Gangs in Sacramento CA

It's not "too hard", it's quite literally impossible.

There will always be crime, and people will always organize themselves to do it. Even with all of your suggestions for throwing out the Bill of Rights, it will never go away.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.....
Felons and illegal aliens don't apply to the Bill Of Rights for one. That is your first mistake
You do realize that a substantial amount of gang members are not felons or illegal right?
It's not "too hard", it's quite literally impossible.

There will always be crime, and people will always organize themselves to do it. Even with all of your suggestions for throwing out the Bill of Rights, it will never go away.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.....
Felons and illegal aliens don't apply to the Bill Of Rights for one. That is your first mistake

The Bill of Rights applies to every single human being within the jurisdiction of this country, felons and illegal immigrants included.
The Bill of Rights applies to every single human being within the jurisdiction of this country give up your right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness when you are incarcerated and illegal immigrants are not covered under the Bill Of Rights. I know lefty losers that hate America don't believe it but it's true.
The Bill of Rights applies to every single human being within the jurisdiction of this country give up your right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness when you are incarcerated and illegal immigrants are not covered under the Bill Of Rights. I know lefty losers that hate America don't believe it but it's true.
Youre a true idiot. :laugh:
The Bill of Rights applies to every single human being within the jurisdiction of this country give up your right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness when you are incarcerated and illegal immigrants are not covered under the Bill Of Rights. I know lefty losers that hate America don't believe it but it's true.


There really isn't much to say about this, other than you're completely and utterly wrong.
There is a third and fourth option. I am more intelligent than you and also have better sources of information. Do you even know any gang members?
I don't have to know gang members to know what they do and where they do it. So Mr. intelligent. Give me your source. Tell us how decent gang members are. Tell us how everyone needs to know and love a gang member. You're a complete idiot.
What is it that you think should be done, exactly?

They basically act as narco terrorists for the most part. I would fight them the same way. Round them up, have a trial and then throw away the key on the ones who are found guilty.
There is a third and fourth option. I am more intelligent than you and also have better sources of information. Do you even know any gang members?
I don't have to know gang members to know what they do and where they do it. So Mr. intelligent. Give me your source. Tell us how decent gang members are. Tell us how everyone needs to know and love a gang member. You're a complete idiot.
Youre done dude. Go sleep it off. :laugh:

From your link - and it's right at the top, too:

True, the Bill of Rights applies to everyone, even illegal immigrants. So an immigrant, legal or illegal, prosecuted under the criminal code has the right todue process, a speedy and public trial, and other rights protected by the Fifth andSixth Amendments. This fact sheet from the National Lawyers Guild outlines a host of rights afforded to immigrants and citizens alike. (There are a few rights reserved for citizens. Among them are the right to vote, the right to hold most federal jobs, and the right to run for political office.)

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