From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

They are charging them with crimes they can get convictions for...and those charges have teeth. They'll get around to the ringleaders eventually. Maybe even the ringmaster himself.
However, after the speech at the Ellipse and the resulting carnage, along with the almost two month non-stop attempt to undermine the election results, based on no evidence,
everyone knows what the intents was.

Oh, and please stop with the whole "FBI investigated" line. It's getting old. They said no such thing. This alt-right media propaganda, repeated over and over.

At this point, it would be best for your side's cause, and your future credibility, if you just stood up and owned it. :)

Curious how those of you who believe it was an insurrection feel about Ray Epps being protected by the democrats and MSM?
Ah, the old "Kill Pence" bullshit. It would have taken longer to select and confirm a new VP than 3 weeks, and in that time Biden would have been sworn in, as someone else would have been in charge of the Senate via rules in place to keep the Senate running when there is no VP.

Try again.
Yeah shit brains.... without a VP to certify the could you swear in the new President.

I'm not saying your blob supporters have good plans or workable planes or even sane plans...but that was the motive--kidnap/kill the VP and have one who will do the President's bidding for him.

You guys aren't smart so you have to resort to violence; the violence you crave.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.
Race had NOTHING to do with that asshole

In fact had those Insurrectionists been black they'd STILL be counting toe tags. If anything those cops treated those rioters with kid gloves considering what they were doing and where
Yeah shit brains.... without a VP to certify the could you swear in the new President.

I'm not saying your blob supporters have good plans or workable planes or even sane plans...but that was the motive--kidnap/kill the VP and have one who will do the President's bidding for him.

You guys aren't smart so you have to resort to violence; the violence you crave.

One groups chanting something turns into planned motive, and intricate plot to keep Trump in office......

Does he certify as VP or as Head of the Senate? And if as head of the Senate, doesn't he only act in cases of a tie?

You are proposing the mechanism, you should know the details.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.
What was she doing there? Isn’t this a case where someone should be taking personal responsibility for their actions. He was where he was supposed to be; she wasn’t.
What was she doing there? Isn’t this a case where someone should be taking personal responsibility for their actions. He was where he was supposed to be; she wasn’t.

Intermingled with other protesters, AND officers. If you see the video of after she was shot, the protesters were intermingled with far heavier armed officers, who could have been hit by this guys fire.

Why did he feel the need to shoot, and they didn't?
Noticing the distinct lack of fire, smoke, trash, debris and masks to hide your identity.

They need to read up more on the BLM/Anti-fa playbook if they want to be true insurrectionists.
Juist a bit of tourism

Justice in America is a strange uneven thing. Three crackers get life for one murder in GA, of a black man who physically tried to take the man’s gun.

In this case she didn’t try to take the gun, but was shot and killed. No prosecution. Weird.
Cop was black.
Victim white.
What’s so confusing?
Confrontation yes, but again, no fire, no weapons, no body armor, no face coverings.

Somehow those "non-weapons" managed to send dozens of cops to the hospital, took three fingers off one eye on another...caused one to have a heart attack (from repeated stun gun applications)

Somehow those "non-weapons" managed to send dozens of cops to the hospital, took three fingers off one eye on another...caused one to have a heart attack (from repeated stun gun applications)

And how many cops were injured by anti-fa/BLM to which you didn't say "boo" about?
And how many cops were injured by anti-fa/BLM to which you didn't say "boo" about?
So far you have been wrong about just about every claim you've made...including the claim that I didn't condemn the violence during the summer of 2020
So far you have been wrong about just about every claim you've made...including the claim that I didn't condemn the violence during the summer of 2020

"Condemn" the "Violence".

Yet you harp on this one day of protest because it suits your interests.

Meanwhile hundreds of cops injured, hundreds or thousands of businesses destroyed or looted, months of government functions derailed, be it courts or INS/ICE, and ordinary people threatened daily.

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