GA Governor Kemp notifies AG 17,852 invalid votes counted in Fulton County 2020 election

Sounds like a lie. You cannot find it on any news service, including FOX faux News. Leading report cannot be trusted.
With the sheer amount of fraud going around nothing would surprise me short of LBJ taking the POTUS for a 2nd term!
Works for me. If it went on in GA. it went on everywhere.
Funny since uh when I clicked any of the links, I couldn't find any information on exactly How many of the wrongly counted votes were for Biden? And how many were for trump. Though it doesn't really prove fraud. It just proves that votes were counted that shouldn't have been. Until we get an actual count of the exact votes and who they were for, Nothing is proven.

But on the other hand, Even if it was proven that most of the votes that were wrongly counted were for trump and bite the still won, Trumpers would just claim its a lie.
Evidence for an appeal.

If only it were real news and not the same fake news you drones keep falling for.

Yep. I saw that. The OP, to their "credit" never did actually say there was going to be that item on the agenda. But of course the inference was attempted to amplify the the fabrication. It makes the attempt even more pathetic in my view.

what is truly pathetic is how quickly and often the MAGA drones fall for this shit.
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The Marxists always said "There was no widespread voter fraud" and that is a disinformation, because they knew that it was only a select few states that actually did VOTER FRAUD. The stupid Marxists/Demofascists voters ate it up bigly because they were told "Orange Man Bad".

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you mean the swing states that found votes for 2 weeks?

Reminder Biden "won" by 12,000 votes. So if 17,852 of those from one county were invalid what does that say?


Isn’t it funny we can’t find any news of this except on fringe RW websites? I mean a public disclosure would be. You know. Public wouldn’t it?

So no. It didn’t happen. What else do you have but lame assed conspiracy theory?
It's the Geller Report:

  • Overall, we rate the Geller Report Questionable based on extreme right bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as extreme anti-Islamic views and numerous false claims.

Oh come on, who is fact checking the fact checkers who are biased to the Marxists.....
Why aren't tweets showing up?
Beats me. Don't care about tweets, as never been on that platform. Not being on any major outlet with any history is the most telling, tweets not counting for much in reality.
Oh yes, oh very yeah, its out der’*****

We reported that a complaint for Fulton County was filed that specifically called out 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image. This complaint resulted in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25. This investigation is reportedly complete and the results of this investigation were to be presented to the SEB next week. This complaint was recently categorized by the Board as “violations found.”

***buuttt the coverup continues

On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 4:30 PM [a paralegal at the SEB] wrote:

Good afternoon,

Please accept this email as notice that the case SEB2023-025 has been continued from the agenda, and will not be heard at the December 19 SEB meeting.

The corrupt actors in Georgia postponed the reporting of this case most likely to prevent more the release of more evidence of corrupt results and activities in the 2020 Georgia Election that would help President Trump and others in the BS indictments against them from Fulton County.

In addition, there are over 140,000 ballots that citizens have been prevented to audit due to the Secretary of State’s office. These ballots reportedly all looked the same and “like carbon copies” and were included in the election counting. They were identified during the recount also known as the Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) and they have been blocked for review in the courts since the 2020 election. Although the Georgia Supreme Court ruled a year ago that the citizens in the state can review these ballots, the Secretary of State and the courts are preventing this from happening.
It proves there was fraud. That is all it needs to do.

No it only proofs that there were errors and not fraud

Just as the previous reported errors and not fraud a couple of years ago

yeah you guys jump on that bandwagon and it crashed.

in 2021 it was errors and not fraud

And it didn't change the final results of who won

Now here we go again. You all are just getting excited based on what.

the final analysis has not been completed

Learn to be patient.

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