G7 leaders call for ‘thorough review’ of besieged WHO amid questions about coronavirus, pro-China bias

You mean the citation in the very first post in the thread?
FOX news is not a “news” outlet; it is a propaganda outlet for suckers to suckle./\
Just ask Trump, he is the biggest sucker of them all

FOX News is as much of a News Source as CNN, MSNBC and Huffington Post...
oh no, not to them, they don't tell the lies, and therefore, don't deserve recognition as such. dude, it is what it is. they're all a bunch of fking idiots.
Than he should go it alone, and not make statements the other world leaders will contradict to world press outlets. It makes him look like a fool. Should just go on his own personal little rant. without dragging in the G7. WHO worthless to him? Mabe G7 is worthless to him if they well not play ball and agree with him as if they were republican senators. He pulls out of everthing else under the sun. Surprised he is still in G7 or NATO or the UN or a host of other groups or treaty organizations. Maybe he will repeal and replace them, eh? Probably get some agreement from the Saudis, Putin or lil Kim. He has been very complimentary of the job and support Xi is doing. He could form his own little club. "Fk those mealy mouth leaders of the free world" in general could be part of the slogans for his 2020 election, right?
That's quite a logic and fact free rant there.
The fact remains Trump is the only world leader, at least counting G-7 nations, who has
the guts and moral clarity to take on the WHO and their masters, the totalitarian Chinese.

I guess that really bothers you. That's your problem.
Funny how all the globalist nations fall in behind China. Coincidence? I think not.

Since the WHO and Xi Jinping has ruined our economic gains, and then some, the money we used to spend
on the WHO is better spent on our people instead.
Does not bother me a bit, actually if he challenges other world leader. I just don't particularly care for it being presented on the board as if he is a great leader and the other leaders agree with him, when they don't and you only have to pose a search argument to come up with direct quotes of the leaders of the exact group FOX quotes as opening and investigation as if the world is following his lead, when according to them, they do not support his position.
FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OFF HOOK! HEALTH DEPT JUST CALLED. THEY DIDN'T SAY WHY THE DEAD GUY FELL DOWN DEAD IN THE YARD NEXT DOOR, BUT HE DID NOT HAVE CORONAVIRUS! I MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE HIM, BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF IN THE ATTEMPT. I don't mean to sound cold about someone dying. I am not. The young man was 30 years old, same as my twin boys, and God I hope somebody woud try to save them if they needed it. I've just been sweating this since last Friday mid day. That is a heck of a lot of second guessing about crap you do in a pinch, just because there ain't somebody else to do it. Think I'll go do some pleasure drinking with my wife or light up that last souvenir from February's Colorado ski trip. Bye
it's an open forum. don't watch the thread, it is your right. you are a censorship dude are you? hmmmmm explains much.

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