and the Upper West Side use guns as a stand-in for the sort of people who own guns in much the same way as the old WASP prohibitionists used booze as a stand-in for the sort of people who drank too much: Irish and other Catholics, especially immigrants, and especially especially poor immigrants. The horror at “gun culture” is about the culture — rural, conservative, traditionalist, patriotic, self-reliant or at least aspiring to self-reliance — much more than it is about the guns. It’s the same sort of dynamic that gets people worked up about Confederate flags or poor white people with diabetes who shop at Walmart.

Read more at: On Guns, Californians Practice ‘Irish Democracy’ and Ignore Bone-Headed Laws
I mention this frequently, but it is very clear to me and I think to a lot of people that there is only one reason the left wants "gun control".

It isn't about public safety at all, in fact it's quite the opposite.

Reflecting back on the leftist regimes of the Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabee, the Kim dynasty and others we see that leftists view humans as a resource. A commodity that can be culled when managers believe there are too many to feed.

Most people do not want to believe that the moonbat messiah and criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like him are just as sociopathic, just as criminally insane, and just as totalitarian as the above mentioned regimes. They may perceive it in the very backs of their minds but won't dwell on it because it can be dispiriting.

I am uplifted though, knowing most of the country agrees that gun rights are enshrined in the COTUS and that it has nothing to do with harvesting deer. It is because criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like obozo exist, and the only way they can be thwarted from culling the herd, is for the herd to have more than just horns.

Hey, that was a pretty interesting article.

I thought this part was wrong though. . . .

"In reality, the Democrats have declared war on the First Amendment, voting in the Senate to repeal it; they have declared war on the Second Amendment at every turn; they also have declared war on due process and, in doing so, on the idea of the rule of law itself, beginning with the notion of “innocent until proven guilty.” That isn’t liberalism — it’s totalitarianism."

I don't think this is a Democrat or Republican thing. This is becoming a globalist thing.

After this latest incident in California, are they going to repeal the Patriot Act? Are they going to admit that the NDAA was a mistake?

This is about the globalists versus those who think that the constitutional protections guaranteeing citizen rights is a good idea.

Let us not forget, someone like Ted Cruz is a globalist, and I don't think he would hesitate to restrict your first and second amendment rights if they gave him the orders to. Candidates like him seem pretty passionate right now about protecting your rights, but they are known globalist liars.
Yes….this article looks at the American people…and how they are ignoring their "Betters" and the desire of the small group of elites to disarm them in the face of crime and terrorism……

On Guns, Californians Practice ‘Irish Democracy’ and Ignore Bone-Headed Laws

It isn’t even St. Patrick’s Day, but we are all Irish now: In Connecticut, the boneheaded state government passed a law demanding the registration of certain firearms, and the people of Connecticut, perhaps communing for a moment with their independent-minded Yankee forebears, mainly refused to comply.

On the other side of the country in the heart of California’s technology corridor, the city of Sunnyvale demanded that residents hand over all firearms capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds — effectively, everything except revolvers and some single-shot rifles — and the good men and women of Silicon Valley responded by turning in a grand total of zero firearms. Similar initiatives in other jurisdictions have produced similar results.

One example... Fuck are you pathetic.

And how many people in Sunnyvale own semi-autos that can hold extended clips?

Get that number and then you may have a point.

Otherwise, it's a FAIL...

Hey, that was a pretty interesting article.

I thought this part was wrong though. . . .

"In reality, the Democrats have declared war on the First Amendment, voting in the Senate to repeal it; they have declared war on the Second Amendment at every turn; they also have declared war on due process and, in doing so, on the idea of the rule of law itself, beginning with the notion of “innocent until proven guilty.” That isn’t liberalism — it’s totalitarianism."

I don't think this is a Democrat or Republican thing. This is becoming a globalist thing.

After this latest incident in California, are they going to repeal the Patriot Act? Are they going to admit that the NDAA was a mistake?

This is about the globalists versus those who think that the constitutional protections guaranteeing citizen rights is a good idea.

Let us not forget, someone like Ted Cruz is a globalist, and I don't think he would hesitate to restrict your first and second amendment rights if they gave him the orders to. Candidates like him seem pretty passionate right now about protecting your rights, but they are known globalist liars.
If you are right about that and globalists try to take names, guns of a certain type and so on, things will get dicey indeed. If the group of people in CN and CA are any indication of the attitude of the rest of the nation, then what we are likely to see is, well, Molon Labe.
Let us not forget, someone like Ted Cruz is a globalist, and I don't think he would hesitate to restrict your first and second amendment rights if they gave him the orders to. Candidates like him seem pretty passionate right now about protecting your rights, but they are known globalist liars.

Ted Cruz is not a globalist. He has fought for constitutional principles numerous times and has been unwavering in support of the 2A and has Rachel Madcow scooping lava rocks out of her vag because he said that the 2A is a fundamental check on the government.

Show me one other "globalist" who would say so.

Yes….this article looks at the American people…and how they are ignoring their "Betters" and the desire of the small group of elites to disarm them in the face of crime and terrorism……

On Guns, Californians Practice ‘Irish Democracy’ and Ignore Bone-Headed Laws

It isn’t even St. Patrick’s Day, but we are all Irish now: In Connecticut, the boneheaded state government passed a law demanding the registration of certain firearms, and the people of Connecticut, perhaps communing for a moment with their independent-minded Yankee forebears, mainly refused to comply.

On the other side of the country in the heart of California’s technology corridor, the city of Sunnyvale demanded that residents hand over all firearms capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds — effectively, everything except revolvers and some single-shot rifles — and the good men and women of Silicon Valley responded by turning in a grand total of zero firearms. Similar initiatives in other jurisdictions have produced similar results.

One example... Fuck are you pathetic.

And how many people in Sunnyvale own semi-autos that can hold extended clips?

Get that number and then you may have a point.

Otherwise, it's a FAIL...


First of all...whats a clip?
Second...most semi auto hand guns hold more than ten rounds and arent considered high capacity.
Americans are scared of terrorism. Sacred of crime. Mostly scared of not being able to buy a gun later on.
OK, I have objection to assault rifles and semi automatics in "civilian hands", but guns have always been part of the right to protect oneself in the US.

My mother and brother might well have been killed if we had not had a gun in the home. No defense from car bombs. Even if you just shoot randomly into the air it can be a chance for others to escape. It can delay and give police time to arrive.

There are restrictions I would agree with, but the basic right to own a gun in the home should not be tampered with. Locked away from children, but accessible to adult for protection.

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