Game Over for Dems: Rasmussen, Emerson Numbers on Black Voter Approval for Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
MORE AT LINK. Red State ^ | 11-24-19

We all knew this was coming!!!

"Rasmussen is reporting a pretty significant fact which may make Democrats completely lose their minds.

Because if this holds, it’s game over for them come the election.

Rasmussen notes that they’re looking at likely voters which may explain why they were the most accurate in 2016. ""


“Emerson has approval from black registered voters for Trump at 34.5 percent.”

That's always been a precarious situation for demonRATS. In many races across the country, the margin of victory is 1 or 2%. If their support among blacks drops even 2 percentage point, they are toast. They may even cease to exist as a Party!...But keep uishing that INFANTICIDE and a 42+% tax increase...a WINNING POSITION!!

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