Furious liberals lash out at Comey....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Why would that be...they don't want to know the truth?

Democrats are lashing out at FBI director James Comey for opening a new review into Hillary Clinton’s emails just days before the presidential election, accusing him of malfeasance that threatens to hand the White House to Donald Trump.

Comey on Friday sent a brief letter to Congress stating that the FBI was investigating newly found messages that appeared to be related to its investigation into how Clinton handled classified material as secretary of State.

That bombshell report, coming 11 days before the election, provoked prominent liberals like former Labor Secretary Robert Reich to question the timing of the release and to fume over the lack of details.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Why would that be...they don't want to know the truth?

Democrats are lashing out at FBI director James Comey for opening a new review into Hillary Clinton’s emails just days before the presidential election, accusing him of malfeasance that threatens to hand the White House to Donald Trump.

Comey on Friday sent a brief letter to Congress stating that the FBI was investigating newly found messages that appeared to be related to its investigation into how Clinton handled classified material as secretary of State.

That bombshell report, coming 11 days before the election, provoked prominent liberals like former Labor Secretary Robert Reich to question the timing of the release and to fume over the lack of details.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Isn't there a Trump U trial or hearing coming up around Nov 28? Maybe somebody can cut a deal for a cheaper courtroom if we get a twofer going.
Why would that be...they don't want to know the truth?

LOL- that is funny coming from the Right Wing Nut Jobs who have been attacking Comey for the last couple of months.
That's because he was either threatened or paid off. He had a revolt on his hands in the FBI if you read the news reports. Clinton's arrogance and her personal thought of invincibility just gave him a 2nd chance to indict her.
Why would that be...they don't want to know the truth?

LOL- is that why you were lashing out at Comey for 2 weeks?

YOu know- when you called him corrupt? Accused him of being bribed? Called him a 'dirty cop'?

Since you say that is what Democrats are doing- why did you attack Comey then- you didn't like America having the truth?

INDICT THE BITCH...Comey laid it all out in front of us... He's as CORRUPT as she is for NOT indicting her!!!

Vig BREAKING: We Just Discovered REAL Reason Why Comey Didn’t Charge Hillary… This WILL Cost Him His JOB

Let's be honest, the Clintonians knew from the start that truth and justice was their worst enemy. It's not an enemy you want to have...

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