Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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If you want to force these women to have all of these million babies per year, then you'd better be prepared to support them too. Support their entitled "thug" arses while they are out committing crimes because nobody loves them.
A single celled organism is life.If we found the above on mars it would be a huge day for humanity.

so anyone that has a tapeworm or cancer should be forced to leave them because they are growing and dividing organisms? Bacteria? Virus? We should not remove a leech or jellyfish? How about a shark or a bear if they take a bit of a leg? No more meat? We should not kill them? I guess we can't kill ants and flies. We should let them eat first? Even vegetable are living, so we should not eat them? No water as there might be organisms?

A fetus is feeding off the woman. If she does not want to be the meal, home and plumbing system for the fetus and be stretched out of shape and then go through labor as the end, then she should have to be forced by others to keep the fetus.
I am not against abortion, but that is a very sad retort which ignores the sanctity of human life. If you disagree with that concept, simply say so.
This is the kind of stuff the pro-choicers do in this debate that is so dishonest and nasty.

Comparing a fetus with a tapeworm, cancer, bacteria, virus, leech, jellyfish. Wow.

And yeah, I'm pro-choice too. But these people really have trouble with intellectual honesty.
Mac, this is the first time I have ever heard of this angle.

I used to be pro choice when young

Pro life when I had kids....

At 50 it don't concern me anymore.

But this angle is crazy.
What do mean by it doesn't concern you?

The murder of millions of unborn babies should concern you.

IT DOESN'T CONCERN ME if my daughter has an a abortion....

I gave her a chance now she would have to decide to keep the baby or kill it if she became pregnant...

You think I would love my 18 year old daughter any less?
If I believed that women were somehow forced or coerced into having an abortion, I would totally agree but do you think that women who want to have a baby would be convinced otherwise? There are more abortions now because there are more PEOPLE now. A lot of people have some serious issues. That is the reality of the situation.

It's not even a debatable point. Planned Parenthood is all BUT strong arming women to abort their children.

There are videos of women going into Planned Parenthood for 'counseling', wherein the 'counselors' spend HOURS PROMOTING ABORTION.

They're not there to provide women with ANY alternative EXCEPT to murder their children.

And with the recent videos, we now know WHY!

This is EVIL... that is ALL it is. And those women who 'have ALWAYS had abortions', have ALWAYS done so as a consequence of their having made POOR CHOICES; which is to say as a consequence of EVIL.

There's NOTHING complex about any of this... . The US has succumbed to the inviable notions common to Left-think. "SEX is all about having FUN". Which promotes the idea that the human biological imperative is something that we can just ignore and just use the process of such, as a means to entertain each other.

All of which stems from the idea that RESPONSIBILITY is something YOUR PARENTS WORRIED ABOUT!

It's a lie...

And LIES are the sole STOCK IN TRADE, of: EVIL!
If I believed that women were somehow forced or coerced into having an abortion, I would totally agree but do you think that women who want to have a baby would be convinced otherwise? There are more abortions now because there are more PEOPLE now. A lot of people have some serious issues. That is the reality of the situation.

It's not even a debatable point. Planned Parenthood is all BUT strong arming women to abort their children.

There are videos of women going into Planned Parenthood for 'counseling', wherein the 'counselors' spend HOURS PROMOTING ABORTION.

They're not there to provide women with ANY alternative EXCEPT to murder their children.

And with the recent videos, we now know WHY!

This is EVIL... that is ALL it is. And those women who 'have ALWAYS had abortions', have ALWAYS done so as a consequence of their having made POOR CHOICES; which is to say as a consequence of EVIL.

There's NOTHING complex about any of this... . The US has succumbed to the inviable notions common to Left-think. "SEX is all about having FUN". Which promotes the idea that the human biological imperative is something that we can just ignore and just use the process of such, as a means to entertain each other.

All of which stems from the idea that RESPONSIBILITY is something YOUR PARENTS WORRIED ABOUT!

It's a lie...

And LIES are the sole STOCK IN TRADE, of: EVIL!

Yes, I know, evil, evil, evil. Well, whatcha gonna do? Should these "evil" people be having babies? Wouldn't that make their babies the "spawn" of evil?
If you want to force these women to have all of these million babies per year, then you'd better be prepared to support them too. Support their entitled "thug" arses while they are out committing crimes because nobody loves them.

Chris you are playing Muhammad allie and ducking and weaving around my question...

Again what happened and young girls now a days think a fetus is like a tape worm?

It was never like that.
If you want to force these women to have all of these million babies per year, then you'd better be prepared to support them too. Support their entitled "thug" arses while they are out committing crimes because nobody loves them.

Chris you are playing Muhammad allie and ducking and weaving around my question...

Again what happened and young girls now a days think a fetus is like a tape worm?

It was never like that.

I can't say what people "think". I told you that I've read women say such things on other forums though. I would tell you and you could go read, but I'm not allowed to mention the names of other forums here, I don't think. ;) I just think that if a person does view their unborn child as such, then they probably really have no business being a parent at all.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.
Sociologically, women today are conditioned not to care about their children. They are encouraged to embrace their own freedom, take drugs instead, spread that pussy around.

Sterilize these women. Then we have nothing to worry about.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.

Ok I will go find out for myself, I always thought you were a young 20 something smart girl with a bunch of liberal girlfriends, never bothered to check your profile...

Note Chris....I was never picking on you in this thread, I was just curious from a woman's point of view.
Sociologically, women today are conditioned not to care about their children. They are encouraged to embrace their own freedom, take drugs instead, spread that pussy around.

Sterilize these women. Then we have nothing to worry about.

Well, you can't force sterilization on people either. Some of these people are young people who aren't grown up yet, let's not forget. Are you willing to sterilize a bunch of 16 year old girls and boys? And why do you always blame the women? Do the men hold no responsibility in pregnancy? Of course they do. They have the same options as any female. :)
If I believed that women were somehow forced or coerced into having an abortion, I would totally agree but do you think that women who want to have a baby would be convinced otherwise? There are more abortions now because there are more PEOPLE now. A lot of people have some serious issues. That is the reality of the situation.

It's not even a debatable point. Planned Parenthood is all BUT strong arming women to abort their children.

There are videos of women going into Planned Parenthood for 'counseling', wherein the 'counselors' spend HOURS PROMOTING ABORTION.

They're not there to provide women with ANY alternative EXCEPT to murder their children.

And with the recent videos, we now know WHY!

This is EVIL... that is ALL it is. And those women who 'have ALWAYS had abortions', have ALWAYS done so as a consequence of their having made POOR CHOICES; which is to say as a consequence of EVIL.

There's NOTHING complex about any of this... . The US has succumbed to the inviable notions common to Left-think. "SEX is all about having FUN". Which promotes the idea that the human biological imperative is something that we can just ignore and just use the process of such, as a means to entertain each other.

All of which stems from the idea that RESPONSIBILITY is something YOUR PARENTS WORRIED ABOUT!

It's a lie...

And LIES are the sole STOCK IN TRADE, of: EVIL!

Yes, I know, evil, evil, evil. Well, whatcha gonna do? Should these "evil" people be having babies? Wouldn't that make their babies the "spawn" of evil?

Oh... now how cool is THAT?

I say it HERE and it comes out ^THERE^.

Notice how "Evil" is simply dismissed, wherein the would-be respondent merely dismisses such... . As if to say that "Evil" is a myth; a concept which doesn't exist except in the narrow mind.

In fact, "These People" ARE 'Having BABIES' and they're CHOOSING TO MURDER THEIR BABIES.

That's fuckin' EVIL. And when "WE THE PEOPLE" allow the process to be carried out in the light of day... we PROMOTE THE IDEA THAT EVIL IS "OK"! That EVIL is an acceptable CHOICE, which is to say that "WE" PROMOTE EVIL.

EVIL is DESTRUCTION... it is DECEIT, which renders the purveyors of such into chaos, calamity and catastrophe.

Now ChrisL, would have you believe that EVIL is simply UNAVOIDABLE.

Now... That is DECEIT.

What's that tell you about ChrisL and her purpose?

Woman are, in fact, ENTITLED TO CHOOSE.

Woman bear the burden of the Human Biological Imperative... thus the woman is provided with the RIGHT TO CHOOSE with whom, when and where she will allow into her body, when she JOINS WITH another body through the physical process designed FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE THAN PROCREATION; which is to say the CONCEPTION OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING.

However, ONCE SHE CHOOSES to join with another, THE CHOICE IS MADE. She does NOT have a right to murder the consequence of HER CHOICE!

And THAT is truly all there is to this... .


See how easy this is?
Sociologically, women today are conditioned not to care about their children. They are encouraged to embrace their own freedom, take drugs instead, spread that pussy around.

Sterilize these women. Then we have nothing to worry about.

You are crazy.
If I believed that women were somehow forced or coerced into having an abortion, I would totally agree but do you think that women who want to have a baby would be convinced otherwise? There are more abortions now because there are more PEOPLE now. A lot of people have some serious issues. That is the reality of the situation.

It's not even a debatable point. Planned Parenthood is all BUT strong arming women to abort their children.

There are videos of women going into Planned Parenthood for 'counseling', wherein the 'counselors' spend HOURS PROMOTING ABORTION.

They're not there to provide women with ANY alternative EXCEPT to murder their children.

And with the recent videos, we now know WHY!

This is EVIL... that is ALL it is. And those women who 'have ALWAYS had abortions', have ALWAYS done so as a consequence of their having made POOR CHOICES; which is to say as a consequence of EVIL.

There's NOTHING complex about any of this... . The US has succumbed to the inviable notions common to Left-think. "SEX is all about having FUN". Which promotes the idea that the human biological imperative is something that we can just ignore and just use the process of such, as a means to entertain each other.

All of which stems from the idea that RESPONSIBILITY is something YOUR PARENTS WORRIED ABOUT!

It's a lie...

And LIES are the sole STOCK IN TRADE, of: EVIL!

Yes, I know, evil, evil, evil. Well, whatcha gonna do? Should these "evil" people be having babies? Wouldn't that make their babies the "spawn" of evil?

Oh... now how cool is THAT?

I say it HERE and it comes out ^THERE^.

Notice how "Evil" is simply dismissed, wherein the would-be respondent merely dismisses such... . As if to say that "Evil" is a myth; a concept which doesn't exist except in the narrow mind.

In fact, "These People" ARE 'Having BABIES' and they're CHOOSING TO MURDER THEIR BABIES.

That's fuckin' EVIL. And when "WE THE PEOPLE" allow the process to be carried out in the light of day... we PROMOTE THE IDEA THAT EVIL IS "OK"! That EVIL is an acceptable CHOICE, which is to say that "WE" PROMOTE EVIL.

EVIL is DESTRUCTION... it is DECEIT, which renders the purveyors of such into chaos, calamity and catastrophe.

Now ChrisL, would have you believe that EVIL is simply UNAVOIDABLE.

Now... That is DECEIT.

What's that tell you about ChrisL and her purpose?

Woman are, in fact, ENTITLED TO CHOOSE.

Woman bear the burden of the Human Biological Imperative... thus the woman is provided with the RIGH TTO CHOOSE with whom, when and where she will allow into her body, when she JOINS WITH another body through the physical process designed FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE THAN PROCREATION; which is to say the CONCEPTION OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING.

However, ONCE SHE CHOOSES to join with another, THE CHOICE IS MADE. She does NOT have a right to murder the consequence of HER CHOICE!

And THAT is truly all there is to this... .


See how easy this is?

Another crazy. BTW, tard, men can also choose.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.

Ok I will go find out for myself, I always thought you were a young 20 something smart girl with a bunch of liberal girlfriends, never bothered to check your profile...

Note Chris....I was never picking on you in this thread, I was just curious from a woman's point of view.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You've lost me. I told you MY point of view. I can't speak for other people.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.

Ok I will go find out for myself, I always thought you were a young 20 something smart girl with a bunch of liberal girlfriends, never bothered to check your profile...

Note Chris....I was never picking on you in this thread, I was just curious from a woman's point of view.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You've lost me. I told you MY point of view. I can't speak for other people.

But you did on this thread, that's what got me interested in your posts.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.

Ok I will go find out for myself, I always thought you were a young 20 something smart girl with a bunch of liberal girlfriends, never bothered to check your profile...

Note Chris....I was never picking on you in this thread, I was just curious from a woman's point of view.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You've lost me. I told you MY point of view. I can't speak for other people.

But you did on this thread, that's what got me interested in your posts.

I said I've read other posts on other forums. That's all. Yes, I've read posts where women compare a pregnancy to a disease. Whether they are being serious or not, I cannot say.
People who want to have a family and would be good parents are not the ones getting abortions.

Ok I will go find out for myself, I always thought you were a young 20 something smart girl with a bunch of liberal girlfriends, never bothered to check your profile...

Note Chris....I was never picking on you in this thread, I was just curious from a woman's point of view.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You've lost me. I told you MY point of view. I can't speak for other people.

But you did on this thread, that's what got me interested in your posts.

I don't personally know anyone who said to me that they thought of their pregnancy as a disease and because of that, had an abortion. As a matter of fact, I don't even think I know anyone who had an abortion. I do know a girl who got pregnant at about 15 and gave the baby up for adoption though.
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