fusion and the aether


Gold Member
Nov 24, 2015
Light is a density/heat on the aether. The aether is simply temperature fluctuations on the background medium of infinity. Everything has temperature. Gravity fields and magnetic fields are static energy but light is heat that has escaped. The atom's magnetic field comes from the core heat of the atom, leaving no shell. When two single nuclei fuse, the core of each nculei bends toward the new core forming the balloon shape we see in atoms. The new core is probably cooler then the two cores added before fusion. If you pulled helium apart into two hydrogen it would probably eat up heat from the surroundings. Might be a clue to the next stage of the universe.
Light is a density/heat on the aether. The aether is simply temperature fluctuations on the background medium of infinity. Everything has temperature. Gravity fields and magnetic fields are static energy but light is heat that has escaped. The atom's magnetic field comes from the core heat of the atom, leaving no shell. When two single nuclei fuse, the core of each nculei bends toward the new core forming the balloon shape we see in atoms. The new core is probably cooler then the two cores added before fusion. If you pulled helium apart into two hydrogen it would probably eat up heat from the surroundings. Might be a clue to the next stage of the universe.
Nothing you have said here is correct.
Nothing you have said here is correct.
I assume this is a picture of you
Funniest Karen Memes of the Week for Those Who Had the ...
Because there has to be something for us to be here and ask the question.
I don't know if that's wrong, but mine is that everything has temperature, gravity fields, magnetic fields, matter, heat, light. Not always a measurement of heat radiating but static fields like I mentioned. Temperature and size are two infinity's that can't be reckoned to create 'nothing'. If nothing existed it would be cold, but no matter how big a number you can imagine you can ^ that number by itself and still not approach infinite depths of cold. On the other hand you have matter. Matter is made of smaller and smaller levels of the same thing, particles with a surface and a core where the magnetic field and gravity fields originate. Gravity creates heat in the core because there is no electron shell and the surface/core atoms are right on top of each other. The spin of the core atoms is blocked by density in the core causing the entire core to function as one and spin the surface. How does this happen in a gas star? Fusion is like welding of surface/core atoms (I have no name for this type of atom, pudding atoms? paddoms?) where the bonds in molecules are connection of likewise spin or magnetic attraction, easily broken. If you pulled apart a pudding atom of helium into two hydrogen, it would absorb a lot of heat! Might be a clue into nuclear waste?
Crock Crack Crook lives in the past .
He has no idea of current cutting edge developments and still swallows the Warming story as though it were Gospel .
The sooner fossils like CCC are superseded the more likely we will advance further .
Einstein and his mistakes have cost us a century .
I don't know if that's wrong, but mine is that everything has temperature, gravity fields, magnetic fields, matter, heat, light.
You asked why is there something rather than nothing This comment has no bearing on that question whatsoever. And everything does not have temperature because temperature is a property of matter.
Not always a measurement of heat radiating but static fields like I mentioned.
Magnetic and gravity fields convey energy but do not have a temperature. And I do not know what you mean by "static field" and, I suspect, neither do you.
Temperature and size are two infinity's that can't be reckoned to create 'nothing'.
You're babbling again.
If nothing existed it would be cold, but no matter how big a number you can imagine you can ^ that number by itself and still not approach infinite depths of cold.
Again, temperature is a property of matter thus an absolute vacuum has no temperature. The lowest possible temperature is absolute zero which is an asymptotic state of matter with zero thermal energy. There is no such thing as an infinitely low temperature.
On the other hand you have matter. Matter is made of smaller and smaller levels of the same thing, particles with a surface and a core where the magnetic field and gravity fields originate.
You're babbling again.
Gravity creates heat in the core because there is no electron shell and the surface/core atoms are right on top of each other.
I assume by "core", you mean atomic nuclei. The nuclei is not composed of atoms and does not have a surface. You have no idea what you're talking about. You make this shit up and hope there are people out here stupid enough to think you know something.
The spin of the core atoms is blocked by density in the core causing the entire core to function as one and spin the surface.
You know that you don't know what you're talking about and you KNOW that you are making all this up. Guess what? That makes you a LIAR. Last time I checked, the commandments of the god you claim to worship holds lying to be a sin. So do all the real people.
How does this happen in a gas star?
In a "gas star"? As opposed to what other types of stars? Fluid stars? Solid stars? Plasma stars?
Fusion is like welding of surface/core atoms (I have no name for this type of atom, pudding atoms? paddoms?) where the bonds in molecules are connection of likewise spin or magnetic attraction, easily broken. If you pulled apart a pudding atom of helium into two hydrogen, it would absorb a lot of heat! Might be a clue into nuclear waste?
You truly are a babbling, lying fool. Maybe someone else wants to waste their time with this bullshit but I know I've had enough.
Crock Crack Crook lives in the past .
Dyslexia? It's Crick. If you have trouble remembering it, just keep a copy in your clipboard. I don't know if you've noticed, no one on the board every misspells your name. However, that'd be because no one ever talks about you.
He has no idea of current cutting edge developments and still swallows the Warming story as though it were Gospel.
To what current cutting edge development do you refer?
The sooner fossils like CCC are superseded the more likely we will advance further .
Advance further in what regime?
Einstein and his mistakes have cost us a century.
What mistakes would those be?
You've certainly got the biggest ego on the board.
Imagine, working on something so important. It is incredible. I could not dream this. Would you not want to share thst information in a conversation about Fusion.

Then of course, there is you who try to discredit everything that you do not understand.

Everything with you is demands, demands for links, demands credentials, demand everyone prove they are educated enough to even reply to you. And when we do, your ego tells us to fuck off.
You truly are a babbling, lying fool. Maybe someone else wants to waste their time with this bullshit but I know I've had enough.

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