Gangs in Sacramento CA

Deportation is not an abuse of any ones rights so deporting them is not tossing out the Bill of Rights.
You claimed I'm tossing out the Bill of Rights and I did no such thing.
after what they did to the SA list i dont have to....and the one who commented on the SA list was the head of the Orange County Gang task force
You assume and that makes an ass out of you and me...
You claimed I'm tossing out the Bill of Rights and I did no such thing.

Sure you did. This is your post, after all:
What is it that you think should be done, exactly?
The same thing we did in the Al Capone days. Americans had enough and forced the leadership to act. First thing I would do is infiltrate the gangs and find the illegal aliens among them and put them in jail for breaking into our nation to break our laws. Then hell will be visited upon the rest. Any known gang member gathering with another gang member serves 10 years in federal prison. Any known gang member committing a violent crime gets 20 years min sentence. Any known gang members family will be forced to pay restitution to his or her victims. Any family of a known illegal alien gang member get automatic deportation.
Hows that for a start. Force the families to police their own.

I see violations of the 1st and the 5th, right there.
People with intelligence know that the only way to solve an issue is to first understand it. If you dont comprehend the factors that create gangs you will simply blow a lot of money on retarded schemes such as the one that the OP has presented.
after what they did to the SA list i dont have to....and the one who commented on the SA list was the head of the Orange County Gang task force
You assume and that makes an ass out of you and me...
you do realize that street is a forum like this one ...right?...and we know how accurate posters here can be...
It's not "too hard", it's quite literally impossible.

There will always be crime, and people will always organize themselves to do it. Even with all of your suggestions for throwing out the Bill of Rights, it will never go away.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.....
Felons and illegal aliens don't apply to the Bill Of Rights for one. That is your first mistake

Speaking of 'mental disorder'- the Bill of Rights applies even to felons.

No- you don't get to shoot them felons down on the street just because you think the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.
How stupid is this thread?

The OP doesn't even care how much crime there is in Sacramento- he is just whigging out because there are gangs.

And wants to pretend he is part of gangbusters

Crime in Sacramento:

2013 violent crime rate

2014 violent crime rate

Compare this to- oh say Redbluff

Red Bluff

2013 violent crime rate

2014 violent crime rate
Mapping California crime rates — how does your city stack up?

Violent crime is going down in most cities- not all- but most- and Sacramento's violent crime rate is lower than many. No violent crime is acceptable- but the OP is in full panic mode.....for less violent crime than last year- or the year before....

Crime continued to fall last year in the Bay Area and around the country, dipping to historic lows despite fear of growing danger on the streets, according to the FBI.

If crime is rising, as some believe, the trend didn’t show up in 2014. Property crimes like burglary and auto theft decreased 5 percent in the U.S., falling for the 12th year in a row. Violent crimes like robberies and assaults were off 1 percent and have been nearly cut in half in the past 20 years.


In the Bay Area, the improvements were uneven, with some cities slashing their crime rates and others losing ground.

But the overall picture was positive: Last year, 222 people were slain in the region’s 15 most populous cities — a large number, but one that represents a nearly 30 percent drop over two years and a nearly 40 percent plunge since 2007, according to a Chronicle analysis.
The Bill of Rights applies to every single human being within the jurisdiction of this country give up your right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness when you are incarcerated and illegal immigrants are not covered under the Bill Of Rights. I know lefty losers that hate America don't believe it but it's true.


There really isn't much to say about this, other than you're completely and utterly wrong.

People with intelligence know that the only way to solve an issue is to first understand it. If you dont comprehend the factors that create gangs you will simply blow a lot of money on retarded schemes such as the one that the OP has presented
Speaking of 'mental disorder'- the Bill of Rights applies even to felons.

No- you don't get to shoot them felons down on the street just because you think the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.
You need to read the whole thread...No one is shooting anyone.
I see violations of the 1st and the 5th, right there.
That is your opinion Doctor. We already have association laws. They have been challenged in court to no avail. And if the gang member is illegal then there is a 90% chance his family is as well. If they are they go home.

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