G.I. Joe Course (Yale): Destroying Democracy*


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism IQ parable inspired by G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

Signing off,



Veronica wanted the G.I. Joe ninja-warrior Snake-Eyes to teach a course at Yale University in the summer titled Tactics of Modern Warfare: Guerrilla/Law. Veronica was, after all, the 'Oracle' of the secret-team of American paramilitary-crusaders (G.I. Joes), and even Snake-Eyes (who usually only trusted his instincts and the Bible!) was impressed by her foresight and wisdom. So, Snake-Eyes took up Veronica's special and magical challenge(!).


Snake-Eyes began recounting the years of warfare by the G.I. Joes in the new millennium, working to end terrorism once and for all. The G.I. Joes contended with a super-terrorist organization known as Cobra (usually) and Snake-Eyes and G.I. Joe commander Duke and G.I. Joe female field-soldier Lady Jaye worked together with other G.I. Joes to challenge the defiant terrorism-schemes of the Cobra generals/leaders such as Baroness (a terrorism-specialist), Serpentor (a medically-enhanced super-soldier), and Cobra Commander (a masked maniac). Snake-Eyes realized that as he donned different body armor over the years dealing with Cobra, he learned just as much about invincibility and virtue as he did about decay and humbling frailty. Could democracy be championed in the age of commerce and convenience-consumerism? Would citizens care as much about Hallmark as they did about Wal-Mart? Snake-Eyes felt like he was evaluating his own 'autobiography.'


Snake-Eyes walked into the course that summer at Yale and began teaching the students at first using a chess-set teaching-aid designed to help him give lessons about democratic tactics in modern warfare (including yellow-journalism!). The students included a defecting member of Cobra, a woman named Mara. Snake-Eyes explained to the class that tactics in war can be considered ethical and legal when the temptation to create 'sensational violence' is avoided at all costs. Snake-Eyes also talked about the special role of communication-technologies and mobile-technologies in modern warfare. To Snake-Eyes, the crusade to defend democracy itself was like a gorgeous chess game.


A student asked Snake-Eyes why modern media should be considered so 'pivotal' in modern journalism-coverage of war, and Snake-Eyes explained that the myriad forms of modern media stimulation wove a 'cyber/virtual tapestry' that resembled (in metaphysical musculature or 'form') the 'ether' of our universe itself. When this 'tapestry' was tampered, corrupted, threatened, violated, or destroyed, civilization would become an arena of mindless scattered ants! To Snake-Eyes the media 'aesthetic' was necessary to appreciate and praise so American soldiers and patriots could philosophically 'alienate' themselves from the Machiavellian anti-social 'rubric' of anti-capitalist terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Snake-Eyes was therefore a big fan of CNN.com and used the website as a teaching-aid in his Yale course.


A challenged and challenging Yale student in Snake-Eyes wonderful summer-term course named Cynthia decided to come into class one day dressed like the Marvel Comics 'villainess' Vertigo (a woman of hypnotic and devastating psychokinetic/telepathic powers). Cynthia (aka, 'Vertigo') claimed she could disrupt the 'media-harmony' of Snake-Eyes' Yale course itself (paradoxically!) with psychologically 'disturbing thought-waves' and consciousness about the very natural anti-governance frustrations that create terrorism in the first place. Snake-Eyes gently explained to an obviously passionate female Yale student that terrorism was more like fire and if exercised as a form of 'negotiation,' it would lead to a kind of 'global arson.' Nevertheless, Snake-Eyes appreciated Vertigo's intriguing suggestion that we need a proverbial 'Devil's Advocate' to stir our notions about metaphysical shared-space in the modern world(!).


At the conclusion of the course that summer at Yale, Snake-Eyes gave a demo in which he used a powered air-gun to destroy a Styrofoam model of a NYC skyscraper. Snake-Eyes explained that without proper governance-dialogue, analysis of the ethical/legal/elegant 'tactics' of modern warfare would never be considered a 'prestigious study.' Terrorism would become a naturally 'seductive' form of political protest. Snake-Eyes Styrofoam-demo and final course lecture received a standing ovation from his inspired students, and he wondered if any would go on to write books about political history or work for the CIA itself...


GOD: I hate Yale...
SATAN: You gotta admit, elitism can be 'democratic.'
GOD: So Snake-Eyes course is intriguing, but rebelliousness persists!
SATAN: Americans are naturally unnerved about mindless obedience.
GOD: Well consumerism culture is convenience-based and can create gluttony.
SATAN: Perhaps Yale education will lead young minds towards idealism...
GOD: I miss the days when Adam and Eve played on the beach!
SATAN: They prefer wearing ties and writing novellas now.
GOD: I find it all ironically 'pedestrian.'
SATAN: Well, creativity will always make free-will seem like an imaginative game.
GOD: Even artists get hungry.
SATAN: The flesh is weak, but the mind is strong.
GOD: Well, in that case, perhaps Americans need a Snake-Eyes Yale course!
SATAN: His course did received favourable reviews regarding modernism-exposure.
GOD: It's rare that civil servants take an active role in pedestrian/society life.
SATAN: Education will slowly become a true federal 'sector.'
GOD: We have to keep Church and State separate!
SATAN: Isn't that why Communism failed?
GOD: Snake-Eyes needs to worry about biochemical warfare.
SATAN: Perhaps Yale's environmental-science department will talk about toxic-waste.




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