From the Mall to the Docks, Signs of Economic Turn


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
From Docks to Dealerships, Signs of Economic Turn -

I found this article interesting, as you read along it sounds great, things are getting better, until you get to page two and see this:

“Look at employment and income,” said Brian Bethune, chief United States financial economist at the economic analysis firm, IHS Global Insight. “It’s glacial. If we don’t get strong growth in employment and income, we’re really just building this up as a house of cards.”

The entire artical smacks of that house of cards feel, talking about people being 'tired' of savings and 'wanting' to spend.

We shall see if things really are getting better or not.
FWIW my son and his pal migrated to Seattle last month.

They both got jobs....that will start when the owners (two different companies) sense an upturn in business.

That's their outcome with these boys spending every day looking for work, folks.

They're not picky, they'll take McJobs, I expect.

So while there may be some hopeful signs of recovery, it doesn't appear to be making much difference to those two young hopefuls.
From Docks to Dealerships, Signs of Economic Turn -

I found this article interesting, as you read along it sounds great, things are getting better, until you get to page two and see this:

“Look at employment and income,” said Brian Bethune, chief United States financial economist at the economic analysis firm, IHS Global Insight. “It’s glacial. If we don’t get strong growth in employment and income, we’re really just building this up as a house of cards.”

The entire artical smacks of that house of cards feel, talking about people being 'tired' of savings and 'wanting' to spend.

We shall see if things really are getting better or not.

You still have hope....the economy can still fail
From Docks to Dealerships, Signs of Economic Turn -

I found this article interesting, as you read along it sounds great, things are getting better, until you get to page two and see this:

“Look at employment and income,” said Brian Bethune, chief United States financial economist at the economic analysis firm, IHS Global Insight. “It’s glacial. If we don’t get strong growth in employment and income, we’re really just building this up as a house of cards.”

The entire artical smacks of that house of cards feel, talking about people being 'tired' of savings and 'wanting' to spend.

We shall see if things really are getting better or not.

You still have hope....the economy can still fail
That is not my hope you four star moron.

The hope is the guy who's ball you daily lick, obama, won't ruin it, as he already prolonged things at least 6 months or more with his reckless spending.
I mentioned before my bro in law is an international commodities traders (he moves real products around the world, he does not speculate in futures contracts) and he tells me that shipping lines are consolidating and have just jacked their prices up by 1/3 to offset the lost volume.
I am not optimistic. We all know the 2010 numbers are going to be inflated as business take profits this year with the lower tax rate rather than next year when the tax rate hikes. Not to mention Insurance premiums that are atleast going to quadruple next year.

Im afraid this downturn will look like a picnic compared to what's coming.
From Docks to Dealerships, Signs of Economic Turn -

I found this article interesting, as you read along it sounds great, things are getting better, until you get to page two and see this:

“Look at employment and income,” said Brian Bethune, chief United States financial economist at the economic analysis firm, IHS Global Insight. “It’s glacial. If we don’t get strong growth in employment and income, we’re really just building this up as a house of cards.”

The entire artical smacks of that house of cards feel, talking about people being 'tired' of savings and 'wanting' to spend.

We shall see if things really are getting better or not.

You still have hope....the economy can still fail

The economy fails if President Obama succeeds. So hopefully he doesn't destroy our lives.

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