Gang members lie on Federal Background check forms, get guns illegally....gun control works?

She can kick him out or tell him to store his guns elsewhere, but otherwise they are not her business.

Q: And DID she kick him out?
C: Therefore it was bigly fuckup for PrepperMom giving her mentally ill son unfettered access to a literal arsenal.
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Really, when does this happen.

Check this out. 850 guns recovered from crimes in Chicago all came from ONE GUN STORE>

I mean, one or two guns getting through, I can see. But 850? Do the employees all have white canes?

And, yes, this gun store is still in business.

Look at their happy employees, who apparently let at least 850 guns get into the hands of crooks from Chicago.

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According the the website YOU linked to, the gun store is in Gary Indiana, NOT Chicago. From what I can find, there isn't a single gun store in the city of Chicago.
The sellers can not be sued for something they have no control over, like what the buyer decides to do with the gun.
If anyone should be sued, it is the people in government responsible for the illegal War on Drugs.
Not only does government have no authority to criminalize what is essentially a medical problem, but we know criminalization of drugs only increases the violence, as it did with alcohol prohibition.
What the War on Drug does is to increase profits, enticing more poor people into it, but at the same time preventing them from using checks, credit cards, banks, police, or anything that might reduce crime.
The War on Drugs is not just illegal, but ensured to create massive crime and murder increases.
It is government that needs to be sued.
According to the article, the ATF has penalized the store for improper verification and twice agents have recommended it's license be pulled. The store owners need to be jailed and the ATF investigated to find out WHY it's ignoring the recommendations of it's own agents. After Fast and Furious, I have my suspicions.
The world is full of criminals, or perhaps the purpose of traffic violations like speeding is more to fill the coffers.
The purpose of writing speeding violations is to punish people exceeding the speed limit and it works to some extent. The problem is that the speed limits are artificially low and traffic normally moves at the correct speed for road and weather conditions. I used to commute on a freeway that had a sixty five MPH limit, but people routinely ran at ninety. The CHP randomly ticketed drivers which would slow everyone else down for a few minutes and cause traffic jams.
It is not and never can be illegal for people to purchase firearms just because they belong to a gang.
If that were true, then no police could carry firearms, because they obviously all belong to a gang. They even have gang colors.
Of course it could be. There's many carve outs to the second amendment.

The rest of your post is just insanity not worth response.
Depends on the state Dr Rigby. In at least a couple dozen states, an unlicensed dealer may sell any and all weapons at a gun show with no BG check. All the are required to do is take a quick glance at an ID to confirm they are 18 years of age. No record keeping required.
By unlicensed dealer, you mean a private party. And I don't know of any gun show that allows private parties to sell on the premises.
I disagree.
If an iron company puts a warning label on an iron due to a frivolous lawsuit, that does not show there should be more frivolous lawsuits, but fewer.
Irons get a lot hotter than people realize, especially how the steam penetrates the cloth.
But no one can fail to recognized the deadly nature of firearms.

Background checks are not inadequate, but our health care system is.
Before Reagan gutted our mental health care system, we did have much better means of recognizing the mentally ill and placing them under supervision.
Background checks just get the sellers access to the databases. That is not the problem.
The problem is no one wants to spend money on James Holmes, who clearly had to always have been totally crazy.
Everyone must have known he was crazy for years.
He was taking prescription drugs that are known to make people dangerous.
But none of the person's medical history gets into the background checks, because that would cost too much.

And I think you are mixing up cases.
James Holmes of the Aurora shooting did not get firearms from his mother, she was not in the process of throwing him out, and he did not shoot his mother.

The Aurora shooting is perfect evidence of how our for profit medical system is at fault, nothing else.
There was no one willing to pick up the cost of institutionalizing Holmes, even though it was obvious to everyone he should have been.
Reagan didn't gut the mental health system, the ACLU did by suing and winning a case that resulting in not being able in incarcerate the mentally ill against their will unless they are a clear, present and immediate danger to themselves or others. Reagan moved the funds into Block Grants so the states could fund mental health treatments however they wanted to.
According the the website YOU linked to, the gun store is in Gary Indiana, NOT Chicago. From what I can find, there isn't a single gun store in the city of Chicago

Do you know how long it takes to drive from Chicago to Gary? 34 fucking minutes.
Well, three of them have a pretty good self-defense claim, as they lived in the house that was being fired upon. If they were white people, you'd be making them into NRA heroes.

The other two... you could make a better claim against, but the police can't tell you who fired the first shot.

"The detectives reached out to our office on Friday and acknowledged at the outset that given the chaotic nature at the scene, they were unable to determine how the events unfolded," the statement read. "We reviewed the evidence that was presented to us in consultation with the detectives, and they agreed we were unable to approve charges based on the evidence presented."

Yes, heaven forbid the cops put down the fucking donuts and do an investigation. That 17% clearance rate is hard to maintain
They didn't have a self-defense excuse if they were convicted felons. The simple possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a felony.
Q: And DID she kick him out?
C: Therefore it was bigly fuckup for PrepperMom giving her mentally ill son unfettered access to a literal arsenal.

Willy, you didn’t respond to my last link about Mama Lanza - Why come? :lol:
Of course it could be. There's many carve outs to the second amendment.

The rest of your post is just insanity not worth response.
Nope, there are not carve outs, there are just a whole bunch of commie scum that pretend there are. You for instance.
Obviously the gun industry was not the cause or cure to mental insanity like Holmes, and there is no way they can fix it.
The fix is free mental health care, paid for by our taxes.
(Which should really be local, but since the feds are the one doing all the taxing, they should be the ones paying.)
There are no "cracks" in the firearm background check system.
The problem is there was no mental health input because no one wanted to pay for any mental health costs.
If there had been mental health input, then the dealer would have seen it and refused the sale.
The system works, but society does not.
Society is trying to ignore mental health because that would cost something.
Even is the store had refused to sell to Holmes, that would have solved nothing.
He still obviously need a huge amount of mental health care.
He could still have obtains lethal material and still have been just as dangerous.
The problem has nothing at all to do with firearms.
The problem is that the HIPPA laws protect the privacy of mentally ill people so they can't be entered into the database of people forbidden to posses guns.
By unlicensed dealer, you mean a private party. And I don't know of any gun show that allows private parties to sell on the premises.

Then you are not paying the fuck attention. Kindly read links prior to responding.
Nancy Lanza most definitely had a gun safe.
A gun safe was found in a bedroom and investigators found more than 1,400 rounds of ammunition and other firearms.
1400 rounds of ammo isn't a lot. When I was a active target shooter, I'd go through several hundred rounds a day and I practiced at least four times a week. I got my ammo from my reserve unit since I shot military matches and I kept my ammo in my house. Since I only had one weekend a month reserve duty, I kept a full month's ammo on hand which was at least three thousand rounds for ONE gun. Serious shooters go through more than I did.

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