Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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I support first trimester abortions. If you wait longer than that, you've waited to long and it is a human being. Only for the life or serious health of the mother at that point.
Teen pregnancy might be in decline. Teen pregnancy is not the only pregnancy that exists. Women well out of teen years get pregnant.

So are abortions in general.

Study Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post

Yes... that's because of a rise in the respect for soundly reasoned moral principle among young people. They're turning toward God. It's the best sign that our culture has a chance.

Oh really?

Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers Alternet
Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy.

That sound so reasonable.

Until one realizes that those woman who are extreme in their desire to not be pregnant can easily avoid becoming so, by not allowing a male to insert his penis into their vagina.

Science has proven the efficacy of that technique to be 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999~ effective. The consensus is IN and unlike the consensus of the Global Warming variety... THIS ONE is irrefutable.
It goes beyond just allowing a random man to insert his penis into their vagina. It's the man they choose. Why these women imagine that the guy with 15 children out of 14 women is going to stand by them is the epitome of stupidity.
Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
They don't pay for it and don't care what it costs. Make these unwilling mothers cough up the $1,500 and the number of abortions will drop like a rock.

Abortions are paid out of pocket. Government does not pay except in the case of rape. Hyde amendment 1997.

Just because the government fund PP does not mean they pay for abortions. Only around 5% of patients at PP get an abortion, and they have to pay for the procedure.
Teen pregnancy might be in decline. Teen pregnancy is not the only pregnancy that exists. Women well out of teen years get pregnant.

So are abortions in general.

Study Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post

Yes... that's because of a rise in the respect for soundly reasoned moral principle among young people. They're turning toward God. It's the best sign that our culture has a chance.

Oh really?

Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers Alternet
Organized religion isn't the only kind of morality there is.

From what I have seen, the development of the 4D ultrasound has done more to reduce the number of abortions than getting religion.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
They don't pay for it and don't care what it costs. Make these unwilling mothers cough up the $1,500 and the number of abortions will drop like a rock.

Abortions are paid out of pocket. Government does not pay except in the case of rape. Hyde amendment 1997.

Just because the government fund PP does not mean they pay for abortions. Only around 5% of patients at PP get an abortion, and they have to pay for the procedure.
Money is fungible. It cannot be segregated.
You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.

It has nothing to do with a god. It is a personal decision that a person makes about their own lives and bodies by people who don't want to be parents and probably should not be parents.
Then sterilize them.

Sterilize who? Everyone of child bearing years? Do you know ahead of time who is going to get pregnant?

The man?
Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy.

That sound so reasonable.

Until one realizes that those woman who are extreme in their desire to not be pregnant can easily avoid becoming so, by not allowing a male to insert his penis into their vagina.

Science has proven the efficacy of that technique to be 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999~ effective. The consensus is IN and unlike the consensus of the Global Warming variety... THIS ONE is irrefutable.
It goes beyond just allowing a random man to insert his penis into their vagina. It's the man they choose. Why these women imagine that the guy with 15 children out of 14 women is going to stand by them is the epitome of stupidity.

Yes... it's a wisdom thing. For the last few generations, the Left has taught children to disregard the advice of their parents and it's cost them and, by extension... it's cost the US Culture BIG TIME!

Again... it's EVIL and the consequences of evil are always the same: Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe and that's the US Resume since the end of the 1950s.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

WTF is this shiit?????

God damn dude comparing a tape worm to a fetus?

These liberal teachers now a days should be hanged.
That's what passes for education by planned parenthood. The goal is to teach that all pregnancies are tapeworms, tumors, parasites, etc that will never be human beings, and therefore every pregnancy must be aborted.

Well, that is how some women do view their unwanted pregnancies. Sad but true.

Chris, while you you claim that "some women" are calling babies "tapeworms, tumors, parasites", I have yet to find that coming from anyone other than the person you are defending here. Do you have a link to someone calling an unborn baby a tapeworm? Please post it here. I find your claim that "some women" are calling babies "tapeworms,tumors and parasites" to be worthy of question. Post a link, please.
Teen pregnancy might be in decline. Teen pregnancy is not the only pregnancy that exists. Women well out of teen years get pregnant.

So are abortions in general.

Study Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post

Yes... that's because of a rise in the respect for soundly reasoned moral principle among young people. They're turning toward God. It's the best sign that our culture has a chance.

Oh really?

Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers Alternet
Organized religion isn't the only kind of morality there is.

From what I have seen, the development of the 4D ultrasound has done more to reduce the number of abortions than getting religion.

God is the only religion there is and the only morality there is, is that which recognizes, respects, and adheres to the laws of God.

Beyond that, there's only failure in the process of happening.

God created the universe and God established the laws that govern the universe and everything in it.

I honestly do not know what all the fuss is regarding God, it's not like there's an option that allows one to avoid God. All there is, is recognizing, respecting and adhering to the laws of God and benefitting from having done so, OR... rejecting such and suffering the consequences for having done so.

But people love to pretend otherwise... . It's actually pretty funny if ya dial out the awful, tragic reality that comes with rejecting that which is otherwise obvious.
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This is not a parasite. This is not a tapeworm. This is not a tumor.


This is what a baby looks like after an abortion. It's called MURDER.
Teen pregnancy might be in decline. Teen pregnancy is not the only pregnancy that exists. Women well out of teen years get pregnant.

So are abortions in general.

Study Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post

Yes... that's because of a rise in the respect for soundly reasoned moral principle among young people. They're turning toward God. It's the best sign that our culture has a chance.

Oh really?

Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers Alternet
Organized religion isn't the only kind of morality there is.

From what I have seen, the development of the 4D ultrasound has done more to reduce the number of abortions than getting religion.

God is the only religion there is and the only morality there is, is that which recognizes, respects, and adheres to the laws of God.

Beyond that, there's only failure in the process of happening.

God created the universe and God established the laws that govern the universe and everything in it.

I honestly do not know what all the fuss is regarding God, it's not like there's an option that allows one to avoid God. All there is, is recognizing, respecting and adhering to the laws of God and benefitting from having done so, OR... rejecting such and suffering the consequences for having done so.

But people love to pretend otherwise... . It's actually pretty funny if ya dial out the awful, tragic reality that comes with rejecting that which is otherwise obvious.

People who are in rebellion against God and His Word do not like to be reminded of Him because it reminds them of the fact that they are headed for destruction. One single thought about their future and where they are headed (hell) ruins any present happiness they may have been enjoying. If it can keep them out of hell, they cannot be reminded often enough!
From what I have seen, the development of the 4D ultrasound has done more to reduce the number of abortions than getting religion.

Yes... of course. Because it sets the LIE that the Pre-born baby is a clump of inviable tissue into the light of truth.

God is truth. If you're wrapped in truth, you're wrapped in God and that is without regard to whether or not you want to admit it. Of course... if one can't admit it, one isn't wrapped in truth.
Your shocking picture is not what over 90% of abortions look like. The abortions I support are first trimester where it is not yet a baby, or for later term abortions performed by a hospital to save the life of a mother.

Chances are your grotesque picture is from a miscarriage or an abortion to save the life of the mother, in which case it is certainly not a picture of a murder.
From what I have seen, the development of the 4D ultrasound has done more to reduce the number of abortions than getting religion.

Yes... of course. Because it sets the LIE that the Pre-born baby is a clump of inviable tissue into the light of truth.

God is truth. If you're wrapped in truth, you're wrapped in God and that is without regard to whether or not you want to admit it. Of course... if one can't admit it, one isn't wrapped in truth.

Is a first trimester embryo a baby? How about before it starts to develop a brain very late in the first trimester? Is that a human being? Science says no it is not a human being yet.
Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own. Thread closed.
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