From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

So we can gun down all protesters, got it.

And sticking to the bullshit excuse you think a few unarmed people can overthrow the government is such stupidity it’s mind boggling.
If they're threatening the safety of others while in the commission of a crime themselves, of course. When hasn't that been the case?
A barricade the cops on Ashli's side had decided was no longer needed.
The cops who had before prevented anyone from crossing over, no longer were blocking it.
They had moved aside, even though they knew that down the stairs, they had just received helmeted reinforcements armed with machineguns.

All the protestors had repeatedly broken through barricade after barricade.
The only difference with this one is that the police had abandoned it before Ashli tried to get though.

The poorly armed guards left their position and before the well armed reinforcement arrived, the rioters took advantage and swarmed the entrance way then began a brute force attack on the barricade. The men guarding the barricade on the other side only saw that and they were apparently authorized to use deadly force to stop any rioter from entering that hallway.
Good NAZI!

It's quite amusing watching rightards call others Nazis while it was the right, who like the 1930's Nazis in Germany, got the leader of their party into the office of the presidency despite him losing the presidential election, rightards tried to do the same.
That black man's life was threatened at gun point before he decided to run around the truck and fight for his life.
Although I stand by my position that Aubrey could have prevented his own death in that situation, after hearing all of the facts, that was murder, plain and simple.
That black man's life was threatened at gun point before he decided to run around the truck and fight for his life.

Ashes Targetpractice was shot for attempting to lead a violent mob of domestic terrorists into the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up and right after that mob was yelling, "they're leaving!" and "they're getting away!" at the sight of a Congressman being escorted out of the chamber.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.
How did he know she was unarmed?

It's quite amusing watching rightards call others Nazis while it was the right, who like the 1930's Nazis in Germany, got the leader of their party into the office of the presidency despite him losing the presidential election, rightards tried to do the same.
You do know Hitler was head of the socialist party don’t you?
Why does Pelosi and S At Arms refuse to release the emails?. Because you know GD well why

From covid to 1/6.All your lies are exploding at once
Would that be the same reason Trump is asking the Supreme Court to prevent his records from being released?
Hmmm, you weep and wail about law enforcement whitewashing and failing to properly investigate or prosecute shootings you deem to be "wrong", but in this case the less digging the better? You know that the standard is proof before you can say someone did something, where's the trial?
I don't know the whole story, so I don't know what she was doing to cause her to get shot, but yeah, an investigation would be nice.
She was part of a violent mob that had just busted out a window into the congressional chamber, and was crawling through to where police were guarding remaining congressional people and staffers who had not yet been able to get to safety. She ignored commands to get back and continued to come through. Presumably to open the door and let the mob in.
Would that be the same reason Trump is asking the Supreme Court to prevent his records from being released?
Fishing expeditions to look for crimes is something the Soviets and NAZIS were good at.
She was part of a violent mob that had just busted out a window into the congressional chamber, and was crawling through to where police were guarding remaining congressional people and staffers who had not yet been able to get to safety. She ignored commands to get back and continued to come through. Presumably to open the door and let the mob in.
Did she burn any black owned businesses in DC down? That’s ok.
Good to know you’re all for shooting unarmed women who pose no risk and cops not having to answer one question about it.
How did she pose “no risk”? Seriously, you lot are mentally deficient. There is no other reasonable explanation.
Why anyone protested on behalf of an Uber wealthy politician is beyond comprehension. It is a tragedy that anyone was killed. I would never be a part of anything like that unless it's for a middle class or poor person.
I'd point out that people were protesting an election that affects all of us, but you'd just ignore it and make more disingenuous statements like saying you don't have kids on the one hand, then talking about your daughter having covid when it fits your other narrative.

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