Game of Thrones

I just saw a pirate vid of episode 4. You won't believe it. They all get to Kings Landing where they find out Cersei has identified as a male, and the Hound identifies as female after getting bested by Arya too many times, and marry's her/him. Jamie gets the hots for Arya and ends up fisting her with his stump. Tyrion finally has his way with Sansa after she gets so horny she can't stand it, and Bronn has to go to the iron isles in search of something to cure all the std's he has gotten from all the whores he has played army with.

Tormund Giantsbane gets Brienne drunk and has his way with her but sadly finds out he is not man enough for her, and ends up dating Varys. The Meisters kill Samwell Tarley because they are sick of his fat pussy ass, And Daenerys Targaryen finally has the winter she always wanted culminating with 8 inches of Snow.
Not sure if someone like him was able to actually feel arrogance.
Right,but i think he showed it several times in this episode. He walked away from jon snow, leaving him to battle the wights. He assumed victory over both arya and bran. He stopped his wights in favor of relishing the murder of Bran for himself.

Or maybe he had to be the one to kill Bran for "REASON X"

I can see arrogance, but more of a "my victory is inevitable because thats all i can think about" than any form of gloating.
As I said, she was running for her life the last scene we saw of her before she shows up here.
No, she was running straight to the godswood after speaking with the red woman. She had to traverse maybe 200 yards.
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Daenerys no longer has the resources to take the iron throne intact. We are in for some twists and turns in these final episodes.
Daenerys no longer has the resources to take the iron throne intact. We are in for some twists and turns in these final episodes.

Cersei sent Bron to kill Tyrion and Jamie. Knowing GRRRRRRRRRRRRR, Tyrion, Jamie and Arya are all killed in the next episode
I just saw a pirate vid of episode 4. You won't believe it. They all get to Kings Landing where they find out Cersei has identified as a male, and the Hound identifies as female after getting bested by Arya too many times, and marry's her/him. Jamie gets the hots for Arya and ends up fisting her with his stump. Tyrion finally has his way with Sansa after she gets so horny she can't stand it, and Bronn has to go to the iron isles in search of something to cure all the std's he has gotten from all the whores he has played army with.

Tormund Giantsbane gets Brienne drunk and has his way with her but sadly finds out he is not man enough for her, and ends up dating Varys. The Meisters kill Samwell Tarley because they are sick of his fat pussy ass, And Daenerys Targaryen finally has the winter she always wanted culminating with 8 inches of Snow.
The homo-voyeurism of CRCs even reaches GoT. :71:
Joke of an episode.

YEARS of building up the mortal threat and story of the White Walkers only to end it on a dud episode where the King is stabbed by a little girl?

Complete waste of a story line.
Some people prefer the comfort of tired old storytelling tropes. Game of thrones has never been about that. Anyone who is disappointed or surprised that the night king was killed by one little girl either hasn't been paying attention or has forgotten what made the show and books so interesting in the first place.

Lots of people abandoned the show after ned was killed, or after the red wedding. Those people made the right of thrones was never meant for them.
Some people prefer the comfort of tired old storytelling tropes. Game of thrones has never been about that. Anyone who is disappointed or surprised that the night king was killed by one little girl either hasn't been paying attention or has forgotten what made the show and books so interesting in the first place.

Lots of people abandoned the show after ned was killed, or after the red wedding. Those people made the right of thrones was never meant for them.

One also forgets that the "little girl" needed help from plenty of others to get her shot.

The Hound getting his shit together after freaking out.
The Red lady to come back and remind her of the prophecy.
Beric to sacrifice himself.
Jon and Dany to get the Night King on foot and away from his dragon

Also we forget all the other battles leading up to this against the White walkers and the wights.

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