Fulton County DA wants a trial the day before Super Tuesday? Yep, its just radical activism

So she was a prosecutor charged with maintaining law and order, and had sex with a black thug? Nice company the bitch keeps.
Filthy allegations to discredit her.

And wow, how fast you believe it because Trump SAID it, or someone who is an ally or follower of Trump "says" it.

Another black mark on your understanding of the world around you.

The "bitch" does not give a darn to ignorant Janes like you. She will do her job, as she has done before, to the very end.
Was he? And if he was, so what? Until you have an answer to that question and that answer is for criminal purposes, then we'll give a shit.
They were trying to hide his involvement in the illegal influence peddling scheme. Next question.
Couldn’t answer my retorts to your points, so you revert to a meaningless insult. A true Democrat.
You are too upset, as always, to want to waste one's time in your inability to understand and much less ACCEPT the US Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Trump's words are the law to you, there is nothing anyone can say or show to make you even slightly see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I am a true Democrat, a true American, a true citizen with knowledge of the Constitution and the Rule of Law of my country. Thank you.
Why wouldn't the orange sexual abuser want to exonerate himself as soon as possible?
Because your team has been gathering evidence and making a case for years. none of these will go to trial before the election.
So? He’s entitled to say the election was rigged.

Yes, we all see that is it primarily Black activists going after Trump. What happened to your love of diversity? Even the Grand Jury in Georgia was all-black. Looks like a 1930s lynching, in reverse.

I didn’t pick up on it. Whatever. Biden called integrated schools a “racial jungle” and proudly announced he didn’t want his kids going to school with blacks.

Calls to violence were made by the radical leftist group BLM, and the damage in property was $2 billion and at cost of 30 lives. Yet, Dems wouldn’t allow the NG to restore peaxe.

Willis is the daughter of an activist Black Panther and grew up with hate for the white man and taught to see racism everywhere.
He has the Freedom of Speech to say that the election was rigged. Then.....he has to prove it in a court of law which all of his lawyers TO THIS DAY, have failed to do.

Keep misunderstanding what Joe Biden says because it has been translated to you by Trump followers.

BLM came to be after about FIVE black people were killed by Police without them having to die in a period of about six months. It is a movement against Police brutality against Blacks who are killed without cause at a staggering number in this country. Thank you for not caring.

Do you have proof of Willis "hatred " of White people, or are you copying that from someone else's tweet or article against her?
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That leftist has a very lopsided view of things, doesn’t he? All focused against Trump, and conveniently ignores or denies the obvious and massive crime scheme his family was running for years, with him enabling it, and thus now compromised to foreign foes.
When the Republicans can prove any of those allegations against anyone in the Biden family, I will accept it.

So far they have brought people who did not show or say anything which was damaging to Joe or Hunter Biden. When is the House going to bring anyone who actually has evidence of bad actions by the Biden Family? How long must we all wait while the House keeps wasting time on the Biden family and not taking care of any of the affairs the country needs attention on?

Just asking.
Do you think running for president gives one immunity from prosecution?

Too bad for Jeffrey Epstein he didn't think of this before being arrested. He could have declared he was running for president and conservatives would have been calling his arrest political and unfair. They would have stood behind Epstein.
If Trump agrees to move the trial before the Primaries start, I am sure they can accommodate him.

But Trump is……Delay, delay, delay

Then, No FAIR….I have Primaries then

Same stunt Republicans pulled with his second impeachment. They went from saying they needed to delay his hearing ... to ... there's no reason to convict him because he's no longer president.
You are too upset, as always, to want to waste one's time in your inability to understand and much less ACCEPT the US Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Trump's words are the law to you, there is nothing anyone can say or show to make you even slightly see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I am a true Democrat, a true American, a true citizen with knowledge of the Constitution and the Rule of Law of my country. Thank you.
And truly arrogant in your belief that a Trump voter is none of those things, and that they only believe what they do because “Trump said so.”
He has the Freedom of Speech to say that the election was rigged. Then.....he has to prove it in a court of law which all of his lawyers TO THIS DAY, have failed to do.

Keep misunderstanding what Joe Biden says because it has been translated to you by Trump followers.

BLM came to be after about FIVE black people were killed by Police without them having to die in a period of about six months. It is a movement against Police brutality against Blacks who are killed without cause at a staggering number in this country. Thank you for not caring.

Do you have proof of Willis "hatred " of White people, or are you copying that from someone else's tweet or article against her?
The BLM rampage across the country was all based on a lie, and you fell for it. And five black people were killed by police, out of 25 million encounters? How many whites during the same time period?

And were these five blacks (since you don’t care about the whites) going along with police orders? Or were they threatening in some way? And how do you know it had to do with race? The Floyd case certainly wasn’t.

You Dems who are vilifying the police for the 0.000001% of encounters that end badly, and siding with criminals, is the cause of the massive spike in violent crime.

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