Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.
And what about those people who do not care to the point that they would abuse substances in the hopes of inducing an abortion? What about the times when they fail to induce an abortion (which happens oftentimes I'm sure), and the baby is born all fucked up and no one wants it? You cannot force a person to be pregnant against their will.
No you can't force someone to be pregnant against their will but you can make the alternatives so painful and draconian that these women voluntarily decide to excercise more control over their lives.

The only "people" you would be punishing are the unwanted children.

Stop foreign adoptions. Prevent couples from going to the third world for a child.
For generations women as a whole, have somehow been able to exercise control over their own destinies.

Only in the last 40 years have women developed the sexual capacity of potted plants that have no control over when they are fertilized. What happened?

And you know this how? Let's be realistic here, abortions were performed in the past, as well as adoptions and "sisters" or "brothers" who were actually a teenager's child. Things were kept a lot more quiet obviously in the past. I'm not saying that the "sexual revolution" of the 60s didn't have an effect on how we view sex today, but still, people have never been perfect. That is a myth. Also, you hear a lot more about it today because we talk about such things unlike in the past and because there are a lot more people in this country now.

Relatively speaking, it is a rare occurrence that effects less than 1% of the entire population of the US.
So we should make it easy for them to abort babies?

Abortion should only be performed in cases of incest. rape or when the life of the mother is in eminent danger. Not out of convenience.

That's not your decision to make for another person. You can apply that to your own self but nobody else.

So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Hold that life..........after birth. The woman should want to be a mother, not be forced.

Here's a novel idea. If you don't want to be a mother, don't engage in activities that may make you a mother.
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.

If you were at all familiar with forensics, you would know that they do a very good job at determining a person's appearance. That is how many are identified actually. Also, what relevance does that hold? The facts remain there is a dead little girl and no one seems to care about her.

Well its relevant because the media does a great job of sensationalizing things like this. Yes, there is a dead child and nobody cares, and that's quite sad. But nobody knows what she looked like. I don't understand why they put up her picture. The child in that image never existed. If you don't have a photo, don't make one.
That's not your decision to make for another person. You can apply that to your own self but nobody else.

So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Hold that life..........after birth. The woman should want to be a mother, not be forced.

Here's a novel idea. If you don't want to be a mother, don't engage in activities that may make you a mother.

That's great advice, but some people have issues, like I told you. We have a LOT of mental health problems in this country.
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.

If you were at all familiar with forensics, you would know that they do a very good job at determining a person's appearance. That is how many are identified actually. Also, what relevance does that hold? The facts remain there is a dead little girl and no one seems to care about her.

Well its relevant because the media does a great job of sensationalizing things like this. Yes, there is a dead child and nobody cares, and that's quite sad. But nobody knows what she looked like. I don't understand why they put up her picture. The child in that image never existed. If you don't have a photo, don't make one.

They do it to identify the person. Hello? It works too. It's worked time and time again. What's your problem?
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.

If you were at all familiar with forensics, you would know that they do a very good job at determining a person's appearance. That is how many are identified actually. Also, what relevance does that hold? The facts remain there is a dead little girl and no one seems to care about her.

Well its relevant because the media does a great job of sensationalizing things like this. Yes, there is a dead child and nobody cares, and that's quite sad. But nobody knows what she looked like. I don't understand why they put up her picture. The child in that image never existed. If you don't have a photo, don't make one.

Sensationalizing things like this? Are you for real?
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

Ah, so now the definition of life is breathing....so I guess there's no need to resuscitate somebody who's stopped breathing no matter how temporary since they're no longer alive. :rolleyes-41:
Yes, they sensationalize these things. Look at that child model murdered in 1996. Jonbent Ramsey. She only made the news because she was pretty. Kids are murdered all the time, why did her story make the news? Why does the media pick and chose?

It's the media I can't stand. Nothing against the little girl or her unfortunate demise. I hope whoever did that gets their head lopped off with a dull knife. Where is ISIS when you need them?
so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

WTF is this shiit?????

God damn dude comparing a tape worm to a fetus?

These liberal teachers now a days should be hanged.
That's what passes for education by planned parenthood. The goal is to teach that all pregnancies are tapeworms, tumors, parasites, etc that will never be human beings, and therefore every pregnancy must be aborted.

a fetus is a parasite feeding off the woman. It feeds and grows only because the woman lives. It cannot live on its own outside the body.
If the woman is not ready or able to be a loving mother, then the fetus is acting the same as a tapeworm. if the woman wants to be a mother she will get checkups, eat to sustain her body and that of the fetus growing inside her, she will take extra vitamins and drink extra calcium. She will exercise to keep her bones strong. She will stay away from harmful items like drugs. If she wants to give birth.
A woman should want the child, not be forced to carry and birth it.

While a fetus does certainly have some physiological characteristics in common with a parasite, it is certainly not a parasite. However, I agree that it should be up to the individual whether or not they want to carry and delivery a child.

Lol. Imagine all the abortions there would be if men were the ones who had to carry and delivery babies?

It attaches to the woman and feeds off the woman draining her of nourishment. If the woman does not want it, she should have the right to say she is not willing to share her body with it for nine months. It is her body after all.

It's a baby. Not an "it" and most certainly not a "tapeworm"....... it's a baby.

Have a look at this photograph. Does this look like a tapeworm to you?


Abortion is cold blooded murder.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.

It has nothing to do with a god. It is a personal decision that a person makes about their own lives and bodies by people who don't want to be parents and probably should not be parents.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

Ah, so now the definition of life is breathing....so I guess there's no need to resuscitate somebody who's stopped breathing no matter how temporary since they're no longer alive. :rolleyes-41:

Tapeworms do not grow up to be children.
For generations women as a whole, have somehow been able to exercise control over their own destinies.

Only in the last 40 years have women developed the sexual capacity of potted plants that have no control over when they are fertilized. What happened?

And you know this how? Let's be realistic here, abortions were performed in the past, as well as adoptions and "sisters" or "brothers" who were actually a teenager's child. Things were kept a lot more quiet obviously in the past. I'm not saying that the "sexual revolution" of the 60s didn't have an effect on how we view sex today, but still, people have never been perfect. That is a myth. Also, you hear a lot more about it today because we talk about such things unlike in the past and because there are a lot more people in this country now.

Relatively speaking, it is a rare occurrence that effects less than 1% of the entire population of the US.
How many abortions does planned parentood perform a year? That's just planned parenthood. There are thousands of abortions that pp has nothing to do with.

It doesn't matter that people weren't perfect in the past. The sheer volume of abortions today eclipse whatever imperfections existed in the past.

What happened in the last 40 years that so dramatically increased the necessity of abortion?
A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.

It has nothing to do with a god. It is a personal decision that a person makes about their own lives and bodies by people who don't want to be parents and probably should not be parents.

It's murder. Your conscience should be able to inform you of that fact. If it isn't, then you need God to wake it up, Chris!

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.

It has nothing to do with a god. It is a personal decision that a person makes about their own lives and bodies by people who don't want to be parents and probably should not be parents.
Then sterilize them.
Here is an interesting fact, which is just one reason why I am a pro choice person . . . Yes, sorry, I find this to be FAR more disturbing than a person deciding they wouldn't make a good parent and aborting the unborn fetus.


Who Are the Perpetrators?

No matter how the fatal abuse occurs, one fact of great concern is that the perpetrators are, by definition, individuals responsible for the care and supervision of their victims. In 2013, parents, acting alone or with another parent, were responsible for 78.9 percent of child abuse or neglect fatalities. More than one-quarter (27.7 percent) were perpetrated by the mother acting alone, 12.4 percent were perpetrated by the father acting alone, and 24.6 percent were perpetrated by the mother and father acting together. Nonparents (including kin and child care providers, among others) were responsible for 17.0 percent of child fatalities, and child fatalities with unknown perpetrator relationship data accounted for 4.2 percent of the total. There is no single profile of a perpetrator of fatal child abuse, although certain characteristics reappear in many studies. Frequently, the perpetrator is a young adult in his or her mid-20s, without a high school diploma, living at or below the poverty level, depressed, and who may have difficulty coping with stressful situations. Fathers and mothers’ boyfriends are most often the perpetrators in abuse deaths; mothers are more often at fault in neglect fatalities.21 2 Visit the National Center for the Review
so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

You need help. You need deliverance. You're demon possessed. Call on the LORD, Aris. Hell has no exits and you are perishing this very second. Others here are trying to tell you that your mind is not right. You need to listen. For your own good, you need to listen!

Please, put a lid on it, Jeri. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a REAL issue here. Take this crap to the religious forum please. :)

Intelligent? Is it intelligent to defend the murder of unborn children, Chris? Really? I find it to be moral insanity. Not intelligence. The truth is it is sheer stupidity to try and defend something so evil as abortion. You are not striving against people, Chris. You are striving against God Almighty. That isn't smart at all.

It has nothing to do with a god. It is a personal decision that a person makes about their own lives and bodies by people who don't want to be parents and probably should not be parents.
Then sterilize them.

Sterilize who? Everyone of child bearing years? Do you know ahead of time who is going to get pregnant?
Would this sterilization be just women, just men, or everyone of childbearing years?
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