Further proof liberals live in an imaginary world

During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

The Stimulus Plan: How to Spend $787 Billion - The New York Times

The top three categories of the stimulus package money were tax cuts, health care and education.

I didn't say mandate or landslide. AND it makes no difference. If you win by one vote, you win, you call the shots in the WH and go about your agenda. With or without the oppositions blessings, like obama and the right. Now it's our turn.

Well not really, President Obama only has a 60 vote super majority for a few weeks in 2009 before Kennedy died. Republicans do not have a super majority in the Senate. The Dems can still block most legislation they want to if they stick together. But then again they are not Republicans and will put the country above party and compromise.

You ever find it a coincidence the economy didn't show any signals of turn-around until after republican majority in the house?
Any chance you're doing what BLM does, projecting responsibility for poor disposition?

The economy started growing again in summer 2009. It started adding jobs again in spring 2010.

Not a big fan of BLM. Should be renamed to Your Life Matters.
The economy always bounces back. obama hindered it and we are still crawling along. America said enough.

During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar. The Great Recession of 2008-2009 was the worst on record since the Great Depression of the 1930s, in terms of both total decline in real GDP, and total increase in the unemployment rate between the previous peak and the beginning of the subsequent recovery. The economy was in a very deep hole in 2009, and had we spent the way we did after previous recessions, we would have experienced substantial increase in GDP since then. Instead, cuts in government spending over the last eight years have had a pernicious, negative impact on output and income, as well as on jobs and wages, which depend on the level of spending in the economy. If it weren’t for these cuts, the economy would likely be fully recovered by now, and the expansion would have equaled or exceeded the Bush recovery.

Worst recovery in postwar era largely explained by cuts in government spending

This person is an uneducated lefty who has had a large drink of KEYNISIAN KOOLAID!

Ask yourself this question-----------------> if the government spends 100 dollars, where does that 100 dollars come from! That is correct, only 2 ways they can get it, and that is either 1..........take it out of the private sector who would have spent it, or 2...........print it, and lower the value of all other dollars in circulation.

The SUPPOSED KEYNISIAN effect (which has been proven to be absolute poppycock) is that if the government spends 1 dollar, it is supposed to create 1.5 dollars in economic activity.

Now, you logical people contemplate that for a second, lol. If I being the government steal from you one dollar, and I being the absolute genius known as Obama (Clinton, Carter, Johnson, you choose) run it through my massive administration, that of course siphons off at least part of its value for sure, then spend what is left, poof!!!!! I, the great Karnak, have turned 80 or 90 cents, just by me stealing it from you when it was a dollar, into 1.50. Why hell all you Republican rubes, with this formulation, you should give the great Karnak ALL of your money. and I..........just by my far lefty GENIUS, shall make it grow by 1/2 over what you gave me. This is why you should just LOVE the Socialist idea of 80 to 90% tax rates, because it will make you better off.

That is the far lefts story, and they are sticking to it, lolol. And you wonder why they are loosing government positions faster than Secretariat could run. We seen their Keyniaian Koolaid in action under Obysmal. Tell this far lefty how much of an increase in wages everyone got, and how regular Americans assets grew-)
During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

The Stimulus Plan: How to Spend $787 Billion - The New York Times

The top three categories of the stimulus package money were tax cuts, health care and education.

The NYT has no credibility. As far as your second link:
"Stanford University professor Thomas Dee, who has studied the effects of the stimulus package, said in an email to Gannett Wisconsin, that much of the spending on education went to states and districts to prevent layoffs during a recession."

Those were GOVERNMENT jobs. Not private sector. Those are unions took care of obama and he took care of them. They used OUR money to take care of themselves!
During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

The Stimulus Plan: How to Spend $787 Billion - The New York Times

The top three categories of the stimulus package money were tax cuts, health care and education.

The NYT has no credibility. As far as your second link:
"Stanford University professor Thomas Dee, who has studied the effects of the stimulus package, said in an email to Gannett Wisconsin, that much of the spending on education went to states and districts to prevent layoffs during a recession."

Those were GOVERNMENT jobs. Not private sector. Those are unions took care of obama and he took care of them. They used OUR money to take care of themselves!

NYT's source:
A detailed look at the final package passed by Congress, based on estimates by House and Senate committees and the Congressional Budget Office.

Unions were given nothing. Some of the work was performed by union workers but unions were not given money for their coffers.
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


I'm not surprised. You're dishonest and your analysis is poor. You should consider suing these liberal institutions. You were taught liberal arts as a major with math as a minor. I see the results each and everyday. Read 45 declarations for communist takeover.
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


If you think that is impressive, you are barking up the wrong tree. These profs may impress young people, but what they are really is protected tenure socialists, who are teaching the young people how to love totalitarian ways, because of course, they know what is best for all. Snowflakes are the new students who need protection from thought, lol.

The PC crap has come to an end in most places, but big cities. Just like we are punishing Target and the NFL, then next places are big, lefty, colleges, and since we the parents hold the purse strings, let us see how those socialist professors like a little pressure put on them by capitalists with purse strings-)
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


If you think that is impressive, you are barking up the wrong tree. These profs may impress young people, but what they are really is protected tenure socialists, who are teaching the young people how to love totalitarian ways, because of course, they know what is best for all. Snowflakes are the new students who need protection from thought, lol.

The PC crap has come to an end in most places, but big cities. Just like we are punishing Target and the NFL, then next places are big, lefty, colleges, and since we the parents hold the purse strings, let us see how those socialist professors like a little pressure put on them by capitalists with purse strings-)

Higher education and intellects have always been targets during fascist revolutions. Keep up the good work Citizen.
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


If you think that is impressive, you are barking up the wrong tree. These profs may impress young people, but what they are really is protected tenure socialists, who are teaching the young people how to love totalitarian ways, because of course, they know what is best for all. Snowflakes are the new students who need protection from thought, lol.

The PC crap has come to an end in most places, but big cities. Just like we are punishing Target and the NFL, then next places are big, lefty, colleges, and since we the parents hold the purse strings, let us see how those socialist professors like a little pressure put on them by capitalists with purse strings-)

Higher education and intellects have always been targets during fascist revolutions. Keep up the good work Citizen.

How intellectual of you, name calling, lolol. Thoust art honestly a SNOWFLAKE, aren't thoust, hehehehehehehehehe!
Awesome and congratulations on the landslide victory, pre-election. No really, an imaginary job well done. The people have spoken, and the liberal agenda has been reduced to rubble.

And absolute congratulations for winning the popular vote. A popular vote that certainly included illegals, but that's what Democrats were hoping for, straight from the mouths of Democrat leadership, such as by Obama and Clintons.

If liberal narrative nation had a clue, then they'd recognize POUS candidates don't campaign for the popular vote, or rather, they shouldn't. That is unless they're planning to fail, of course (hint, hint). If the goal is success, then you do what Trumps did and campaign to win.

So really, congratulations. The campaigns and the results speak volumes, as does the liberal reaction. It's ironic and a natural occurrence.

It's no wonder the Democrat "party" is made up of the unwise, the uneducated and miseducated (e.g., millennials), those challenged in the English language (immigrants), angry people projecting blame (e.g., BLM types and feminists), and an imaginary friend (Hollywood/media).

Your admission that the electoral college system is undemocratic is noted.
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


If you think that is impressive, you are barking up the wrong tree. These profs may impress young people, but what they are really is protected tenure socialists, who are teaching the young people how to love totalitarian ways, because of course, they know what is best for all. Snowflakes are the new students who need protection from thought, lol.

The PC crap has come to an end in most places, but big cities. Just like we are punishing Target and the NFL, then next places are big, lefty, colleges, and since we the parents hold the purse strings, let us see how those socialist professors like a little pressure put on them by capitalists with purse strings-)

Higher education and intellects have always been targets during fascist revolutions. Keep up the good work Citizen.

How intellectual of you, name calling, lolol. Thoust art honestly a SNOWFLAKE, aren't thoust, hehehehehehehehehe!


"This person is an uneducated lefty"
More presidents have won by popular vote than the vote of the EC...

Even for you, that's an incredibly ignorant statement.

Whether they “won the popular vote” or not, every single person to have ever been elected to the Presidency did so by winning the electoral vote. That is how it works.
During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

Talk about a “multiplier effect”. Not only did the “Cash for Clunkers” scam waste billions of taxpayer dollars; but it also destroyed billions of dollars worth of valuable property in the form of usable automobiles; adversely affecting Americans who were in need of automobiles, but who couldn't afford to buy brand new ones. A perfect demonstration of the Broken Window Fallacy in action—a tiny minority of Americans benefited, but at a much, much greater expense to the rest of the nation, as the economy as a whole was made billions of dollars poorer.
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But a Lib on this board declared 'The Next GOP President Hasn't Been Born Yet'?!

That didn't last long.... :p
During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

Talk about a “multiplier effect”. Not only did the “Cash for Clunkers” scam waste billions of taxpayer dollars; but it also destroyed billions of dollars worth of valuable property in the form of usable automobiles; adversely affecting Americans who were in need of automobiles, but who couldn't afford to buy brand new ones. A perfect demonstration of the Broken Window Fallacy in action—a tiny majority of Americans benefited, but at a much, much greater expense to the rest of the nation, as the economy as a whole was made billions of dollars poorer.

Perfect example by Bob how lefties claim they are soooooo smart that they, the intellectuals, need to guide society, and as he pointed out, WHAT HAPPENED! Their whole theory is--------------> government screwed it up? Then the obvious solution is MORE government.

People are getting wiser; except for those fragile snowflakes. Our job has just begun. Pass LAWS; not use EOs, and tie these clowns in knots, and with the Supreme Court keeping their over reach under control, the far left will die. Not Democrats, but the far left wing of it.
Every day since election is a holiday, and each day is better than the day before it!!!
This person is an uneducated lefty

Ph.D., Economics, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)


If you think that is impressive, you are barking up the wrong tree. These profs may impress young people, but what they are really is protected tenure socialists, who are teaching the young people how to love totalitarian ways, because of course, they know what is best for all. Snowflakes are the new students who need protection from thought, lol.

The PC crap has come to an end in most places, but big cities. Just like we are punishing Target and the NFL, then next places are big, lefty, colleges, and since we the parents hold the purse strings, let us see how those socialist professors like a little pressure put on them by capitalists with purse strings-)
Yup yup yup.

The dept. of education is going to be dismantled. And so are the colleges and universities.

Starting from scratch.

poor commie parasites are going to have to real jobs.
During a recession, changes in government spending have a “multiplier effect” on output and income: each dollar of additional spending increases—and each dollar cut spending decreases—GDP by much more than one dollar.
Bullshit. And most of obie's stimulus went into union coffers. He's even apologized for the lack of the shovel ready jobs. Then some was thrown away on feel good programs like "cash for clunkers".

Talk about a “multiplier effect”. Not only did the “Cash for Clunkers” scam waste billions of taxpayer dollars; but it also destroyed billions of dollars worth of valuable property in the form of usable automobiles; adversely affecting Americans who were in need of automobiles, but who couldn't afford to buy brand new ones. A perfect demonstration of the Broken Window Fallacy in action—a tiny minority of Americans benefited, but at a much, much greater expense to the rest of the nation, as the economy as a whole was made billions of dollars poorer.
The only ones who saw a cash for clunkers benefit were those who were trading in the Lexus for a Jaguar. Those down the line got a tax bill that they could not afford to pay.

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