Fulton County DA wants a trial the day before Super Tuesday? Yep, its just radical activism

And truly arrogant in your belief that a Trump voter is none of those things,
You continuously show a total disregard and understanding of the Constitution and the Rule of law and you want us to believe that most of his voters, not the Congress and lawyers and staff, do actually know and care what the Constitution and Rule of Law actually are in the US?

Republicans in Congress know the Constitution and the Rule of Law and they hav gone totally against them since 2016 to keep Trump in power and themselves in power as well.

The results have been losses in 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections for the Republicans.

Americans want their rights not taken away from them and that is basically what the Republican Party has been about, and it costing them until now, and it will continue to cost them in 2024.

No arrogance on my part, Just the Facts, Mam !!!
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That’s not a delay. That’s time needed to defend against charges so serious that, if not defended well, could land him in prison for the rest of his life.

If the Democrats needed 2.5 years to cook up a racketeering charge (I know, crazy), then a defendant gets 2.5 years to find evidence that proves it’s false.

Is the only way you Dems have to win against Trump a series of indictments cooked up by anti-Trump prosecutors and approved by anti-Trump grand juries?

Why not run of your record of “accomplishments”?

- How crime is so much better
- How people have no trouble paying for basics, like food and gas
- How the Afghanistan withdrawal went smoothly and left no Americans behind
- How Biden’s strength scared Putin away from invading Ukraine
- How the border is under control, and American cities haven’t turned into 3rd world countries

Oh….I see the problem. I guess levying 100 bogus charges is the Dems only chance.

Are you still believing that the US government has jurisdiction over US expats abroad?????
The BLM rampage across the country was all based on a lie, and you fell for it.
What was the lie?
A black man did not die after 8 minutes of having a police knee on his throat? That was a lie?

That is what really started BLM after George Floyd and so many others were shot or killed other ways for jogging, driving, etc while being Black.

So, what is the lie so that I can research it.
Do you think running for president gives one immunity from prosecution?
Apparently democrats do…if they are democrats obviously.

They also view the DOJ and law enforcement as their personal attack dogs.
What was the lie?
A black man did not die after 8 minutes of having a police knee on his throat? That was a lie?

That is what really started BLM after George Floyd and so many others were shot or killed other ways for jogging, driving, etc while being Black.

So, what is the lie so that I can research it.
That the killing of unarmed blacks by the police was commonplace.
If they would only go after Biden with even half the fervor of the Trump witch-hunt, Biden would be well in his way to impeachment…and then prison,
What, are you serious that Jim Jordan has not been going Full Throttle after Hunter and Joe Biden? Are you seriously NOT following what Jim Jordan and others have been doing and all the witnesses they have brought?
THat I want to hide my identity. Damn. Is this really rocket science to you?
They bend over backwards to deny the obvious with Biden while cheering on an orchestrated, coordinated multi-indictment against Trump.
They bend over backwards to deny the obvious with Biden while cheering on an orchestrated, coordinated multi-indictment against Trump.
Their game of playing stupid is wearing awfully thin. Childish.
What was the lie?
A black man did not die after 8 minutes of having a police knee on his throat? That was a lie?

That is what really started BLM after George Floyd and so many others were shot or killed other ways for jogging, driving, etc while being Black.

So, what is the lie so that I can research it.
The lie is that the death of the ex-con “angel” had anything to do with race.

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