Zone1 From Darkness to Light


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
I think you need to travel in both the path of darkness and light to understand God. Anyone agree?

To truly Understand God most of my life I have always felt I needed to journey down both the path of the light and the path of the darkness. Adam and Eve could truly not understand the world till they ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus descended to Hell and Back.

I was baptised in a Catholic Church raised a protestant and regulary went to bible study as a kid.
During my life though I felt going down the left-hand path and darkness as essential to be able to see the light.

Besides being a Christian.
I dabbled in the Occult and casting white & black magic. Joining magical groups.
I even joined a Satanic group when I was like 18, even though I was still a Christian and went to church on Sundays. I felt to really understand the opposite of Christ I had to join their ranks even though I really didn't consider myself one of them. I felt if I didn't go down this path I could never fully understand the bible and God and I could never truly understand the opposite which was good. I studied the coming of the anti-christ and the signs. I studied both the signs and fortelling in Christianity (revelations) and what Islam says about the coming of this Anti-Christ.

I studied thelema. I went to houses with ghosts. I practiced exercises conjuring spirits. I had this ability since I was young of having some abilities to see ghosts, hearing voices talking to me, see things to come in dreams, and have a gift for feeling spiritual energies. I studied werewolfs and vampires, they actually do exist in real life. I learned Tarot and started going to Fortune Tellers.

In college I got interested in religious studies classes. I started reading about Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Hinduism, Taoism. I started meditating regularly and I gained the ability to do astral travel. I loved reading the Quran and started to believe that Muhammed was the messenger. I visited a Mosque and made a declaration that I thought Muhammed was the messenger. I still considered myself a Christian though who combined other religions into my beliefs. I still went to church regulary on Sundays. Since I had dreams about Aliens as a kid, even that God visited me as an alien and that I was abducted by aliens, I started to do my research and really believe we have always been living on earth with Alien visitors. What we see in science fiction movies is not science fiction at all, but real.

I always took to heart the phrase that our life is like a chessboard, checkered with good and evil. We got to experience both the black and white in life to truly understand God.

I regularly go to church on Sundays and I think my faith and understanding of God today is better than it has ever been.

Anyone had similar religious experiences?
I think you need to travel in both the path of darkness and light to understand God. Anyone agree?

To truly Understand God most of my life I have always felt I needed to journey down both the path of the light and the path of the darkness. Adam and Eve could truly not understand the world till they ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus descended to Hell and Back.

I was baptised in a Catholic Church raised a protestant and regulary went to bible study as a kid.
During my life though I felt going down the left-hand path and darkness as essential to be able to see the light.

Besides being a Christian.
I dabbled in the Occult and casting white & black magic. Joining magical groups.
I even joined a Satanic group when I was like 18, even though I was still a Christian and went to church on Sundays. I felt to really understand the opposite of Christ I had to join their ranks even though I really didn't consider myself one of them. I felt if I didn't go down this path I could never fully understand the bible and God and I could never truly understand the opposite which was good. I studied the coming of the anti-christ and the signs. I studied both the signs and fortelling in Christianity (revelations) and what Islam says about the coming of this Anti-Christ.

I studied thelema. I went to houses with ghosts. I practiced exercises conjuring spirits. I had this ability since I was young of having some abilities to see ghosts, hearing voices talking to me, see things to come in dreams, and have a gift for feeling spiritual energies. I studied werewolfs and vampires, they actually do exist in real life. I learned Tarot and started going to Fortune Tellers.

In college I got interested in religious studies classes. I started reading about Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Hinduism, Taoism. I started meditating regularly and I gained the ability to do astral travel. I loved reading the Quran and started to believe that Muhammed was the messenger. I visited a Mosque and made a declaration that I thought Muhammed was the messenger. I still considered myself a Christian though who combined other religions into my beliefs. I still went to church regulary on Sundays. Since I had dreams about Aliens as a kid, even that God visited me as an alien and that I was abducted by aliens, I started to do my research and really believe we have always been living on earth with Alien visitors. What we see in science fiction movies is not science fiction at all, but real.

I always took to heart the phrase that our life is like a chessboard, checkered with good and evil. We got to experience both the black and white in life to truly understand God.

I regularly go to church on Sundays and I think my faith and understanding of God today is better than it has ever been.

Anyone had similar religious experiences?

We live in a world of darkness. It's all around us--to an extent, it lies in all of us. But it is not glamourous or attractive. It is death. Evil. Ugly. Fetid. Rotten.

I would have advised your younger self to never, ever play with darkness, even if you THINK it's for a good reason. The error people make is that they don't believe they are messing with real phenomenon. But they are. You invite this stuff in, and then it has as hold on you. I'm as serious as I can be here.

Not that you asked, but for the sake of your eternal soul, I would ask God to forgive you and pledge never to chase the darkness again. The Bible says "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness." --1 John 1:5. God can and will set you on a light-filled path.
I have not felt that need but I do like to read the beliefs of religions and I don't condemn you for your own calling.
I think you need to travel in both the path of darkness and light to understand God. Anyone agree?
Saint John of the Cross is known for talking about the Dark Night of the Soul. He says things like to find light go by way of darkness. There are other times he speaks of finding a destination via its opposite. Very difficult to understand. Reminds me I should re-read The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross. It's great for anyone looking for a challenge (or perhaps a little frustration). ;)

To be sure, John of the Cross was not talking about ghosts, spirits, or evil. He was speaking of times where we feel disconnected from God. He describes it as a time of waiting. We can, perhaps, liken it to a seed, waiting in darkness, before growing towards the light.
I think you need to travel in both the path of darkness and light to understand God.

is that two or 4 - good and bad in both ... whatever those two may be.

the religion of antiquity requires purity for admission to the everlasting - through judgement by the heavens if one becomes a candidate.

the desert seldom recognizes what befalls is not always choice, if yours is always your choice what really have you experienced.
One of my favorite books as a kid was "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" which explores the duality of human nature. A similar theme seemed to be in "Lord of the Rings" another favorite book of mine. You can see this duality of human nature theme in the Star Wars movies Luke Skywalker(light) / Dark Vader (dark). As Vader said to truly understand the power of the force you needed also to understand the dark side. To understand God I always felt I needed to understand the light and the dark.

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