G.I. Joe Diamonds: Political Prestige?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
After seeing the Leo DiCaprio film Blood Diamond (about the illegal diamond trade in South Africa), I started thinking about how the marketing of stories in the media and movies can actually facilitate the advertising of politically-vital subjects.

Several modern-age films such as The Devil's Own (IRA), Syriana (OPEC), and Good Morning Vietnam (US-Vietnam relations) respond to this new demand for public discourse of political intrigue.

So here's a story I fashioned to market more awareness about the illegal diamond trade in South Africa, in honor of the engaging DiCaprio film!


Snake Eyes, Flint, and Shipwreck decided to go off on their own and conduct a special mission for the patriotic G.I. Joes, America's secret paramilitary crusaders who were vying with a diabolical international terrorism-ring known as Cobra. The three Joes decided to call themselves The Red Triangle Gang and traveled to Africa where Cobra was conducting an illegal diamond trade operation which they intended to use as a funding-channel for their black market munitions purchases. Cobra had recently broken off all ties with the terrorist groups ISIS and the IRA and decided to become a lone organization devoted to complete global domination.

The Red Triangle Gang (RTG) landed in South Africa and began infiltrating the intricate diamond-trade network and discovered that the Cobra agent Storm Shadow was stationed there to oversee the 'paternal' activities of the Cobra drones assigned to secure the area for Cobra Commander. RTG took photographs of the illicit diamond collection and transportation activities and recorded Storm Shadow saying, "These diamonds should suffice for our purchase of the bio-chemical guns in Iraq!" RTG noticed that Storm Shadow's Cobra troops had imprisoned several African female students who were protesting the diamond trade.

RTG broke the girls out of their cages and took down some Cobra drones in the process in the late hours of one Saturday night. Shipwreck caught sight of one tall, slender and extremely beautiful African prisoner named Naomi who was very self-composed and intelligent. Snake Eyes and Flint warned their comrade not to get distracted and to fix his mind on completing their mission for G.I. Joe (but Shipwreck was hypnotized!). As Shipwreck wrapped Naomi around his arms, she pulled his knife from out his back-pocket and held it to his neck and screamed, "I work for Cobra, and Shipwreck is coming with me!"

As Naomi and three Cobra drones stationed in the South African diamond center were about to transport the RTG to Storm Shadow's prison-base, Shipwreck started talking to her.

SHIPWRECK: Why would you want to work for Cobra, Naomi?
NAOMI: I have my reasons. My father was killed by a rogue IRA member.
SHIPWRECK: So you went rogue yourself?
NAOMI: I'm not looking for 'love' Shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK: I haven't given up on you!
NAOMI: Your G.I. Joe comrades certainly have.
SHIPWRECK: They're just scared...
NAOMI: You expect me to run away with you?
NAOMI: My life is too messy for you.
SHIPWRECK: I'm sorry about your father.
NAOMI: I live in an underworld of moral filth, Shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK: Become a G.I. Joe.
NAOMI: Let me brood on it.

Naomi decided to help the RTG escape the clutches of Cobra and Shipwreck compelled her to go with them back to the G.I. Joe headquarters in Virginia. Flint and Snake Eyes handed over all the surveillance records to the Joe leader Duke who stored it and started preparing legal documents for the prosecution of Cobra's new international operations. Meanwhile, Naomi and Shipwreck were in Shipwreck's cabin finding love and discovering a new world of martial liaison (and they dreamed of peace). Naomi considered telling Shipwreck that she was actually Cobra Commander's step-sister. Shipwreck was about to tell her that he once tried to butcher Cobra Commander.


Blood Diamond (Film)


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