Fuck, My Mom Is Going To Kill Me

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Why don't some men want to wear a condom? Your sperm are no less sacred than an egg, after all. It takes both of those things to create a baby. :)
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.

Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
Wow did you just justify killing an unborn child because they MIGHT be harmed later in life? Wow. Well mine as well abort them all, because all are at risk.
Wow did you just justify killing an unborn child because they MIGHT be harmed later in life? Wow. Well mine as well abort them all, because all are at risk.

It's a personal decision. I think a potential parent knows best if he or she is cut out for parenting. Not some strangers. If a woman decides she can't be a parent or be pregnant, that is her own decision.
Chris, your defense of abortion and the person calling babies "tape worms" is indefensible. You will one day answer to the LORD for your words. We all must give an account for every idle word we have spoken and that would include all the evil that is defended by the words we speak. With that in mind, think about eternity in hell and ask yourself, Is it worth it? If not? Quit now and spend your time defending life instead of doing your best to destroy it. Be a friend of God's - not His enemy.
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.

Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.

I agree. I would think that people using abortion as a method of birth control would be very, very rare.
Why don't women insist on a condom? They don't. They pretend to be transported by the passion of the moment. Some women are even more deluded than that. Every time they spread thier legs it's true love and he will be there forever.

Pussy power is phenomenal. It can make men do a hell of a lot. It just can't make them hang around.

Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
They don't pay for it and don't care what it costs. Make these unwilling mothers cough up the $1,500 and the number of abortions will drop like a rock.
That's not your decision to make for another person. You can apply that to your own self but nobody else.

So we shouldn't be concerned with an innocent life unless it's our own?

Why do we have a court system? Why do we have trials? Why do we have doctors? Why do we have any type of laws?

We do concern ourselves with other people lives, you see it in every day life.

Who will be the voice for the most vulnerable?

Are you one of those that believes an unborn child should have no right to life?

I believe that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her own body should be left up to her, not some strangers who don't know her, her situation, etc.

But when that woman holds another human being shouldn't that human being also have a right?

What situation? She goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregnant with absolutely no responsibility. Selfish disregard for a life other than her own. And society makes it easy.

Hold that life..........after birth. The woman should want to be a mother, not be forced.

Here's a novel idea. If you don't want to be a mother, don't engage in activities that may make you a mother.

Sex is a healthy part of being human. Tell men not to have sex instead or make them take birth control.
Maybe men should only have sex while a woman is having her period.
Chris, your defense of abortion and the person calling babies "tape worms" is indefensible. You will one day answer to the LORD for your words. We all must give an account for every idle word we have spoken and that would include all the evil that is defended by the words we speak. With that in mind, think about eternity in hell and ask yourself, Is it worth it? If not? Quit now and spend your time defending life instead of doing your best to destroy it. Be a friend of God's - not His enemy.

Well, perhaps you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills as I did not say that a baby was a tape worm. I said just the opposite, in fact. Get your facts straight lady.
Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
They don't pay for it and don't care what it costs. Make these unwilling mothers cough up the $1,500 and the number of abortions will drop like a rock.

Yes they do pay for it. There is no federal funding for abortion. I have posted before where the Obamacare plan does not provide "elective" abortion coverage to women. It only will cover abortion for cases of rape, incest or health of mom.
Some people have problems and issues. Both men and women.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.

I agree. I would think that people using abortion as a method of birth control would be very, very rare.
Oh. You are just naive.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.
They don't pay for it and don't care what it costs. Make these unwilling mothers cough up the $1,500 and the number of abortions will drop like a rock.

Yes they do pay for it. There is no federal funding for abortion. I have posted before where the Obamacare plan does not provide "elective" abortion coverage to women. It only will cover abortion for cases of rape, incest or health of mom.
Money is fungible and cannot be segregated. Stop all funding for pp. See how that goes.
Sterilize them.

Are you really this ignorant? You want to give the government control over who should and should not have children? Good geebus, that is one of the stupidest things ever.
Well, these women have already decided not to have children. Their method is continual abortion. Sterilization is just helping them realize their goals.

At $1500 an abortion, out of pocket, that is hardly a rational birth control method, beside the invasion of the body.

"Lets not use birth control, I have a desire to spend $1500 and have someone prodding around inside my womb in a few weeks"

No woman wants to have an abortion as a replacement for birth control. They have an abortion when being a mother is not an option for them.

I agree. I would think that people using abortion as a method of birth control would be very, very rare.
Oh. You are just naive.

No, I'm not. Most people are not using abortion as a method of birth control. This is just more of your paranoid fear mongering. Also, consider the FACT that the amount of abortions and teen pregnancies are dropping, and NOT rising. Your sky is falling scenario fails on so many levels.
Teen pregnancy might be in decline. Teen pregnancy is not the only pregnancy that exists. Women well out of teen years get pregnant.
For generations women as a whole, have somehow been able to exercise control over their own destinies.

Only in the last 40 years have women developed the sexual capacity of potted plants that have no control over when they are fertilized. What happened?

And you know this how? Let's be realistic here, abortions were performed in the past, as well as adoptions and "sisters" or "brothers" who were actually a teenager's child. Things were kept a lot more quiet obviously in the past. I'm not saying that the "sexual revolution" of the 60s didn't have an effect on how we view sex today, but still, people have never been perfect. That is a myth. Also, you hear a lot more about it today because we talk about such things unlike in the past and because there are a lot more people in this country now.

Relatively speaking, it is a rare occurrence that effects less than 1% of the entire population of the US.
How many abortions does planned parentood perform a year? That's just planned parenthood. There are thousands of abortions that pp has nothing to do with.

It doesn't matter that people weren't perfect in the past. The sheer volume of abortions today eclipse whatever imperfections existed in the past.

What happened in the last 40 years that so dramatically increased the necessity of abortion?

95% of the patients are not there for abortion.

Education, birth control, prenatal, STD or other infections, cancer screening, other test and exams...................
Chris, your defense of abortion and the person calling babies "tape worms" is indefensible. You will one day answer to the LORD for your words. We all must give an account for every idle word we have spoken and that would include all the evil that is defended by the words we speak. With that in mind, think about eternity in hell and ask yourself, Is it worth it? If not? Quit now and spend your time defending life instead of doing your best to destroy it. Be a friend of God's - not His enemy.

Well, perhaps you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills as I did not say that a baby was a tape worm. I said just the opposite, in fact. Get your facts straight lady.

I do have my facts right. You defended the person who referred to babies as tapeworms, Chris. That is what I said. Read it again.

I said your defense of abortion and the person (Aris2Chat) calling babies "tapeworms" is indefensible. It is.

The only point you've made on this thread, Chris, is that you have no point. Nor do you have a conscience. It is seared as if by a hot iron. It is what the LORD calls a "reprobate mind". You have a "reprobate mind" and you are perishing. That is what I see and I'm not going to lie to you about it. You're in big trouble. I wouldn't waste any more time. I'd go to the LORD today and repent of my sins and get right with Him before it is too late. Today is the day of Salvation. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. It is taking souls to hell every single day. Every single day.
Well, the fact of the matter is, some women don't want to be pregnant and are going to take extreme measures to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy.

That sounds so reasonable, until one realizes that those woman who are extreme in their desire to not be pregnant can easily avoid becoming so, by not allowing a male to insert his penis into their vagina.

Science has proven the efficacy of that technique to be 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999~ effective. The consensus is IN and unlike the consensus of the Global Warming variety... THIS ONE is irrefutable.
Sex is a healthy part of being human. Tell men not to have sex instead or make them take birth control.
Maybe men should only have sex while a woman is having her period.

This feminazi wants to blame murdering her baby on the "THE MAN" because she's either too lazy or forgetful to take her birth-control. I bet she's got a skeleton in her closet having a pissing match with her guilty conscience. What most of these selfish little freaks don't realize is a good number of PP physicians make sure their patient won't ever get pregnant again...
For generations women as a whole, have somehow been able to exercise control over their own destinies.

Only in the last 40 years have women developed the sexual capacity of potted plants that have no control over when they are fertilized. What happened?

And you know this how? Let's be realistic here, abortions were performed in the past, as well as adoptions and "sisters" or "brothers" who were actually a teenager's child. Things were kept a lot more quiet obviously in the past. I'm not saying that the "sexual revolution" of the 60s didn't have an effect on how we view sex today, but still, people have never been perfect. That is a myth. Also, you hear a lot more about it today because we talk about such things unlike in the past and because there are a lot more people in this country now.

Relatively speaking, it is a rare occurrence that effects less than 1% of the entire population of the US.
How many abortions does planned parentood perform a year? That's just planned parenthood. There are thousands of abortions that pp has nothing to do with.

It doesn't matter that people weren't perfect in the past. The sheer volume of abortions today eclipse whatever imperfections existed in the past.

What happened in the last 40 years that so dramatically increased the necessity of abortion?

95% of the patients are not there for abortion.

Education, birth control, prenatal, STD or other infections, cancer screening, other test and exams...................
Uh huh. Then it shouldn't hurt pp at all to stop providing abortion services to keep funding will it?
Chris, your defense of abortion and the person calling babies "tape worms" is indefensible. You will one day answer to the LORD for your words. We all must give an account for every idle word we have spoken and that would include all the evil that is defended by the words we speak. With that in mind, think about eternity in hell and ask yourself, Is it worth it? If not? Quit now and spend your time defending life instead of doing your best to destroy it. Be a friend of God's - not His enemy.

Well, perhaps you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills as I did not say that a baby was a tape worm. I said just the opposite, in fact. Get your facts straight lady.

I do have my facts right. You defended the person who referred to babies as tapeworms, Chris. That is what I said. Read it again.

I said your defense of abortion and the person (Aris2Chat) calling babies "tapeworms" is indefensible. It is.

The only point you've made on this thread, Chris, is that you have no point. Nor do you have a conscience.

No I did not. Put your glasses on. I said while a fetus shares some of the characteristics of a tape worm, it is certainly NOT a tape worm. Now, stop being dishonest. I'm sure your god would not approve.
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