From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

How did she pose “no risk”? Seriously, you lot are mentally deficient. There is no other reasonable explanation.

Because by legal definition, in order to be legally able to shoot someone, they have to pose an obvious lethal threat.
You have to see a weapon for example.
And since no such lethal weapons was visible, then by definition, she posed "no risk".

Lethal force is only justifiable when there is no other reasonable option.
And since clearly Bryd was easily able to simply push Ashli back out the window, then there were lots of alternative options, and the shooting clearly was UNJUSTIFIABLE.

The bizarre theory that is was legal to shoot Ashli because she could have had a bomb in the backpack, is as insane as claiming you can shoot any cop you see because they are armed and could commit murder at any time.
You can not act based on some bizarre theoretical.
You have to have evidence of a lethal intent before you can use lethal force to stop it, and have to have exhausted all possible alternatives.
Bryd did not even shout a command, try to push Ashli, or fire a warning shot.
It is clear he deliberately chose to kill when it was totally unnecessary.
Everyone will remember that precedent and follow it now in the future.
I would not want to be in uniform.
That will be like wearing a bullseye.
Hitler wasn't the leader of Germany until Hindenburg died. He was legally appointed chancellor and then legally made führer by making him president as well when that happened.

Had Republicans had the power in our government, they would have legally, and successfully, objected to enough of Biden electors to make Trump president and leader of the U.S..

Other than the procedure used to make those two election losers leader of their respective countries, I don't see much difference.

Even when I agree with you about Hitler not being socialist, you still screw it up.
Clearly it was Hindenburg who APPOINTED Hitler Chancellor of Germany, leading to him being able to declare emergency powers.

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed as the chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg.

Are you part of the looney right who think cops have X-ray vision?

Sorry, but that is stupid.
Every single cop always has a pistol visible, so does that mean we can shoot all cops as a potential lethal threat?
Of course not.
And similarly, even if Ashli had been armed, which she wasn't, that would not have been sufficient justification for deliberately killing her for just going through a window.
You would have to have reasonable cause to believe she WAS armed, had a deadly intent, and that there was no way to stop her without being killed.
Since Bryd was 2' away when he pulled the trigger, clearly he could simply have pushed her back, fired a warning shot, shouted a command, or even done a leg shot.
Since he did none of these or anything else, it clearly was deliberate murder.
"The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz) of 1933 gave the German Cabinet power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat, the legislative bodies of the Weimar government. It gave Adolph Hitler complete and absolute power over Germany.

The passage of the Enabling Act required Hitler to gain support from a quorum from a super-majority of the entire Reichstag; this process was made easier by nearly all Communist and some Social Democrat deputies being arrested under the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended civil liberties after the burning of the Reichstag under the auspices of the beginning of a Communist revolution. But to win the rest of the votes, he needed to convince religious parliamentarians that Germany’s religious life would be kept secure and that its civil society would not vanish.

The promises helped secure the Center Party’s votes for the Enabling Act. Unfortunately for the Center Party, Hitler would use the power they bestowed on him to violate every one of these promises."

Trump only wishes he could have.......maybe he dreams of it.

Except you are leaving out the most important fact of all, which is that Hindenburg, the president, appointed Hitler Chancellor.
So it clearly was not an accident or any acts by Hitler that put him into absolute power.
Hitler's power was totally the intended desires of the wealthy elite.
Hilarious. Anti socialists who confiscate peoples wealth for the state.

You Leftards own Communism and NAZIism.

Hitler NEVER confiscated wealth for the state.
The ONLY wealth ever confiscated was from Jews, and it was confiscated for personal gain.
Hitler's reign was the single most ANTI-SOCIALIST government in the whole history of the world.

If you look at any weapons production for example, it was all done as any capitalist would, with the government making proposals, taking bids, and selecting which to pay based on which bid they liked the best.
There was not a single bit of socialism under Hitler, at all, in any way.

And while I am at it, while communism is very left, the USSR was not at all communist in any way.
It was totally capitalist, profit motivated, and centrally controlled by Stalin, for his own personal gain.
Communism by definition has to be collaborative, communal, and cooperative, which requires a decentralized democracy.
A centralized authoritarian regime for profit of Stalin, is the same old capitalist oligarchy of the Tzar.
They called themselves socialist to garner public support but their policies were not socialist and they were against the Communist party which actually was socialist.

Regardless of your ignorance, like Trump, Hitler lost his election for president. But that didn't stop the Nazi Party from making him führer by declaring him chancellor & president. Very similar to Trump, who also lost his election for president but his party, the Republican Party, tried their damnest to get him declared president. The only reason it worked for Hitler but not for Trump was because Republicans didn't have as much power in the government as Nazis did in Germany in 1934. Otherwise we would have seen a repeat of Nazi Germany politics. Which is why I laugh every time I see you rightards project it's the left who are the nazis.

NO, the National Socialist NEVER called themselves "socialists".
The meaning of "National Socialist" was always clearly meant as "anti-socialist".

And you still do not have it right.
The Nazi Party did not and could not "making him führer by declaring him chancellor & president."
It was Paul von Hindenburg, the current president, who appointed Hitler as Chancellor.
Hitler NEVER confiscated wealth for the state.
The ONLY wealth ever confiscated was from Jews, and it was confiscated for personal gain.
Hitler's reign was the single most ANTI-SOCIALIST government in the whole history of the world.

If you look at any weapons production for example, it was all done as any capitalist would, with the government making proposals, taking bids, and selecting which to pay based on which bid they liked the best.
There was not a single bit of socialism under Hitler, at all, in any way.

And while I am at it, while communism is very left, the USSR was not at all communist in any way.
It was totally capitalist, profit motivated, and centrally controlled by Stalin, for his own personal gain.
Communism by definition has to be collaborative, communal, and cooperative, which requires a decentralized democracy.
A centralized authoritarian regime for profit of Stalin, is the same old capitalist oligarchy of the Tzar.
Are you stupid and/or a liar? Hitler literally took Germany from a depression to almost conquering the world with the war machine he built and paid for by confiscating wealth.
Except you are leaving out the most important fact of all, which is that Hindenburg, the president, appointed Hitler Chancellor.
So it clearly was not an accident or any acts by Hitler that put him into absolute power.
Hitler's power was totally the intended desires of the wealthy elite.
That point had been covered earlier in the discussion.

"In a series of complicated negotiations, ex-Chancellor Franz von Papen, backed by prominent German businessmen and the conservative German National People’s Party (DNVP), convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, with the understanding that von Papen as vice-chancellor and other non-Nazis in key government positions would contain and temper Hitler’s more brutal tendencies."

His JOB was to protect the members of Congress. Ashes Targetpractice was a THREAT and she was neutralized

Ghead...just make shit up always do
From an unarmed woman? That’s way too funny. She wasn’t in chamber nor were they. Murder
Except Congress was almost a mile away in another building.
What’s the next lie for your murderer?
Bullshit. There were still members of Congress IN the Chambers and HE had no way of knowing where they were.

You hold and defend your post until relieved or told to abandon it

That is a lame ass talking point. Who gave it to you?

Bullshit. There were still members of Congress IN the Chambers and HE had no way of knowing where they were.

You hold and defend your post until relieved or told to abandon it

That is a lame ass talking point. Who gave it to you?

Did Alexandria Omicron Cortez tell you that?
Was the woman going to scratch her?

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