Fuel Shortage Coming?

Give me the month we did in import any oil.
Nice Rope A Dope there Gator.

We import and Export because idiotic people in Europe pay out the ass for our gas. We import it cheap and laugh at the Green Freaks in Europe paying more.

Under Trump we finally produced more than we used...........Then the Shutdown forced into Negative..........YES NEGATIVE costs on Oil. Meaning you had to PAY TO STORE IT.

At the refinery I worked it was a dang GHOST TOWN. So quite that it reminded you after a Hurricane.

We put in chillers to cool storage oils and gases because they weren't being sold. Diesel being the only real thing going out. This destroyed small frackers. And now the Globalist like Biden are finishing it off to give us increased prices and lower oil production and loss of jobs.

Just what leftist do.......DESTROY SHIT......They are VERY GOOD AT IT. This is no exception.

The chart in this link is not the same chart that you displayed in post #9. The #9 chart indicates a drop in production prior to Dec 2019 when the Coronavirus hit. This new one indicates a correlation between the oil production drop and the pandemic, which is understandable.

Why did you post that chart in post #9 if it wasn't to take a shot at Trump? What was your point if that was not the case?
The chart in this link is not the same chart that you displayed in post #9. The #9 chart indicates a drop in production prior to Dec 2019 when the Coronavirus hit. This new one indicates a correlation between the oil production drop and the pandemic, which is understandable.

Why did you post that chart in post #9 if it wasn't to take a shot at Trump? What was your point if that was not the case?
Rope A Dope to attack Trump with word games and misleading graphs.

There is NO OIL SHORTAGE here. WE are at full production. The supply chain is having trouble getting it to places because peeps don't all want to work anymore. Hell they are paying $500 sign on bonuses here to flip burgers.

This is what tyrannical socialist idiots do.
The chart in this link is not the same chart that you displayed in post #9. The #9 chart indicates a drop in production prior to Dec 2019 when the Coronavirus hit. This new one indicates a correlation between the oil production drop and the pandemic, which is understandable.

Why did you post that chart in post #9 if it wasn't to take a shot at Trump? What was your point if that was not the case?

click on the part of the chart that says "5 Years" and you will see the chart I posted in number 9. Shocking I have to teach people how to use the internet in this day and age
click on the part of the chart that says "5 Years" and you will see the chart I posted in number 9. Shocking I have to teach people how to use the internet in this day and age

Maybe you should have posted the original chart, hmm? Why didn't you? Do you not think that the 5-year chart shows a break between the beginning of the oil production downturn and the beginning of the pandemic? Which kind of lends itself to wondering why that is; was there a steep decline in oil production earlier in 2019, as the 5-year graph shows? I don't think so.

Now tell me how you determined that the oil companies slashed production because they weren't making enough profit, as you stated earlier.

Oh, and let me ask again: why'd you post the graph in post #9 if it wasn't to take a shot at Trump?
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Apparently it's already happening, and it's starting with diesel. This wouldn't concerning until you realize that other fuels as well as everything else comes by way of diesel trucks.

Columbus, OH — Two major truck stop chains are currently reporting diesel outages and fuel shortages at some locations.

"According to an email notice sent to customers late Thursday afternoon, Pilot-Flying J (PFJ) informed that four of its stores in the Columbus, OH, area are “facing extremely tight diesel supply conditions.”

Major Truck Stop Chains Reporting Diesel Outages, Capping Fuel Purchases

"Circleville is one of four Pilot Travel Centers feeling the shortage. Stations in Sunbury, Columbus, and Hebron join Circleville on the list of stations without diesel fuel."

Pilot Travel Centers out of diesel fuel in select central Ohio locations
I think sometimes people get confused by the term "supply chain" issues.

Authors of articles LOVE using that phrase for any shortage of a product, right now. And corporations love the term, as it seems to ostensibly place blame on logistics they cannot control. But this is really a "supply" issue, as China buys up all the diesel in the world it can get its hands on.
Maybe you should have posted the original chart, hmm? Why didn't you?

The link always reverts back to the full chart. I did not need to show the full chart, just the part effecting prices today.

Now tell me how you determined that the oil companies slashed production because they weren't making enough profit, as you stated earlier.

Why else would they cut production, prices went too low and they needed them to go back up.
Oh, and let me ask again: why'd you post the graph in post #9 if it wasn't to take a shot at Trump?

Because it is the cut in production coupled with the same cuts by OPEC and Russia that is causing the prices we are seeing today.
Go out and buy yourself an electric car.

Thank me later.

Sure sounds great. While I'm out I'll just pick up a new house also, and I'll go ahead and get a boat also I mean I don't need one but would be nice just incase, and maybe I'll swing by the 2 man diving submarine store and see if they are doing any black Friday sales. I might as well since I have the day off from my job as a CEO of the millionaires corporation.
weird how it started when that old racist obiden scammed into the oval office

The yellow line is when Biden took office, you might notice the production cuts happened long before that happened.

Because it is the cut in production coupled with the same cuts by OPEC and Russia that is causing the prices we are seeing today.

Or maybe the fuel shortage was also caused by a surge in demand, not to mention the problems with oil delivery via our trucking companies. The scarcity of oil and the resultant higher prices are a function of supply and demand. The demand for oil last year was low, so the oil producers cut production cuz it costs money to store it. This year the demand goes up but we weren't ready to supply the oil so the shortage occurs and the prices rise. But I'm not too sure the cuts by OPEC and Russia had much to do with our shortage, do we import that much oil from them, and if so why?
Or maybe the fuel shortage was also caused by a surge in demand, not to mention the problems with oil delivery via our trucking companies. The scarcity of oil and the resultant higher prices are a function of supply and demand. The demand for oil last year was low, so the oil producers cut production cuz it costs money to store it. This year the demand goes up but we weren't ready to supply the oil so the shortage occurs and the prices rise. But I'm not too sure the cuts by OPEC and Russia had much to do with our shortage, do we import that much oil from them, and if so why?

Of course the problems are a result of the surge in demand with no corresponding surge in supply, though there really is no actual shortage, just some local supply issues. Thus those that want to put 100% of the blame on Biden as many are want to do, are just as silly as those that blame things 100% on Trump.

We import oil from them because not all all is good for all things. Some oil is good for gasoline, some is not.
Nice Rope A Dope there Gator.

We import and Export because idiotic people in Europe pay out the ass for our gas. We import it cheap and laugh at the Green Freaks in Europe paying more.

Under Trump we finally produced more than we used...........Then the Shutdown forced into Negative..........YES NEGATIVE costs on Oil. Meaning you had to PAY TO STORE IT.

At the refinery I worked it was a dang GHOST TOWN. So quite that it reminded you after a Hurricane.

We put in chillers to cool storage oils and gases because they weren't being sold. Diesel being the only real thing going out. This destroyed small frackers. And now the Globalist like Biden are finishing it off to give us increased prices and lower oil production and loss of jobs.

Just what leftist do.......DESTROY SHIT......They are VERY GOOD AT IT. This is no exception.

Europe is buying natural gas cheap from Russia and the Stans.

Most US wells pump less than 50 barrels a day and can't afford fracking.

Domestic production doubled under Obama NOT Trump... and we have always imported oil.. Even in the 2020 shutdown we imported 5 million bpd and exported 3 million.

You should back up and start over.. You know absolutely NOTHING about the oil business in Europe or anywhere else.

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