Funny pics of Obama



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The Hitler comparisons are beyond ignorant. But they are not on the same par in terms of venality and stupidity as the racist images of President Obama. Those attacks on him are not based on political disagreement. They are based on the fact that the man is black.

Pathetically stupid shit.

Sure, but the Hitler comparison is every bit as bad to some as the stereotypical pictures of Obama are. Hell, the man in your avatar was a pioneer in the field of non PC comedy, and was a true loss. And considering who the contributors to the thread are even a fairly new member such as my self knows what there getting into when we click on it. Sure, some are in bad taste, but some are funny as hell. As for them not being based on political disagreement, that is a razor thin line thees days. Lots of hateful shit is said on thees boards daily for no other reason then being a lib or con, gay or straight or what ever. I dont disrespect how you feel about it though, and see your point of view, it just is not mine.

Belushi (God rest his comedic soul) was a drug-addled liberal comedian. He did engage in non-PC humor for which I remain grateful and amused to this day. But he never (at least in his body of work) compared an American politician to Hitler. Nor did he use racist imagery to get a cheap laugh. Nor would it be fair to accuse him of having been a bigot.

This Board has more than plenty of its share of racists. And a lib racist is no better than a conservative racist. A black racist is no less stupid than a white racist or some La Raza hispanic racist.
so you are saying Chris Rock,Dave Chapell, and Richard Pryor are racist ???:eusa_eh:
The only reason people are upset is because its Obama, and that's about all. Its sad really. Especially since in one thread, I read a while back when I lurked here some one posted an article about a group of black guys beating up a white guy. The Skin Heads were mentioned, as a group of whites who did the same thing. There was a member who implied this was not the case, yet got pissey when the evidence was posted. Jillian, Sallow, I respect your post here on the issue (if it matters) because as far as I have seen you have consistently called members out on what you perceive as racism. But some of the other appalled by this thread will say some crazy shit about Mexicans, Muslims, and Mormons, or stick up for the cowards who come right to the edge, but in the interest of preserving there rep, they dont come right out and say it. Sure, a racist is not cool, but a coward, or a person who is selectively offended in the interest of getting little stars by there user name is far worse.
I don't like black people ....:cool:
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

With election rhetoric in full swing....

[ame=]Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Americans are NOT stupid - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

CNN: How Stupid Are Americans? - YouTube

Why People Hate The USA - YouTube
The only reason people are upset is because its Obama, and that's about all. Its sad really. Especially since in one thread, I read a while back when I lurked here some one posted an article about a group of black guys beating up a white guy. The Skin Heads were mentioned, as a group of whites who did the same thing. There was a member who implied this was not the case, yet got pissey when the evidence was posted. Jillian, Sallow, I respect your post here on the issue (if it matters) because as far as I have seen you have consistently called members out on what you perceive as racism. But some of the other appalled by this thread will say some crazy shit about Mexicans, Muslims, and Mormons, or stick up for the cowards who come right to the edge, but in the interest of preserving there rep, they dont come right out and say it. Sure, a racist is not cool, but a coward, or a person who is selectively offended in the interest of getting little stars by there user name is far worse.
I don't like black people ....:cool:

Its a free country Yidnar, and I doubt I can convince you to believe otherwise, but at least there is no question where you stand. Even if its in the wrong spot.
Matthew's images aren't funny. They're just racist shit.

Not funny and not clever.

At least they are not like the cowards who go right to the edge, but not quite over so they can be appalled when pictures like thees are posted. Sure, some of the pictures are in bad taste but none are any worse then Clinton in a Nazi uniform, or some of the other garbage on the internet, though, a couple were tasteless, none were that bad. I do think the one showing the boobs will get some one in trouble though. You cant take the message board crap to serious.
naked Africans are shown in national geographic and other mags that do stories on the animal kingdom !!
The only reason people are upset is because its Obama, and that's about all. Its sad really. Especially since in one thread, I read a while back when I lurked here some one posted an article about a group of black guys beating up a white guy. The Skin Heads were mentioned, as a group of whites who did the same thing. There was a member who implied this was not the case, yet got pissey when the evidence was posted. Jillian, Sallow, I respect your post here on the issue (if it matters) because as far as I have seen you have consistently called members out on what you perceive as racism. But some of the other appalled by this thread will say some crazy shit about Mexicans, Muslims, and Mormons, or stick up for the cowards who come right to the edge, but in the interest of preserving there rep, they dont come right out and say it. Sure, a racist is not cool, but a coward, or a person who is selectively offended in the interest of getting little stars by there user name is far worse.
I don't like black people ....:cool:

Its a free country Yidnar, and I doubt I can convince you to believe otherwise, but at least there is no question where you stand. Even if its in the wrong spot.
I like Jews,Hispanics,Asians,and Native Americans .....but black society as a whole is a drain on civilization !!

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