From King of the World to Dead in the Water


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Dec 8, 2012
Surf City USA
Obama: The fall
By Charles Krauthammer, Published: May 2

Fate is fickle, power cyclical, and nothing is new under the sun. Especially in
Washington, where after every election the losing party is sagely instructed to
confess sin, rend garments and rethink its principles lest it go the way of the
Whigs. And where the victor is hailed as the new Caesar, facing an open road to

And where Barack Obama, already naturally inclined to believe his own loftiness,
graciously accepted the kingly crown and proceeded to ride his reelection
success to a crushing victory over the GOP at the fiscal cliff, leaving a
humiliated John Boehner & Co. with nothing but naked tax hikes.

Thus emboldened, Obama turned his inaugural and State of the Union addresses
into a left-wing dream factory, from his declaration of war on global warming
(on a planet where temperatures are the same as 16 years ago and in a country
whose CO2 emissions are at a 20-year low) to the invention of new entitlements —
e.g., universal preschool for 5-year-olds— for a country already drowning in

To realize his dreams, Obama sought to fracture and neutralize the congressional
GOP as a prelude to reclaiming the House in 2014. This would enable him to fully
enact his agenda in the final two years of his presidency, usually a time of
lame-duck paralysis. Hail the Obama juggernaut.

Well, that story — excuse me, narrative — lasted exactly six months. The Big Mo
is gone.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his
bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold
dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn't. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White
House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts.
Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as
revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that
the public would feel.

Things began with the near-comical cancellation of White House tours and ended
with not-so-comical airline delays. Obama thought furious passengers would blame
the GOP. But isn't the executive branch in charge of these agencies? Who thinks
that a government spending $3.6 trillion a year can't cut 2 percent without
furloughing air-traffic controllers?

Looking not just incompetent at managing budgets but cynical for deliberately
injuring the public welfare, the administration relented. Congress quickly
passed a bill giving Obama reallocation authority to restore air traffic
control. Having previously threatened to veto any such bill, Obama caved. He

Not exactly Appomattox, but coming immediately after Obama's spectacular defeat
on gun control, it marked an administration that had lost its "juice," to
paraphrase a charming question at the president's Tuesday news conference.

For Obama, gun control was a political disaster. He invested capital. He went on
a multi-city tour. He paraded grieving relatives. And got nothing. An
assault-weapons ban — a similar measure had passed the Congress 20 years ago —
lost 60 to 40in a Senate where Democrats control 55 seats. Obama failed even to
get mere background checks.

All this while appearing passive, if not helpless, on the world stage. On Syria,
Obama is nervously trying to erase the WMD red line he had so publicly
established. On Benghazi, he stonewalled accusations that State Department
officials wishing to testify are being blocked.

He is even taking heat for the Boston bombings. Every day brings another
revelation of signals missed beforehand. And his post-bombing pledge to hunt
down those responsible was mocked by the scandalous Mirandizing of Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev, gratuitously shutting down information from the one person who knows
more than anyone about possible still-existent explosives, associates, trainers,
future plans, etc.

Now, the screw will undoubtedly turn again. If immigration reform passes, Obama
will be hailed as the comeback kid, and a new "Obama rising" narrative

This will overlook the fact that immigration reform has little to do with Obama
and everything to do with GOP panic about the Hispanic vote. In fact, Obama has
been asked by congressional negotiators to stay away, so polarizing a figure has
he become.

Nonetheless, whatever happens, the screw will surely turn again, if only because
of media boredom. But that's the one constant of Washington political life:
There are no straight-line graphs. We live from inflection point to inflection

And we've just experienced one. From king of the world to dead in the water in
six months. Quite a ride.\
It must be the political death throes that caused the recent lash out in mexico. obama isn't through failing yet. We have three and a half more years to shove failure up his ass.
It must be the political death throes that caused the recent lash out in mexico. obama isn't through failing yet. We have three and a half more years to shove failure up his ass.

He's desperate to get all the illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote Dem in 2014.

To BO, they're just undocumented Democrat voters.

IMO all hell will break loose once the ACA fully kicks in. His approval, now at 45%, will plummet even more.
It must be the political death throes that caused the recent lash out in mexico. obama isn't through failing yet. We have three and a half more years to shove failure up his ass.

He's desperate to get all the illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote Dem in 2014.

To BO, they're just undocumented Democrat voters.

IMO all hell will break loose once the ACA fully kicks in. His approval, now at 45%, will plummet even more.

Citizenship a year and a half?

He wanted to make the illegal in the Tsarnaev cell legal and didn't get his program through fast enough.
It must be the political death throes that caused the recent lash out in mexico. obama isn't through failing yet. We have three and a half more years to shove failure up his ass.

He's desperate to get all the illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote Dem in 2014.

To BO, they're just undocumented Democrat voters.

IMO all hell will break loose once the ACA fully kicks in. His approval, now at 45%, will plummet even more.

Citizenship a year and a half?


If Repubs didn't have the House, you can bet the farm it would happen!
Amazing. Simply amazing.

Conservatives thought they had the election in the palm of their hand. Remember? After 4 years of ranting and raving against Obama and employing all that hyperbole to describe Obama and engaging in all that talk radio self-assurance of their pending electoral victory, conservatives marched to the election with an air of certain victory.

Then they got their asses handed to them.

Then there was a period of introspection (which followed the wailing and gnashing of teeth period) where conservatives sought answers as to what could have possibly gone wrong.

Now you guys are back to feeling a sense of overwhelming overconfidence which is exemplified by your typical smug and superior attitude.

Frankly, it doesn't appear that you guys have learned anything in the preceding six months.
But we knew the lame duck period would only last for 2 years. The country's become bored and frustrated with the obstructionism, and the constant loss of services to those that need them most while the corporate elitist agenda reigns supreme.

Expect massive republican losses in the House in 2014.
But we knew the lame duck period would only last for 2 years. The country's become bored and frustrated with the obstructionism, and the constant loss of services to those that need them most while the corporate elitist agenda reigns supreme.

Expect massive republican losses in the House in 2014.

While that is a possibility I don't see any signs ofca mass turnout at the polls for dems. Midterms traditionally favor the opposition.
There's going to be a voting campaign for sure, plus a lot of indies as well moderate repubs that have grown tired of the palinesque status quo voting the worst of the right out.
Amazing. Simply amazing.

Conservatives thought they had the election in the palm of their hand. Remember? After 4 years of ranting and raving against Obama and employing all that hyperbole to describe Obama and engaging in all that talk radio self-assurance of their pending electoral victory, conservatives marched to the election with an air of certain victory.

Then they got their asses handed to them.

Then there was a period of introspection (which followed the wailing and gnashing of teeth period) where conservatives sought answers as to what could have possibly gone wrong.

Now you guys are back to feeling a sense of overwhelming overconfidence which is exemplified by your typical smug and superior attitude.

Frankly, it doesn't appear that you guys have learned anything in the preceding six months.

You confuse conservative with Republican. Although most conservatives are Republican, not all Republicans are conservative.

The Republican party lost the 2012 presidential election for one simple reason. Too many Republicans did not go to the polls and vote. Overconfidence may have had something to do with that fact, and/or dissatisfaction with Romney may had had something to do with it.

The Democrats did get out their vote, and that made the difference in the election.

You are correct that Republicans did not learn anything from you loons because none of you have contributed anything worth learning. Except, for the fact that you are very good at gloating over your victories, and even better at whining over your defeats.
But we knew the lame duck period would only last for 2 years. The country's become bored and frustrated with the obstructionism, and the constant loss of services to those that need them most while the corporate elitist agenda reigns supreme.

Expect massive republican losses in the House in 2014.

I seriously doubt that will happen, but if it does, you won't need to worry about future elections because this country will be on its way to the dustbin of history.
But we knew the lame duck period would only last for 2 years. The country's become bored and frustrated with the obstructionism, and the constant loss of services to those that need them most while the corporate elitist agenda reigns supreme.

Expect massive republican losses in the House in 2014.

I seriously doubt that will happen, but if it does, you won't need to worry about future elections because this country will be on its way to the dustbin of history.

It's already on it's way there, that will only serve to put the final nail in the coffin.

The sad thing is that the brainwashed sheeple on the left could be living out of cardboard boxes burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they would astill insist that if obama and the dems had just a little bit more time, they'd fix things.
He's desperate to get all the illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote Dem in 2014.

To BO, they're just undocumented Democrat voters.

IMO all hell will break loose once the ACA fully kicks in. His approval, now at 45%, will plummet even more.

Citizenship a year and a half?


If Repubs didn't have the House, you can bet the farm it would happen!

Having the House means nothing. The power is in the Senate and unless Americans vote out at least 46 Democrat Senators ( who voted with UN and against Americans ) from Senate in 2014 nothing will change.
But we knew the lame duck period would only last for 2 years. The country's become bored and frustrated with the obstructionism, and the constant loss of services to those that need them most while the corporate elitist agenda reigns supreme.

Expect massive republican losses in the House in 2014.

Constant loss of services????

There's record numbers of folks on food stamps, unemployment, and disability (unemployment part deux).

The phony shortages supposedly caused by Obama's sequester were all orchestrated BY Obama, and as Krauthammer pointed out, have already been corrected.

Not only will Repubs get more gains in the House, but I suspect we'll get the Senate back next year.

The coming TRAIN WRECK called the ACA will assure that!

Even Max Baucus got the hell out before it all breaks loose, and now Reid is whining for even more funding to stop the wreck! They KNOW it's a fucking mess, and they KNOW what the fallout will be.
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