Fulton County DA wants a trial the day before Super Tuesday? Yep, its just radical activism

No. We've established that it isn't criminal. It is evidence. Do you always have this much difficulty following along?
I only care about evidence of criminality, Soy Boy. I don't care about Joe doing things that hurt your feelings.
Well, Congress as asked the administration for further documents that would definitively establish it was Biden's alias. You fully support them complying with Congress' request for documents, right?
Why wouldn't I?
Nobody in their right mind can look at this and say.. “oh wow, what a coincidence?”

This leftist guy not only wants to time up the trial for obvious political reasons, but he also is trying to charge every lawyer under Trump to intimidate others..

There is no reason to believe this is credible, and they aren’t trying to hide it at all either.
Wrong forum, multiple threads on this, won’t happen.
Former President Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to 37 counts brought against him by the Department of Justice for mishandling classified information. This is his right as an American citizen. It is also his right to make the case that he is innocent of criminal wrongdoing. But it is wrong and dangerous to undermine public confidence in the rule of law itself by calling the case a “witch hunt,” and, as he has previously done, fomenting the baseless conspiracy theory that there is a government-controlled plot to bring him down.

Alberto Gonzales

Alberto Gonzales
Attacking the process and all connected with it is a tried-and-true tactic of individuals burdened by unfavorable facts, as Trump is. Distracting from these unfavorable facts with whataboutism is another. But these disingenuous approaches threaten the very foundations of our country, which are predicated on our citizens’ belief in the rule of law – the principle that our laws are equally enforced, that guilt or innocence is determined by an independent party and that our leaders defer to the institutions responsible for it.

Those of us who believe in civil discourse must seek to shore up our foundations, push back against Trump defenders’ attacks on the rule of law and refuse to be distracted. The role of the institution charged with getting to the bottom of the facts of this matter is straightforward. The job of prosecutors and investigators at the Department of Justice is to investigate criminal wrongdoing and bring individuals who violate the rule of law to justice.

An overwhelming number of federal prosecutors, like Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is overseeing the Trump probe, are career employees of the Justice Department rather than political appointees of the president. Nor was this prosecution instigated by the White House. Attorney General Merrick Garland recused himself and appointed Smith as a special counsel under DOJ regulations, which are designed to shield special investigations and prosecutors from possible political interference from the normal day-to-day supervision of the attorney general and other political appointees.

Right. Thanks again Trump Jr.
Coming from the Party where Trump said that if elected he is going to get rid of the FBI, the DOJ, etc.

What is going to be left? Just the Law of Trump.
That doesnt even make sense. Try again.
Nice try.
There are reasons, and you do not look for them. I will not waste my time as this thread is not about it.

Amazing how you go about defending all of those who killed black and not looking to defend anyone of those who were killed not necessarily.

In your world, probably Emmett Till got what he deserved. Rodney King? How many blacks got what they deserved?

But of course, do not mention the jogger, or any others who were not armed and did nothing wrong and ended up shot in the back by the Police or clearly racists White supremacists.

The Police is not 100% clean, no organization is.
And there IS a history of racism against Blacks especially because many in the South continue to believe that slavery should never have been abolished.

The History of the US tells exactly that. And that history continues in the difference of how Blacks and non Blacks are treated when their cars are stopped or they need to go to the bathroom and have disabilities and are Veterans even, or are sitting in a Casino just minding their own business.

I posted about the above. Look for it and all other news in the News where Blacks are treated in no way any other race is in this country.
Sorry, when you accuse me of thinking Emit Till got what he deserved, you‘ve descended to the worst of the Dems retorts: scream racist at your opponent and ascribe false beliefs to them.
Sorry, when you accuse me of thinking Emit Till got what he deserved, you‘ve descended to the worst of the Dems retorts: scream racist at your opponent and ascribe false beliefs to them.
Gosh, I did not accuse you. I simply wondered if you would have thought - as you clearly think of all others - that he got what he deserved because THAT is exactly what the white people who lynched him thought. And that is not any different than what those white guys thought of the Jogger, or a Trooper thought when he shot a black woman in the back, or what George Floyd got for a mere falsified note which would have gotten any White person off with an appearance in front of a Judge.

You do have issues with how so many of these people have died, and you have repeated what racist people have said to defend those who killed black people without a lawful reason to. A fake dollar bill is no reason to have one's breathing stopped. A traffic violation is not a reason to be shot in the back. Walking home is not a reason to be shot thinking you are about to do something against a community. Jogging where you always jog is no reason to be hunted down with guns and shot.
Sorry, when you accuse me of thinking Emit Till got what he deserved, you‘ve descended to the worst of the Dems retorts: scream racist at your opponent and ascribe false beliefs to them.
I did use the word Probably, it does not denote an accusation but a question as to whether you might have put Till in the same category or not as he was lynched for being black, regardless of his age. It was the South, and southern mentality which is alive and well all over the US today.

All you needed to do was say that No, you did not think that Till was the same. But Lisa seems to alway take everything said to heart without any need to separate what is being said.

Seriously, racism is alive and very well and Blacks continue to be attacked and imprisoned and killed disproportionately, especially since 2016. No coincidence as to why it started to get worse after that year.
Gosh, I did not accuse you. I simply wondered if you would have thought - as you clearly think of all others - that he got what he deserved because THAT is exactly what the white people who lynched him thought. And that is not any different than what those white guys thought of the Jogger, or a Trooper thought when he shot a black woman in the back, or what George Floyd got for a mere falsified note which would have gotten any White person off with an appearance in front of a Judge.

You do have issues with how so many of these people have died, and you have repeated what racist people have said to defend those who killed black people without a lawful reason to. A fake dollar bill is no reason to have one's breathing stopped. A traffic violation is not a reason to be shot in the back. Walking home is not a reason to be shot thinking you are about to do something against a community. Jogging where you always jog is no reason to be hunted down with guns and shot.
Sorry, even “wondering’ if I thought Emit Till “got what he deserved” is tantamount to calling me a racist.

The cries about racism are terribly exaggerated. You come up with rare instances in a country of 300 million people, and with 50 million police encounters a year.
" Full Ton Of Shit County Criminal Elections Quadruble Down "

* And The Explanation Is What ? *

Nobody in their right mind can look at this and say.. “oh wow, what a coincidence?”
This leftist guy not only wants to time up the trial for obvious political reasons, but he also is trying to charge every lawyer under Trump to intimidate others..
There is no reason to believe this is credible, and they aren’t trying to hide it at all either.
Did anyone ever provide an answer to this video about the full ton of shit vote counting process ?

" Full Ton Of Shit County Criminal Elections Quadruble Down "

* And The Explanation Is What ? *

Did anyone ever provide an answer to this video about the full ton of shit vote counting process ?

Yes, it's been explained...

And now those lawyers are charged for falsifying claims about that surveillance video to Georgia's state Senate.
Sorry, even “wondering’ if I thought Emit Till “got what he deserved” is tantamount to calling me a racist.

The cries about racism are terribly exaggerated. You come up with rare instances in a country of 300 million people, and with 50 million police encounters a year.
They aren't. You're a racist who repeated racist lies about Fani Willis having a sexual relationship with a gang member she was prosecuting. It entirely made up and 100% racist.
Sorry, even “wondering’ if I thought Emit Till “got what he deserved” is tantamount to calling me a racist.

The cries about racism are terribly exaggerated. You come up with rare instances in a country of 300 million people, and with 50 million police encounters a year.
Democrat Trump was a racist. Republican Trump is a racist.

Too many in the Republican Party are racist.

The history of racism towards too many Blacks is there for anyone to read or watch via documentaries.

None but the blind continue to see nothing.

You are blind about everything that does not suit you and your mind cannot accept.

Trump is the head of a criminal enterprise who thinks he is above the law and he can threaten law officials who are doing their job.

The truth is out, will come out even more during the trials. And his blind followers will continue to say that there was no evidence against him, with 12 jurors voting as to whether he is innocent or not.

Watch Trump threaten all 4 Juries in all 4 indictments.
Nobody in their right mind can look at this and say.. “oh wow, what a coincidence?”

This leftist guy not only wants to time up the trial for obvious political reasons, but he also is trying to charge every lawyer under Trump to intimidate others..

There is no reason to believe this is credible, and they aren’t trying to hide it at all either.
Tough shit. Trump should have thought of that before going on a crime spree.
Haha. You're still a fool by allowing yourself to participate in the lunacy.
That's an easy statement to make on the internet when you're anonymous. I'm guessing it's less convincing when people get a good look at you country bumpkin Bingos in person as you're questioning the science presented by learned individuals. 😄
" Requirements For Election Methods Not Met "

* Zero Trust Violated *

Yes, it's been explained...

And now those lawyers are charged for falsifying claims about that surveillance video to Georgia's state Senate.

Does georgia law require the presence of the press and election observers when ballots are being counted ?

At approximately 1:38 minutes into the 60 minutes video , the state witness , gabriel sterling , stated that his office was notified at approximately 10:30 pm est that counting must continue , and his office contacted fulton county , and at approximately 4:21 minutes into the 60 minutes video , also stated that all remain press observers left at approximately 10:45 pm est .

If fulton county was notified near 10:30 pm est , why were the press and observers not notified to return and why did the counting continue if the presence of the press and observers is required by state law ?

At approximately 3:28 minutes into the 60 minutes video , the state witness , gabriel sterling , indicated that approximately 11:03 pm est the ballots were removed from under the table , with the press and observers in the room .

The four camera view of youtube video clearly shows that a room full of people was reduced to 4 people working for +2 hours , without the presence of the press or observers , though state witness , gabriel sterling , referring to a single frame , falsely stated that they were present .
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