Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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That's not your decision to make for another person. You can apply that to your own self but nobody else.

So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Right, and are these the people you think should be having children? Selfish people are nothing new. Like I said earlier, a lot of these women probably have issues other than just being pregnant too. You have no IDEA.

These people shouldn't be having sex. But we make it easy for them to not be held responsible for their actions. Get pregnant? No problem, just kill the baby. There are other options other than death of an innocent life.

Yes, and because of sex education and advances in birth control and more options, abortions and teen pregnancies have been on the decline.
A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.
I am not against abortion, but that is a very sad retort which ignores the sanctity of human life. If you disagree with that concept, simply say so.

Human life should be wanted and loved. Sanctity of human life? It is not even life till a month after birth in the bible. In our times it is not given a birth certificate or SS# till after birth.

No women should be forced to become a mother.

The Bible says you are known in the womb.

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Psalm 127:3-5

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Job 31:15

Did not he who made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb?

Jeremiah 20:17

Because he did not kill me in the womb; so my mother would have been my grave, and her womb forever great.

Luke 1:44

For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Well, a lot of people don't follow YOUR Bible. :rolleyes-41: That's something you need to understand.

Thanks be to the gods that we do NOT have to live in a theocracy. :talk2hand:

I responded to a comment about the Bible. Please do keep up.
Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. You cannot force your values or morals on them. Like I told you, a lot of these women probably have other problems besides being pregnant.
Those women have been educated to believe that abortion is a better answer to their problems than the hard job of developing better judgment.

By whom? You certainly don't give women much credit for being able to think for themselves, do you? Some people are lazy and selfish. This isn't something new.
Certainly these women cannot think for themselves. It's evident on its face. Did they decide to get pregnant when they did not want to be pregnant? No. It just happened to them. They had nothing to do with it at all. Like trees in the forest, it rained on them.

Some people are lazy and selfish. The man who kills a boy to get his $300.00 Nike shoes is lazy and selfish. He too has killed someone to satisfy his wants. We try to get people to be less lazy and selfish, not feed the need.

Says the person who carried a switch blade at 6 years old? :lol: So,one must assume you never had premarital sex?
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.
That's not your decision to make for another person. You can apply that to your own self but nobody else.

So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Right, and are these the people you think should be having children? Selfish people are nothing new. Like I said earlier, a lot of these women probably have issues other than just being pregnant too. You have no IDEA.

These people shouldn't be having sex. But we make it easy for them to not be held responsible for their actions. Get pregnant? No problem, just kill the baby. There are other options other than death of an innocent life.
As you can see right here, women are being told that people are like jellyfish, tapeworms, sharks.

Not only women. It's the clarion call. It's the foundational justification for murder across the board.
So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Right, and are these the people you think should be having children? Selfish people are nothing new. Like I said earlier, a lot of these women probably have issues other than just being pregnant too. You have no IDEA.

These people shouldn't be having sex. But we make it easy for them to not be held responsible for their actions. Get pregnant? No problem, just kill the baby. There are other options other than death of an innocent life.

Yes, and because of sex education and advances in birth control and more options, abortions and teen pregnancies have been on the decline.

Teen pregnancies haven't declined, teens giving birth have, because of abortions and abortifacients.
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.
For many years now, skulls can be reconstructed to determine exactly what the deceased looked like.
This little angelic-looking child was found dead in Boston a month or so ago. Still, no one has claimed her or reported her missing. I think some of these women are aware of the fact that they probably should NOT ever be parents.


Ok they made her look angelic. They have no idea what she looked like, she was nothing but skeletal remains.

If you were at all familiar with forensics, you would know that they do a very good job at determining a person's appearance. That is how many are identified actually. Also, what relevance does that hold? The facts remain there is a dead little girl and no one seems to care about her.
Yes, they come VERY close to what a person actually really looked like. For example . . . just with this drawing, you can see that the resemblance is uncanny of the artist's rendition and the actual person.

Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. You cannot force your values or morals on them. Like I told you, a lot of these women probably have other problems besides being pregnant.
Those women have been educated to believe that abortion is a better answer to their problems than the hard job of developing better judgment.

By whom? You certainly don't give women much credit for being able to think for themselves, do you? Some people are lazy and selfish. This isn't something new.
Certainly these women cannot think for themselves. It's evident on its face. Did they decide to get pregnant when they did not want to be pregnant? No. It just happened to them. They had nothing to do with it at all. Like trees in the forest, it rained on them.

Some people are lazy and selfish. The man who kills a boy to get his $300.00 Nike shoes is lazy and selfish. He too has killed someone to satisfy his wants. We try to get people to be less lazy and selfish, not feed the need.

Says the person who carried a switch blade at 6 years old? :lol: So,one must assume you never had premarital sex?
Oh my yes! Goodness. I had my first lover at 13. I just didn't get pregnant. I was married for more than two years before I got pregnant. I cared. It mattered to me. Nothing happened to me that I specifically did not intend. When you see these women in their 20s and 30s unintentionally getting pregnant for the third and fourth time, they don't care. It doesn't matter. They are sewers that anyone shits in.
Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. You cannot force your values or morals on them. Like I told you, a lot of these women probably have other problems besides being pregnant.
Those women have been educated to believe that abortion is a better answer to their problems than the hard job of developing better judgment.

By whom? You certainly don't give women much credit for being able to think for themselves, do you? Some people are lazy and selfish. This isn't something new.
Certainly these women cannot think for themselves. It's evident on its face. Did they decide to get pregnant when they did not want to be pregnant? No. It just happened to them. They had nothing to do with it at all. Like trees in the forest, it rained on them.

Some people are lazy and selfish. The man who kills a boy to get his $300.00 Nike shoes is lazy and selfish. He too has killed someone to satisfy his wants. We try to get people to be less lazy and selfish, not feed the need.

Says the person who carried a switch blade at 6 years old? :lol: So,one must assume you never had premarital sex?
Oh my yes! Goodness. I had my first lover at 13. I just didn't get pregnant. I was married for more than two years before I got pregnant. I cared. It mattered to me. Nothing happened to me that I specifically did not intend. When you see these women in their 20s and 30s unintentionally getting pregnant for the third and fourth time, they don't care. It doesn't matter. They are sewers that anyone shits in.

Well, you could have become pregnant. You didn't practice abstinence yourself, so you've really got no leg to stand on to demand that others do.
Why don't some men want to wear a condom? Your sperm are no less sacred than an egg, after all. It takes both of those things to create a baby. :)
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.
Why don't some men want to wear a condom? Your sperm are no less sacred than an egg, after all. It takes both of those things to create a baby. :)
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.

Why don't men? Why do men have sex with women of "questionable" character if such things are so important to them?
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

WTF is this shiit?????

God damn dude comparing a tape worm to a fetus?

These liberal teachers now a days should be hanged.
That's what passes for education by planned parenthood. The goal is to teach that all pregnancies are tapeworms, tumors, parasites, etc that will never be human beings, and therefore every pregnancy must be aborted.

a fetus is a parasite feeding off the woman. It feeds and grows only because the woman lives. It cannot live on its own outside the body.
If the woman is not ready or able to be a loving mother, then the fetus is acting the same as a tapeworm. if the woman wants to be a mother she will get checkups, eat to sustain her body and that of the fetus growing inside her, she will take extra vitamins and drink extra calcium. She will exercise to keep her bones strong. She will stay away from harmful items like drugs. If she wants to give birth.
A woman should want the child, not be forced to carry and birth it.
Why don't some men want to wear a condom? Your sperm are no less sacred than an egg, after all. It takes both of those things to create a baby. :)
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.

Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.

WTF is this shiit?????

God damn dude comparing a tape worm to a fetus?

These liberal teachers now a days should be hanged.
That's what passes for education by planned parenthood. The goal is to teach that all pregnancies are tapeworms, tumors, parasites, etc that will never be human beings, and therefore every pregnancy must be aborted.

a fetus is a parasite feeding off the woman. It feeds and grows only because the woman lives. It cannot live on its own outside the body.
If the woman is not ready or able to be a loving mother, then the fetus is acting the same as a tapeworm. if the woman wants to be a mother she will get checkups, eat to sustain her body and that of the fetus growing inside her, she will take extra vitamins and drink extra calcium. She will exercise to keep her bones strong. She will stay away from harmful items like drugs. If she wants to give birth.
A woman should want the child, not be forced to carry and birth it.

While a fetus does certainly have some physiological characteristics in common with a parasite, it is certainly not a parasite. However, I agree that it should be up to the individual whether or not they want to carry and delivery a child.

Lol. Imagine all the abortions there would be if men were the ones who had to carry and delivery babies?
Those women have been educated to believe that abortion is a better answer to their problems than the hard job of developing better judgment.

By whom? You certainly don't give women much credit for being able to think for themselves, do you? Some people are lazy and selfish. This isn't something new.
Certainly these women cannot think for themselves. It's evident on its face. Did they decide to get pregnant when they did not want to be pregnant? No. It just happened to them. They had nothing to do with it at all. Like trees in the forest, it rained on them.

Some people are lazy and selfish. The man who kills a boy to get his $300.00 Nike shoes is lazy and selfish. He too has killed someone to satisfy his wants. We try to get people to be less lazy and selfish, not feed the need.

Says the person who carried a switch blade at 6 years old? :lol: So,one must assume you never had premarital sex?
Oh my yes! Goodness. I had my first lover at 13. I just didn't get pregnant. I was married for more than two years before I got pregnant. I cared. It mattered to me. Nothing happened to me that I specifically did not intend. When you see these women in their 20s and 30s unintentionally getting pregnant for the third and fourth time, they don't care. It doesn't matter. They are sewers that anyone shits in.

Well, you could have become pregnant. You didn't practice abstinence yourself, so you've really got no leg to stand on to demand that others do.

I could have been hit by a bus too. But I look both ways before I cross the street. I could have dropped that knife and cut a toe off. I didn't. I knew how to handle a knife.

I never mentioned abstinence. You did. Why did you? Are you finding yourself in desperate need of a religious straw man to joust against?

The place abstinence has is, if women cannot learn to deal with sex in a self protective way, maybe they shouldn't have sex at all.
By whom? You certainly don't give women much credit for being able to think for themselves, do you? Some people are lazy and selfish. This isn't something new.
Certainly these women cannot think for themselves. It's evident on its face. Did they decide to get pregnant when they did not want to be pregnant? No. It just happened to them. They had nothing to do with it at all. Like trees in the forest, it rained on them.

Some people are lazy and selfish. The man who kills a boy to get his $300.00 Nike shoes is lazy and selfish. He too has killed someone to satisfy his wants. We try to get people to be less lazy and selfish, not feed the need.

Says the person who carried a switch blade at 6 years old? :lol: So,one must assume you never had premarital sex?
Oh my yes! Goodness. I had my first lover at 13. I just didn't get pregnant. I was married for more than two years before I got pregnant. I cared. It mattered to me. Nothing happened to me that I specifically did not intend. When you see these women in their 20s and 30s unintentionally getting pregnant for the third and fourth time, they don't care. It doesn't matter. They are sewers that anyone shits in.

Well, you could have become pregnant. You didn't practice abstinence yourself, so you've really got no leg to stand on to demand that others do.

I could have been hit by a bus too. But I look both ways before I cross the street. I could have dropped that knife and cut a toe off. I didn't. I knew how to handle a knife.

I never mentioned abstinence. You did. Why did you? Are you finding yourself in desperate need of a religious straw man to joust against?

The place abstinence has is, if women cannot learn to deal with sex in a self protective way, maybe they shouldn't have sex at all.

Well, there. You just mentioned abstinence, and you have also talked about it in the past. I'm not THAT much of a newbie.
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