From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

One groups chanting something turns into planned motive, and intricate plot to keep Trump in office......

Does he certify as VP or as Head of the Senate? And if as head of the Senate, doesn't he only act in cases of a tie?

You are proposing the mechanism, you should know the details.
It was a fools errand but your blob would have done anything to stay in power. Take his Dick out of your mouth and ask him
Its all on film mate. She got what was coming to her.

That's ridiculous.
With all the cops there at the top of the stairs, it was being implied to Ashli that no one cared if she went through the window or not.
These other cops are on record saying Bryd never said a warning or anything, and that Ashli could not even see him, since he was 90 degree to the left of her field of vision. And before anyone ever shoots anyone, they are required to have exhausted all other means of defending themselve.
Since Byrd was not at all threatened, there was no immediate threat to anyone, and all Byrd had to do is fire a warning shot, just push Ashli back, or at least yell at her, then it is deliberate murder.
If this would have been a grocery store instead of Congress, and a store owner instead of a cop, then what would the result of been?
And since a store owner can not deliberately kill, neither can a cop.
Good to know you're fucking nuts

Once you allow murder, then you are going to have a lot more murders.
Every single cop on the street is more of a deadly threat to everyone than Ashli was to anyone.
Babbit and those rioters were breaking through a barricaded doorway and were no longer protesters.

A barricade the cops on Ashli's side had decided was no longer needed.
The cops who had before prevented anyone from crossing over, no longer were blocking it.
They had moved aside, even though they knew that down the stairs, they had just received helmeted reinforcements armed with machineguns.

All the protestors had repeatedly broken through barricade after barricade.
The only difference with this one is that the police had abandoned it before Ashli tried to get though.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.

Are you ever not a retard?


That's according to Ashes Targetpractice's husband. According to the news, he was...

The officer was interviewed by investigators last week, The Times reported.
Odd you chose that picture and not this one...

That's ridiculous.
With all the cops there at the top of the stairs, it was being implied to Ashli that no one cared if she went through the window or not.
These other cops are on record saying Bryd never said a warning or anything, and that Ashli could not even see him, since he was 90 degree to the left of her field of vision. And before anyone ever shoots anyone, they are required to have exhausted all other means of defending themselve.
Since Byrd was not at all threatened, there was no immediate threat to anyone, and all Byrd had to do is fire a warning shot, just push Ashli back, or at least yell at her, then it is deliberate murder.
If this would have been a grocery store instead of Congress, and a store owner instead of a cop, then what would the result of been?
And since a store owner can not deliberately kill, neither can a cop.
Mate, I have watched the video many times. They were engaged in a seditious act. She was unlucky that she took the shot but she should have not been trying to smash down that door and trying to overturn an election result.
Justice in America is a strange uneven thing. Three crackers get life for one murder in GA, of a black man who physically tried to take the man’s gun.

In this case she didn’t try to take the gun, but was shot and killed. No prosecution. Weird.
That black man's life was threatened at gun point before he decided to run around the truck and fight for his life.

Ashes Targetpractice was shot for attempting to lead a violent mob of domestic terrorists into the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up and right after that mob was yelling, "they're leaving!" and "they're getting away!" at the sight of a Congressman being escorted out of the chamber.

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