Gang led Haiti and the Dominican Republic share an island, only separated by a wall, and Haiti’s turmoil is not going to DR.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Walls do not work.

So why isn’t Haiti’s anarchy spilling across the wall to the Dominican Republic?


DR can secure their border with their limited resources. The US can secure its border. The Dems want to import a new underclass and Dem voters for a one party rule.

It is as obvious as the fact that Biden is senile.
Walls work cause in the Dominican Republic they are enforced with bullets.

Bullets actually work better than walls.

The left would call you racist for supporting any wall.

It is painfully obvious the Dems want millions of illegals to enter the US…give them amnesty…get them to vote Dem for a one party rule.

Why are the criminal aliens being sprinkled into swing states by the Biden/Harris admin? This corrupt administration has made every state a border state.

Hundreds of nations have a secure border, the U.S. could easily have one. The Dems do not want it secure.
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Democrats and their low IQ supporters are trying to turn our country into a shit-hole.
My family is African American. I would think in a thread you start you could control your irrational emotions and facilitate a nice discussion.

Bigotry is what you showed. Forming an opinion of someone without any information.

You did not understand my sarcasm. The wink was supposed to be the giveaway.


Anyone who wants a wall is called racist by the communist left.

I won’t be sarcastic with you anymore. My apologies.

There…I fixed it…are we friends again?

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