Gang members lie on Federal Background check forms, get guns illegally....gun control works?

Uh, we have a lot more people die from guns than Irons.... so maybe not.

No, wait, 2AGuy is going to come up with a statistics that more people die of Iron injuries than Rare Model Assault rifles on Tuesdays, or something.

They wouldn't have had to seen his medical records. His universtiy was in the process of throwing him out of his Ph.D program because of his increasing mental instability.

Again, goes back to my point, let the gun industry be sued for the guys like Holmes who slip through the cracks, and they WILL fill in the cracks.

Obviously the gun industry was not the cause or cure to mental insanity like Holmes, and there is no way they can fix it.
The fix is free mental health care, paid for by our taxes.
(Which should really be local, but since the feds are the one doing all the taxing, they should be the ones paying.)
There are no "cracks" in the firearm background check system.
The problem is there was no mental health input because no one wanted to pay for any mental health costs.
If there had been mental health input, then the dealer would have seen it and refused the sale.
The system works, but society does not.
Society is trying to ignore mental health because that would cost something.
Even is the store had refused to sell to Holmes, that would have solved nothing.
He still obviously need a huge amount of mental health care.
He could still have obtains lethal material and still have been just as dangerous.
The problem has nothing at all to do with firearms.
He planned the attack for two years? How do we know that? Because they still haven't been able to tell us what his motives were, he completely destroyed his own computer that might have given us clues.

I don't think it was one person who bought all 850, and if it was, then that's not a good sign, either.

there were 850 transactions, and not a ONE of them raised a red flag?

Or was this gun store really popular because they know that these guys aren't checking the IDs very hard.

Remember, these folks drove from Chicago to Gary, IN to buy guns. There are lots of gun stores in Chicago, why drive that extra distance, to Gary, which is kind of a shitty neighborhood to start with.
There are lots of gun stores in Chicago,

there are?
I don't think it was one person who bought all 850, and if it was, then that's not a good sign, either.

there were 850 transactions, and not a ONE of them raised a red flag?

Or was this gun store really popular because they know that these guys aren't checking the IDs very hard.

Remember, these folks drove from Chicago to Gary, IN to buy guns. There are lots of gun stores in Chicago, why drive that extra distance, to Gary, which is kind of a shitty neighborhood to start with.

Guns end up in the hands of criminals no matter what you do. I didn't say it was one person who bought 850 guns. What I asked is if they were sold illegally or not. If they were sold legally and ended up in criminal hands, there is nothing any gun dealership can do about that. Guns are purchased through straw buyers, they are often stolen, they are sold one on one just like your car or riding mower.

Not all guns stores are the same. Some gun stores don't have much of a selection yet alone any real deals while larger stores have a vast array of multiple weapons. I don't know what this store has, but there is a possibility that people go there for the selection or sales.
Well, three of them have a pretty good self-defense claim, as they lived in the house that was being fired upon. If they were white people, you'd be making them into NRA heroes.

The other two... you could make a better claim against, but the police can't tell you who fired the first shot.

"The detectives reached out to our office on Friday and acknowledged at the outset that given the chaotic nature at the scene, they were unable to determine how the events unfolded," the statement read. "We reviewed the evidence that was presented to us in consultation with the detectives, and they agreed we were unable to approve charges based on the evidence presented."

Yes, heaven forbid the cops put down the fucking donuts and do an investigation. That 17% clearance rate is hard to maintain

Almost all gang shootings are the fault of police.
Police know that drug laws are really illegal, and that like Prohibition, all they do is increase enticing profits, and cause shooting due to the cash economy and turf wars that the War on Drugs creates.
Police like the War on Drugs because it scares people and makes it easier for police to ask for raises.
They then get to charge bail, court costs, asset forfeiture of homes, etc.
Really, when does this happen.

Check this out. 850 guns recovered from crimes in Chicago all came from ONE GUN STORE>

I mean, one or two guns getting through, I can see. But 850? Do the employees all have white canes?

And, yes, this gun store is still in business.

Look at their happy employees, who apparently let at least 850 guns get into the hands of crooks from Chicago.

View attachment 550086

So you want them to employ telepaths so they can read the minds of customers or something?
How do you expect the store to be able to predict what a buyer is going to then do with a purchased gun?
For example, I like to try different guns, and then resell them, often at a profit as the value goes up over time.
How is a gun store going to know that, or why should they even care?
You are not making any sense.
Any store has to make at least $1000/day just to be able to afford to stay open.
Assuming about half profit markup, that is $2000/day gross, which at $500/gun, is 40 guns/day.
Which is about 15k guns/year.
So then 850 is a tiny and insignificant number, that get involved in crime.
And there is nothing to indicate any criminal came to this store.
The 850 could all have been stolen from honest buyers.
Almost all gang shootings are the fault of police.
Police know that drug laws are really illegal, and that like Prohibition, all they do is increase enticing profits, and cause shooting due to the cash economy and turf wars that the War on Drugs creates.
Police like the War on Drugs because it scares people and makes it easier for police to ask for raises.
They then get to charge bail, court costs, asset forfeiture of homes, etc.

Police know drug laws are illegal Dr Rigby? Did you learn this from the same folks who bequeathed upon you your vast knowledge of vaccines? :lol:
mama didn't have a gunsafe?

you sure about that?

i am certain that she didn’t have most if any of her arsenal locked up. This woman was as scary as her son.

Learn something loophole deniers

Totally and completely wrong!

State laws have NOTHING at all to do with the fact all gun shows require background checks.
They require background checks because all gun shows are run out of public buildings, like state fair grounds, National Gurard Armories, etc.
Not once have I ever heard of any gun show that did not do background checks in the last 15 years, regardless of what the state laws may be.
Police know drug laws are illegal Dr Rigby? Did you learn this from the same folks who bequeathed upon you your vast knowledge of vaccines? :lol:

Drugs were always legal in the past, drugs are a medical problem not a criminal one, and everyone knows from Prohibition that criminalization only makes the problems worse instead of better.
Never once heard of any cop who thought the War on Drugs was legal.
In fact, even "no-knock-raids" actually are totally illegal, unless there is a hostage situation.
These facts are obvious.

As with vaccines, all the knowledge is out there to read.
There are fake opinions as well, but that is easy to detect if you keep reading enough.
Two gang members went into gun stores, filled out the Federally mandated paperwork.....and were allowed to buy guns.....

gun just as expected...

This is a lie.

It fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

No one has ever stated that a particular firearm regulatory measure will end all gun crime and violence.

The NICS background check system works as intended; that criminals attempt to circumvent the system neither mitigates its effectiveness nor justifies its being discontinued.
Simple enough solution. Let victims of gun violence sue the gun sellers... betcha they'll watch who they sell to after that.

Gun dealers aren't allowed to discriminate against someone just because they suspect they are gang-related.

BTW, should auto manufacturers be held to account if they sell vehicles to people with shitty driving records ?
They have to fill out form 4473 before they can buy the gun .

criminals use stolen guns

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