Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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Did I ever say once what guys thought on this thread?

Chris nope I just posted what I thought through my life on the subject Chris.

You were posting as a representive for womanhood..

I never give a shit what my fellow guys think because half of them are fucking retarded.
Another crazy.

And there ya have it folks...

Evil cannot carry the argument... it cannot fight the truth. Thus it CONCEDES through its failure to sustain its deceitful point.

And THAT is all one truly needs to know, to KNOW what must be done.

It's a LIE... The ENTIRE Pro-ABORTION argument is a lie from Soup to Leftist.

Thus, it should simply be dismissed, the law should be adjusted to recognize THAT LIE, just as it is adjusted to recognize every other lie.

We do not allow anyone to murder their boss, spouse or anyone else, because it is an inconvenience and we should not allow a mother to murder her child because it is such.

To entertain any other perspective is simply and truly a means to promote EVIL.

Now will that "STOP ALL ABORTIONS"? Nope... of course not. No more so than law has "STOPPED ALL MURDERS".

But it sure as hell slows 'em down.
Well, since a woman's body is still her own, another person or people cannot force her to carry and deliver a child against her will, or to love and care for that unwanted child. That's the bottom line here. There are certainly some serious health risks associated with pregnancy. It is up to each woman whether or not she wishes to risk her health for this child. Women who will love their child, sacrifice for their child and be good parents would not have an abortion. That's all there is to it.
Did I ever say once what guys thought on this thread?

Chris nope I just posted what I thought through my life on the subject Chris.

You were posting as a representive for womanhood..

I never give a shit what my fellow guys think because half of them are fucking retarded.

No I'm not claiming to be a representative for anyone. I'm giving MY opinions on this subject matter.
Well, since a woman's body is still her own, another person or people cannot force her to carry and deliver a child against her will...

Well that's probably true.

I mean we have had no luck forcing people to not kill other people who were an inconvenience to them.

But we have had a fair amount of success in teaching people to make better choices with regard to who they associate with, thus with regard to whom they allow to inconvenience them and to raise their threshold on killing the inconvenient... and we've done that be drawing a hard cultural line on PUNISHMENT for those with a low threshold... .

I expect that the first few women who get tossed onto that stainless steel table... and get that needle shoved into them that renders them unto DEATH for having murdered their poor choice, will have a similar effect.

Odds are, that THAT will inspire parents to teach their daughters to make good decisions with regard to with whom, when and where they join with another. And inspire more fathers to draw a hard line on those who con their daughters into such.

What you're arguing for is for our culture to continue to promote promiscuity, and impotently stand by to weep and gnash our collective tooth... as evil takes it toll on our means to sustain a viable nation.

And the simple fact is that we're quickly coming to recognize the reality that we don't have a choice.

If we stay with YOU, our nation will fail... and we're right on the cusp of that.
Well, since a woman's body is still her own, another person or people cannot force her to carry and deliver a child against her will...

Well that's probably true.

I mean we have had no luck forcing people to not kill other people who were an inconvenience to them.

But we have had a fair amount of success in teaching people to make better choices with regard to who they allow to associate with, thus with regard to whom they allow to inconvenience them and to raise their threshold on killing the inconvenient... and we've done that be drawing a hard cultural line on PUNISHMENT for those with a low threshold... .

I expect that the first few women who get tossed onto that stainless steel table... and get that needle shoved into them that renders them unto DEATH for having murdered their poor choice, will have a similar effect.

Odds are, that THAT will inspire parents to teach their daughters to make good decisions with regard to with whom, when and where they join with another. And inspire more fathers to draw a hard line on those who con their daughters into such.

What you're arguing for is for our culture to continue to promote promiscuity, and impotently stand by to weep and gnash our collective tooth... as evil takes it toll on our means to sustain a viable nation.

And the simple fact is that we're quickly coming to recognize the reality that we don't have a choice.

If we stay with YOU, our nation will fail... and we're right on the cusp of that.

I've got no problem with educating people, but when it comes right down to it, it is the woman's personal decision. Some people don't have the luxury of having good childhoods, etc. Some people have mental illness. Some people have alcohol or drug addiction issues. Some people might be scared to risk their health. Some people make bad decisions. And just because a person is "pro choice", that does NOT mean that the person necessarily "agrees" with abortion. I try to look at things on a realistic and logical basis is all.
If we were to go strictly by statistical data, abortion is relatively rare occurrence here in America. Less than 1% of people are having "elective" abortions.
I've got no problem with educating people, but when it comes right down to it, it is the woman's personal decision.

On THAT we agree... The Woman has the power to murder her child.

What we're discussing here, is if the use of that power is morally sound.

You are arguing that morality is irrelevant. I am telling you that there is no means for a culture to remain viable, where it dismisses such.

You need to contest that, you simply have no means to understand that your position is indefensible.
If we were to go strictly by statistical data, abortion is relatively rare occurrence here in America. Less than 1% of people are having "elective" abortions.

Murder is "Relatively" rare... always has been. That doesn't mean that we promote it by claiming that 'it happens' and set up a court case so the Supreme Legislature can deem it a RIGHT.
I've got no problem with educating people, but when it comes right down to it, it is the woman's personal decision.

On THAT we agree... The Woman has the power to murder her child.

What we're discussing here, is if the use of that power is morally sound.

You are arguing that morality is irrelevant. I am telling you that there is no means for a culture to remain viable, where it dismisses such.

You need to contest that, you simply have no means to understand that your position is indefensible.

It is irrelevant since not everyone shares your views. You cannot force women to be pregnant and deliver a child against their will. Obviously they do NOT share your views.
All you can do is educate people. You cannot force your morality onto another person. This is a FREE country, and a woman's body still belongs to her regardless of whether or not you like it, like her reasons, or like her.
And how many of you are against birth control and sex ed being taught in school? You want to leave it up to the parents? Well, keep in mind, there are some TERRIBLE parents out there.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.
I've got no problem with educating people, but when it comes right down to it, it is the woman's personal decision.

On THAT we agree... The Woman has the power to murder her child.

What we're discussing here, is if the use of that power is morally sound.

You are arguing that morality is irrelevant. I am telling you that there is no means for a culture to remain viable, where it dismisses such.

You need to contest that, you simply have no means to understand that your position is indefensible.

It is irrelevant since not everyone shares your views. You cannot force women to be pregnant and deliver a child against their will. Obviously they do NOT share your views.


Yes... some people think that it's ok to murder.

They represent "THE PROBLEM".

We don't have to agree on the placement every crossed T and dotted I to agree that making choices that "FORCE" one to murder someone is a "CHOICE" problem... .

What you don't seem capable of understanding is, that it's pretty hard to sustain a culture when people find it acceptable to make poor choices and murder those who come to be deemed inconvenient as a result of those poor choices. As the thresholds of 'who' and 'what' tend to expand pretty quickly. We're seeing that throughout the culture now.
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

Not alive you say, so that is a dead thing growing in her womb.

Interesting, since it takes life to create life.

Both the egg and the sperm are alive and when joined create a new life with it's own DNA, but it is none the less still alive.

Not very intelligent are you??
Fetal brain is not developed enough to even think at that stage. It is not life till after birth.
The mother can do what she wants with her body, including not becoming a mother till she is ready.

A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical.

Is a Tapeworm Human Life? How about Cancer? Bacteria? Virus? Bears, Leech, Jelly Fish? Vegetables?

You people are HELPLESS!
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