From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

Are you stupid and/or a liar? Hitler literally took Germany from a depression to almost conquering the world with the war machine he built and paid for by confiscating wealth.

Except for Jews, tell us any wealth that was confiscated?
There was none.
All the munitions used by the Wehrmacht were paid for.
There was confiscations of material and labor from conquered lands, but not from any Germans.
There was ZERO socialism in Hitler's Germany.
It was ULTRA capitalist.
The aristocracy, military, and corporations ran everything and made all the decisions.
Hitler was just their mouthpiece.
He actually had no personal power at all.
His JOB was to protect the members of Congress. Ashes Targetpractice was a THREAT and she was neutralized

Ghead...just make shit up always do

The job of police is to protect all rights EQUALLY.
Anyone who does not do that, is not supposed to be accepted by the police.

Nor was there even the slightest indication Ashli was a threat to anyone at all.
The job of police is to protect all rights EQUALLY.
Anyone who does not do that, is not supposed to be accepted by the police.

Nor was there even the slightest indication Ashli was a threat to anyone at all.
Troll somewhere else Vlad
Except for Jews, tell us any wealth that was confiscated?
There was none.
Odd how Jewish gold showed up in Swiss Banks huh?

And gold teeth got melted down...and property confiscated

STFU weird Russian troll
Bullshit. There were still members of Congress IN the Chambers and HE had no way of knowing where they were.

You hold and defend your post until relieved or told to abandon it

That is a lame ass talking point. Who gave it to you?


The House floor had its own locked entrance, and this barricade where Bryd was had no significant value at all.
And all police have radios, so should all have known that all the congress people had left.

If Bryd wanted to hold and defend that barricade, then he should have been out in the hallway, where he could easily have pushed Ashli back through the window.
But instead he barricaded himself into an empty meeting room off the hall, and started shooting people without warning or need.
This is not the military, and this was not wartime.
He shot and killed the very citizen he was sworn to protect.
The cop was facing down an angry mob intent on doing harm to members of Congress... So what was the cop supposed to say, "We didn't bring enough handcuffs so some of you are going to have to share!"

So when you do not know what to do, you just starting shooting unarmed people without warning?
That is not just crazy, but clearly illegal.
He had tons of other options.
Like pushing Ashli back.
Firing a warning shot.
Yelling warnings.
Except for Jews, tell us any wealth that was confiscated?
There was none.
All the munitions used by the Wehrmacht were paid for.
There was confiscations of material and labor from conquered lands, but not from any Germans.
There was ZERO socialism in Hitler's Germany.
It was ULTRA capitalist.
The aristocracy, military, and corporations ran everything and made all the decisions.
Hitler was just their mouthpiece.
He actually had no personal power at all.
Hilarious. Except for the NAZI government stealing 40% of its wealth from THAT group of citizens, controlling production of industry, creating huge welfare benefits, and anti-capitalist agendas, no socialism at all!
Troll somewhere else Vlad

So you have no retort to the fact the capital police have turned this into an aristocracy, where Congress get special rights and anyone else can just be shot indiscriminately, without need or warning.

Its time we end the charade and create a real democracy.
One that does not murder 3 million Vietnamese or all the other illegal uses of force, like Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, the murder of Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, the attacks on Assad, the illegal invasion of Afghanistan, etc.
And there are the illegal domestic crimes, like the War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, the BATF, etc.
Odd how Jewish gold showed up in Swiss Banks huh?

And gold teeth got melted down...and property confiscated

STFU weird Russian troll

I said that Jewish possessions got confiscated, but you lied when you cliamed they financed the war effort, when in reality the Jewish wealth went only to individuals, not Germany.
Hilarious. Except for the NAZI government stealing 40% of its wealth from THAT group of citizens, controlling production of industry, creating huge welfare benefits, and anti-capitalist agendas, no socialism at all!

Totally wrong.
Hitler did not raise taxes on the wealthy.
Nor was there any significant social program except for concentration camps.
Hitler was an ULTRA CAPITALIST, and anti socialist, in all ways.
In no way did Hitler control production or at all interfere with the wealthy elite.
Bullshit. There were still members of Congress IN the Chambers and HE had no way of knowing where they were.

You hold and defend your post until relieved or told to abandon it

That is a lame ass talking point. Who gave it to you?

No, they were in the visitor's gallery according to the photos that have been released and there is no access to the visitor's gallery from the House chamber. It's a security measure. If Byrd didn't know where the members were he had even less reason to kill Babbit.
Hilarious. Except for the NAZI government stealing 40% of its wealth from THAT group of citizens, controlling production of industry, creating huge welfare benefits, and anti-capitalist agendas, no socialism at all!
Making them work with no pay?
So you have no retort to the fact the capital police have turned this into an aristocracy, where Congress get special rights and anyone else can just be shot indiscriminately, without need or warning.

I'm pretty sure anyone who came through that barricade was getting shot. Just like any of the other entrances where we see guns drawn. Here's an angle that shows the weapon drawn.....

I'm pretty sure anyone who came through that barricade was getting shot. Just like any of the other entrances where we see guns drawn. Here's an angle that shows the weapon drawn.....

There were no other guns drawn, anywhere.
And there is no way Ashli could have seen Bryd's gun, since he was off at a right angle to her left.
And Bryd himself admitted he never said a word before shooting.
There were no other guns drawn, anywhere.
And there is no way Ashli could have seen Bryd's gun, since he was off at a right angle to her left.
And Bryd himself admitted he never said a word before shooting.

Ya pay yer money and ya takes yer chances. Think twice about hoping through a barricade during your next riot ladies.
Justice in America is a strange uneven thing. Three crackers get life for one murder in GA, of a black man who physically tried to take the man’s gun.

In this case she didn’t try to take the gun, but was shot and killed. No prosecution. Weird.
This is the way that it's always been. It's why Lady Justice wears a blindfold.
Killing Babbitt stopped the charging forces. That is a fact. It's called capturing the Queen in 3D chess.
I'm pretty sure anyone who came through that barricade was getting shot. Just like any of the other entrances where we see guns drawn. Here's an angle that shows the weapon drawn.....

Except she was the only one. So we should shoot every illegal crossing, they are a threat

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