Funny video: Man steals gorilla statue in Maryland

Reminds me of the Big Boy caper...

TOLEDO, Ohio, March 28 -- Four young men, ranging in age from 18 to 22, surrendered Tuesday, admitting they stole and then dismembered a 300-pound 'Big Boy' restaurant statue, Toledo police detectives reported. Toledo Detective Ron Scanlon said the men admitted taking the giant fiberglass statue from in front of a Frisch's Big Boy restaurant on March 15.

Parts of the statue, including the head and arms, were later left in front of other Toledo fast food restaurants. Some of the pieces included notes, written with letters cut from newspapers, reading 'Big Boy is Dead.' Scanlon said the young thieves did not plan to destroy the statue when it was stolen. 'It was just going to be a plan to take the Big Boy and move him,' said Scanlon. 'But things got out of hand. They took the head and cut it off, and then the arms and the legs. The initial prank became malicious.' Scanlon said two other suspects, both juveniles, did not surrender, but will be charged with the crime. The statue is valued at $3,300 and each suspect agreed to be responsible for 10 percent of the replacement cost, Scanlon said. He said each of the unidentified suspects will be charged with a third- degree misdemeanor, punishable by a maximun of 60 days in jail. The young men identified themselves as 'The Pimps of Pimplyness' in notes attached to the dismembered 'Big Boy' statue.

Or the Elvis caper not even a block away from the Big Boy caper where this car wash had an Elvis mascot. They stole it! I shudder to think of the horrible things they did to Elvis. They kidnapped the King!

The Elvis caper mystery still remains unsolved several decades later.
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Why was the statue even anywhere in the first place? In other words, what was its significance?

God bless you always!!!

It is a trademark of Big Boy restaurants nationwide--Frisch's in the midwest and Bob's in the west.

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