G7 leaders call for ‘thorough review’ of besieged WHO amid questions about coronavirus, pro-China bias

score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition) I didn't know if FOX and the pres were giving a balanced truthful view, so I very quickly found this, after also reading Trudeau had voice support for the organization.
G7 backing for WHO leaves Trump isolated at virtual summit
Leaders voice strong support for UN agency after US suspension of its funding
View attachment 324186
Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.
Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.
On Thursday, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.
If the euros want to make up the lost US funding be my guest
England’s view of trump

>Geribaldi - 16 Apr 2020 21:31:55 (#272 of 272)

> Have to love Garden's childish political point scoring as people are dying
You have the sheer fucking gall to say that given the performance of people like Trump, and his acolytes here like Dan, Ant, and indeed yourself.
You really are campaigning for shitbag of the century, except that your leader
I inserted- (Dump) and team mates represent such able competition..
NOTtheTalk - CV in the US (USA)

Thanks for incoherent garbage. It must have really taxed you out.
I did actually find more quotes from G7 leaders besides the Guardian article. Don't actually know that much about the Guardian, but multiple leader quotes from multiple sources? Maybe everyone is out of step but little FOX News Donnie? Suggest you do not do an internet search with search argument G7 leaders speak out about WHO with of time frame of Last Day. Heaven forbid you try it naming G7 countries or leaders, Says nothing about me except I like news from multiple sources before I will believe it.
No. You only like your "news" from sources that already confirm your biases.
Trump is the only world leader who is trying to hold WHO accountable for colluding with China in covering
up the Corona virus problem and being responsible for it to begin with.

If Merkel or Trudeau or Macron want to side with the people responsible for spreading a virus that caused a worldwide pandemic that's on them. And you agree judging by your attitude.

So we'll just check the box and put you in simpatico with the people who would rather attack Donald Trump than hold the Chinese and their lackeys in the WHO accountable.

Next time you whine about the Covid 19 mess this will come to mind.
I did actually find more quotes from G7 leaders besides the Guardian article. Don't actually know that much about the Guardian, but multiple leader quotes from multiple sources? Maybe everyone is out of step but little FOX News Donnie? Suggest you do not do an internet search with search argument G7 leaders speak out about WHO with of time frame of Last Day. Heaven forbid you try it naming G7 countries or leaders, Says nothing about me except I like news from multiple sources before I will believe it.
No. You only like your "news" from sources that already confirm your biases.
Trump is the only world leader who is trying to hold WHO accountable for colluding with China in covering
up the Corona virus problem and being responsible for it to begin with.

If Merkel or Trudeau or Macron want to side with the people responsible for spreading a virus that caused a worldwide pandemic that's on them. And you agree judging by your attitude.

So we'll just check the box and put you in simpatico with the people who would rather attack Donald Trump than hold the Chinese and their lackeys in the WHO accountable.

Next time you whine about the Covid 19 mess this will come to mind.
Than he should go it alone, and not make statements the other world leaders will contradict to world press outlets. It makes him look like a fool. Should just go on his own personal little rant. without dragging in the G7. WHO worthless to him? Mabe G7 is worthless to him if they well not play ball and agree with him as if they were republican senators. He pulls out of everthing else under the sun. Surprised he is still in G7 or NATO or the UN or a host of other groups or treaty organizations. Maybe he will repeal and replace them, eh? Probably get some agreement from the Saudis, Putin or lil Kim. He has been very complimentary of the job and support Xi is doing. He could form his own little club. "Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
Than he should go it alone, and not make statements the other world leaders will contradict to world press outlets. It makes him look like a fool. Should just go on his own personal little rant. without dragging in the G7. WHO worthless to him? Mabe G7 is worthless to him if they well not play ball and agree with him as if they were republican senators. He pulls out of everthing else under the sun. Surprised he is still in G7 or NATO or the UN or a host of other groups or treaty organizations. Maybe he will repeal and replace them, eh? Probably get some agreement from the Saudis, Putin or lil Kim. He has been very complimentary of the job and support Xi is doing. He could form his own little club. "Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
That's quite a logic and fact free rant there.
The fact remains Trump is the only world leader, at least counting G-7 nations, who has
the guts and moral clarity to take on the WHO and their masters, the totalitarian Chinese.

I guess that really bothers you. That's your problem.
Funny how all the globalist nations fall in behind China. Coincidence? I think not.

Since the WHO and Xi Jinping has ruined our economic gains, and then some, the money we used to spend
on the WHO is better spent on our people instead.
Than he should go it alone, and not make statements the other world leaders will contradict to world press outlets. It makes him look like a fool. Should just go on his own personal little rant. without dragging in the G7. WHO worthless to him? Mabe G7 is worthless to him if they well not play ball and agree with him as if they were republican senators. He pulls out of everthing else under the sun. Surprised he is still in G7 or NATO or the UN or a host of other groups or treaty organizations. Maybe he will repeal and replace them, eh? Probably get some agreement from the Saudis, Putin or lil Kim. He has been very complimentary of the job and support Xi is doing. He could form his own little club. "Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
That's quite a logic and fact free rant there.
The fact remains Trump is the only world leader, at least counting G-7 nations, who has
the guts and moral clarity to take on the WHO and their masters, the totalitarian Chinese.

I guess that really bothers you. That's your problem.
Funny how all the globalist nations fall in behind China. Coincidence? I think not.

Since the WHO and Xi Jinping has ruined our economic gains, and then some, the money we used to spend
on the WHO is better spent on our people instead.
Does not bother me a bit, actually if he challenges other world leader. I just don't particularly care for it being presented on the board as if he is a great leader and the other leaders agree with him, when they don't and you only have to pose a search argument to come up with direct quotes of the leaders of the exact group FOX quotes as opening and investigation as if the world is following his lead, when according to them, they do not support his position.
FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OFF HOOK! HEALTH DEPT JUST CALLED. THEY DIDN'T SAY WHY THE DEAD GUY FELL DOWN DEAD IN THE YARD NEXT DOOR, BUT HE DID NOT HAVE CORONAVIRUS! I MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE HIM, BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF IN THE ATTEMPT. I don't mean to sound cold about someone dying. I am not. The young man was 30 years old, same as my twin boys, and God I hope somebody woud try to save them if they needed it. I've just been sweating this since last Friday mid day. That is a heck of a lot of second guessing about crap you do in a pinch, just because there ain't somebody else to do it. Think I'll go do some pleasure drinking with my wife or light up that last souvenir from February's Colorado ski trip. Bye
"Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
When voting day comes, your vote will chime with ours...
The people vote continues
onr chim at a time
dig dawn :)-

their concious a call for free nations and not recognize their place
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition) I didn't know if FOX and the pres were giving a balanced truthful view, so I very quickly found this, after also reading Trudeau had voice support for the organization.
G7 backing for WHO leaves Trump isolated at virtual summit
Leaders voice strong support for UN agency after US suspension of its funding
View attachment 324186
Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.
Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.
On Thursday, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.


Let them pay the bills for once.
Than he should go it alone, and not make statements the other world leaders will contradict to world press outlets. It makes him look like a fool. Should just go on his own personal little rant. without dragging in the G7. WHO worthless to him? Mabe G7 is worthless to him if they well not play ball and agree with him as if they were republican senators. He pulls out of everthing else under the sun. Surprised he is still in G7 or NATO or the UN or a host of other groups or treaty organizations. Maybe he will repeal and replace them, eh? Probably get some agreement from the Saudis, Putin or lil Kim. He has been very complimentary of the job and support Xi is doing. He could form his own little club. "Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
That's quite a logic and fact free rant there.
The fact remains Trump is the only world leader, at least counting G-7 nations, who has
the guts and moral clarity to take on the WHO and their masters, the totalitarian Chinese.

I guess that really bothers you. That's your problem.
Funny how all the globalist nations fall in behind China. Coincidence? I think not.

Since the WHO and Xi Jinping has ruined our economic gains, and then some, the money we used to spend
on the WHO is better spent on our people instead.
Does not bother me a bit, actually if he challenges other world leader. I just don't particularly care for it being presented on the board as if he is a great leader and the other leaders agree with him, when they don't and you only have to pose a search argument to come up with direct quotes of the leaders of the exact group FOX quotes as opening and investigation as if the world is following his lead, when according to them, they do not support his position.
FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OFF HOOK! HEALTH DEPT JUST CALLED. THEY DIDN'T SAY WHY THE DEAD GUY FELL DOWN DEAD IN THE YARD NEXT DOOR, BUT HE DID NOT HAVE CORONAVIRUS! I MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE HIM, BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF IN THE ATTEMPT. I don't mean to sound cold about someone dying. I am not. The young man was 30 years old, same as my twin boys, and God I hope somebody woud try to save them if they needed it. I've just been sweating this since last Friday mid day. That is a heck of a lot of second guessing about crap you do in a pinch, just because there ain't somebody else to do it. Think I'll go do some pleasure drinking with my wife or light up that last souvenir from February's Colorado ski trip. Bye
^^^ Drama Queen ^^^
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
Note that they are asking for a "thorough review and reform process," not pulling their funding.
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition) I didn't know if FOX and the pres were giving a balanced truthful view, so I very quickly found this, after also reading Trudeau had voice support for the organization.
G7 backing for WHO leaves Trump isolated at virtual summit
Leaders voice strong support for UN agency after US suspension of its funding
View attachment 324186
Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.
Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.
On Thursday, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.
Can't they call for review and reform AND be supportive of international cooperation? Of course the calls for review and reform could be totally justified; they should come when things settle down. WHO is a bit busy at the moment.
The Truth Must Be Told

Some will survive this
Some will not
Such is life

Humans, animals’ breath in oxygen
., Breath out CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Plants breath in CO2
Breath out 02

Diesel engines breath in oxygen
Breath out carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when carbon monoxide builds up in your bloodstream. When too much carbon monoxide is in the air, your body replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This can lead to serious tissue damage, or even death.Oct 16, 2019;this gas actually kills all that encounter it


just don't breath :)-
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition) I didn't know if FOX and the pres were giving a balanced truthful view, so I very quickly found this, after also reading Trudeau had voice support for the organization.
G7 backing for WHO leaves Trump isolated at virtual summit
Leaders voice strong support for UN agency after US suspension of its funding
View attachment 324186
Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.
Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.
On Thursday, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.


Let them pay the bills for once.
If the EU wants to squander its money on a corrupt organization controlled by china let them do so with our blessing
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
Note that they are asking for a "thorough review and reform process," not pulling their funding.
No one said that the EU was going to cut funding immediately

but “a through review” of the WHO is bad news for the chinese puppet

and would not have happened if trump had not taken strong action first

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