From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

So we can gun down all protesters, got it.

And sticking to the bullshit excuse you think a few unarmed people can overthrow the government is such stupidity it’s mind boggling.
Interesting that you can continue to defend what went on that day as a unarmed protest. It was anything but. I'm quite frankly surprised there wasn't more live ammunition used. It was after all, an attempt to overthrow our government. A coup.
But, you and I both know there weren't more bodies and it was treated with kid gloves because the crowd was white. Poor aggrieved and angry "core Americans". Had that been a BLM protest with the same ferocity, they would have been dragging the bodies out for hours and sponging up the blood for days. And don't waste my time comparing the summer of 2020 protests to an insurrection. None of those protests were rooted in the attempt to overturn the results of a free and fairly held election.
Yep, all militias are now notified to gun down all political protesters. Those billion rounds of ammo Obama sold are going to come in handy.
Organized militias are illegal in all 50 states. But think hard before you feel free to stir up any trouble you like. Remember, we liberals like our guns too. :)..and we bought ammo.
I have to disagree. No one has been charged with insurrection and hundreds have been arrested. Most have been charged with trespass and any who broke laws will end up in court.

You lefty loons keep harping on insurrection. Hell the FBI investigated and found no signs of insurrection or anything else that day except a riot.

You need new material. What you have is beginning to stink.
I have to disagree. No one has been charged with insurrection and hundred have been arrested. Most have been charged with trespass and any who broke laws will end up in court.

You lefty loons keep harping on insurrection. Hell the FBI investigated and found no signs of insurrection or anything else that day except a riot.

You need new material. What you have is beginning to stink.

A charge of insurrection would require proving these dupes knew they were being used, and most of them didn't.

On the other hand, we've got them dead to rights on rioting. So the dupes get charged with rioting while they build a case against the people who orchestrated this insurrection.

I have to disagree. No one has been charged with insurrection and hundred have been arrested. Most have been charged with trespass and any who broke laws will end up in court.

You lefty loons keep harping on insurrection. Hell the FBI investigated and found no signs of insurrection or anything else that day except a riot.

You need new material. What you have is beginning to stink.
They are charging them with crimes they can get convictions for...and those charges have teeth. They'll get around to the ringleaders eventually. Maybe even the ringmaster himself.
However, after the speech at the Ellipse and the resulting carnage, along with the almost two month non-stop attempt to undermine the election results, based on no evidence,
everyone knows what the intents was.

Oh, and please stop with the whole "FBI investigated" line. It's getting old. They said no such thing. This alt-right media propaganda, repeated over and over.

At this point, it would be best for your side's cause, and your future credibility, if you just stood up and owned it. :)
A charge of insurrection would require proving these dupes knew they were being used, and most of them didn't.

On the other hand, we've got them dead to rights on rioting. So the dupes get charged with rioting while they build a case against the people who orchestrated this insurrection.

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And you just shoot unarmed people without question or ramifications.

When’s the next Congressional baseball game? We want to go to the Democrats practice.
They are charging them with crimes they can get convictions for...and those charges have teeth. They'll get around to the ringleaders eventually. Maybe even the ringmaster himself.
However, after the speech at the Ellipse and the resulting carnage, along with the almost two month non-stop attempt to undermine the election results, based on no evidence,
everyone knows what the intents was.

Oh, and please stop with the whole "FBI investigated" line. It's getting old. They said no such thing. This alt-right media propaganda, repeated over and over.

At this point, it would be best for your side's cause, and your future credibility, if you just stood up and owned it. :)
So you lied.
I hope you have a loved one shot to fucking death in front of you. As they cry for help blood splurting at your face
If someone I cared about did something stupid like that, they'd kind of have it coming.

I feel bad for Ms. Babbitt because she seems like she was a damaged person. But if she hadn't gotten herself killed in the Capitol, it was only a matter of time.

And there you are, being yourself yet again. It's fun to hate dead women, isn't it. Almost as much fun as gunning them down yourself.
Well, I prefer my women alive, so there's that. And not Crazy. Or at least not that kind of crazy.
So you lied.
It was insurrection. Plain as day from the moment your savior telegraphed it coming, to when egged it on at the Ellipse, and then when he refused to do anything about it sitting in front of the tele at the White House....because he thought he was going to be re-installed as President.

Deal with it. Again, best just to own it at this point.
If someone I cared about did something stupid like that, they'd kind of have it coming.

I feel bad for Ms. Babbitt because she seems like she was a damaged person. But if she hadn't gotten herself killed in the Capitol, it was only a matter of time.

Well, I prefer my women alive, so there's that. And not Crazy. Or at least not that kind of crazy.
Why does Pelosi and S At Arms refuse to release the emails?. Because you know GD well why

From covid to 1/6.All your lies are exploding at once
And you just shoot unarmed people without question or ramifications.

If they are attempting to storm the Capitol, Damned straight.

Any other country would have shot dozens of these people, and then placed Trump and his cronies under arrest for orchestrating the thing.

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