From here on out, the DNC will run on fear

It's really amusing that you , a collection of 1's and 0's, think you have the authority to tell someone what to put in their organic human body.
Me personally? No, I don't...but employers and business owners do. You can stay home alone and be "organically pure". :lol:
Me personally? No, I don't...but employers and business owners do. You can stay home alone and be "organically pure". :lol:
Stop lying. You just told another poster to get the shot, as if you had the authority to do so. I quote: "Far, far greater. Get the shot."
Get the vaccine.

No more fear.

Easy peasy.

It is fear, exactly, that is driving gullible sheep to participate as test subjects in a risky medical experiment, because they have been manipulated into being deathly afraid of an overhyped disease that poses less of a credible risk to their health than this so-called “vaccine”.

For those who fall for this scam, complying with it doesn't even remove the artificially-stoked fear on which it is based. Take the shot, if you will, but you've been brainwashed to the degree that even if you do, you will still remain in fear of those of us who have not fallen for it. You remain afraid of anyone who is not wearing a mask, or who you think might not have taken the fake “vaccine”.

You are exactly demonstrating the OP's point.

The absolute, one sided blindness in the above post is astonishing.

Republicans fear people of color, immigration, taxes higher than 0, equality for women, hearing languages they don't speak, not being able to hunt deer with a rocket launcher, science, fair elections, foreign cuisine, masks, doctors, vaccines, women, health insurance, poor people, anything with "green" in the name, Russia, china, making France angry...

That's a very incomplete list.

It is fear, exactly, that is driving gullible sheep to participate as test subjects in a risky medical experiment, because they have been manipulated into being deathly afraid of an overhyped disease that poses less of a credible risk to their health than this so-called “vaccine”.

For those who fall for this scam, complying with it doesn't even remove the artificially-stoked fear on which it is based. Take the shot, if you will, but you've been brainwashed to the degree that even if you do, you will still remain in fear of those of us who have not fallen for it. You remain afraid of anyone who is not wearing a mask, or who you think might not have taken the fake “vaccine”.

You are exactly demonstrating the OP's point.
The brainwashing is on your part. You deny the significance of COVID and over-estimate the risk of vaccination.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You mean, like this?

Republicans fear people of color, immigration, taxes higher than 0, equality for women, hearing languages they don't speak, not being able to hunt deer with a rocket launcher, science, fair elections, foreign cuisine, masks, doctors, vaccines, women, health insurance, poor people, anything with "green" in the name, Russia, china, making France angry...
The brainwashing is on your part. You deny the significance of COVID and over-estimate the risk of vaccination.
Still waiting to assess the "significance" of SARSCov2. Nobody will even prove it exists. How can we understand what the big deal is when nobody can prove they've ever seen the thing?
Still waiting to assess the "significance" of SARSCov2. Nobody will even prove it exists. How can we understand what the big deal is when nobody can prove they've ever seen the thing?
See a virus?

You sound like someone for a few hundred years ago who doubts germ theory.
Far, far greater. Get the shot.

The risk of a breakthrough infection for vaccinated people with symptoms upon exposure to the delta variant is reduced by seven-fold and that reduction is 20-fold for hospitalizations and death, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who directs the CDC, said Tuesday.
DOnt lie
The brainwashing is on your part. You deny the significance of COVID and over-estimate the risk of vaccination.

One of us has been brainwashed, using fear as a vital element thereof, into not only surrendering his own essential freedoms and liberties, but in demanding that others be forced to do so as well; and one of us has not.

I think this distinction says it all.

As Benjamin Franklin put it, “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” What his quote misses is that the “safety”, bought at such a price, is nearly always, as in this case, not just temporary, but illusory. You're not even receiving any genuine safety, not even temporarily; what you are receiving is a false sense of safety; and even that is shallow enough that it can be undermined by your awareness that there are so many others of us who are not falling for this same scam that you are.

If you truly believed that wearing a face diaper, isolating yourself from others, and allowing yourself to be used as a test subject in a medical experiment, actually made you safe; then you wouldn't have any rational reason to be afraid that there are so many others of us choosing to do otherwise; and arguing that we should be forced to make the same irrational sacrifices that you have so stupidly made.
One of us has been brainwashed, using fear as a vital element thereof, into not only surrendering his own essential freedoms and liberties, but in demanding that others be forced to do so as well; and one of us has not.

I think this distinction says it all.

As Benjamin Franklin put it, “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” What his quote misses is that the “safety”, bought at such a price, is nearly always, as in this case, not just temporary, but illusory. You're not even receiving any genuine safety, not even temporarily; what you are receiving is a false sense of safety; and even that is shallow enough that it can be undermined by your awareness that there are so many others of us who are not falling for this same scam that you are.

If you truly believed that wearing a face diaper, isolating yourself from others, and allowing yourself to be used as a test subject in a medical experiment, actually made you safe; then you wouldn't have any rational reason to be afraid that there are so many others of us choosing to do otherwise; and arguing that we should be forced to make the same irrational sacrifices that you have so stupidly made.
Why should I doubt the risk of Covid? I’ve been there, day after day seeing the people suffering from it.

Maybe you have been insulated from it.
So, show me that SARSCov2 exists, in a meaningful way.

And asking me about the earth and the sun is a tidy little try at a diversion, but it didn't work.
Show me that the earth is round in a meaningful way. Show me that the earth goes around the sun in a meaningful way.

To show each of these things requires scientific acumen and resources you don’t possess.

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