Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Duh, because they are criminal offenses, and they are getting them to assist or help with the LOCAL police, is what the memorandum says....

Why don't you read it.....? Your right wing propaganda site have a link to the memorandum.....I

Are all 45,000 Fbi agents across the USA being blamed for what a few bad apples may have done?


The first steps to FASCISM/Authoritarianism taking place is falsely making citizens believe that all the govt they have now is corrupt.... And falsely claiming that elections are bogus....FAKE, STOLEN, RIGGED.

Your side is setting this country up, for Authoritarianism in lieu of DEMOCRACY....!!! And you are just thoughtlessly following their lead in to destroying this once great, democratic nation.....
that's some funny ass shit, right there.
YOu mean after asking NICELY for ten years to reform the police, they finally rioted. Because white people only give a shit if you threaten to break their stuff.

Just as I said: your party supports mobs showing up to burn and destroy public and private property.

Sorry, but you’re never going to convince me that any of that justified burning someone’s private business who had nothing to do with it.
Threatening the lives of School board members over lessons or mask mandates is hardly in the same class.

You’re mistaken if you think I’m excusing the threats against the school board members. I’m not and I don’t condone it.

Just don’t try to pull that hypocritical crap with me.
I’m perfectly okay with discussing the history of racism and discrimination in this country. I and a lot of others like me just don’t agree that it’s what the country was founded or built on and we don’t want that shit taught to our children.

Yes, I know, man, the Truth hurts...

The funny thing is, we start the teaching of American history with a lie. "Columbus Discovered America". Columbus didn't discover America. He opened it up for European settlement, which resulted in the genocide of Native Americans and the Enslavement of black people.

A bunch of Slave-owners revolted against the Crown, and despite all their talk of "all men being created equal", they enshrined slavery in this country's founding documents.

Please don't try to pretend that this doesn't have an effect to this very day.

Of course they’re not going to suggest it, that would be pretty stupid on their part. But that’s what will happen anyway. They’ll simply call it something else and, even if their motives are entirely sincere, it’s what will happen anyway.

Certain teachers -if they think like you - will not be able to resist putting their own spin on the lessons or injecting comments and remarks critical of whites. You know it. I know it.

You mean there's a way to discuss slavery and Native American Genocide "nicely"?

I mean, yes, we could "Disney-fy" history. Just tell kids the nice parts and leave out the icky parts.

Or we can tell kids, "Our ancestors made a lot of mistakes. Some of us are still suffering for it, others of us have benefited, but we should all try to make things better."

The video is restricted for me but I’ll bet I can guess what it is: Some white person acting like a dickhead and you’ll cite that as an example of how racist all white people are.

It's restricted for you? What, are you ten?

Oh, and kudos for faithfully employing yet another liberal fad sobriquet: Karen. How original.

You really are the perfect little social justice liberal soldier. You have all their pat words, terms and phrases memorized and know just when to whip them out like you just thought of them yourself. Christ you people make me laugh.

Not at all. The problem with the Karens of the world is that it shows white entitlement. You don't belong in my park, so I'm going to call the cops. I'm going to scream at you maniacally because I didn't clearly tell you what I wanted when I placed my order.

Once again, you cite ONE example of racial bias and use that as an excuse. It’s horseshit.

You miss the point of the story entirely... it wasn't that he said racist things or did racist actions. It was that he showed an unconscious bias. (This guy also did other things, like terminate a Jamaican temp to create a job for his drinking buddy his drinking buddy wasn't qualified for. ) People of color who had worked hard were not recognized, people who really didn't do that much got an advantage for merely being white.
Just as I said: your party supports mobs showing up to burn and destroy public and private property.

Sorry, but you’re never going to convince me that any of that justified burning someone’s private business who had nothing to do with it.

Except we did. They all looked at tape of Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice being murdered by police and said, 'Yup, we're fine with this."

You’re mistaken if you think I’m excusing the threats against the school board members. I’m not and I don’t condone it.

Just don’t try to pull that hypocritical crap with me.

Then you should have no problem with Garland going after the Klan Parents who do it.

I know I don't.

I'd like to have laws like Germany, where belonging to a racist group can get you jail time. Then again, they have experience with what happens when you let THAT get out of control.
Yes, I know, man, the Truth hurts...

The funny thing is, we start the teaching of American history with a lie. "Columbus Discovered America". Columbus didn't discover America. He opened it up for European settlement, which resulted in the genocide of Native Americans and the Enslavement of black people.

A bunch of Slave-owners revolted against the Crown, and despite all their talk of "all men being created equal", they enshrined slavery in this country's founding documents.

Please don't try to pretend that this doesn't have an effect to this very day.

You mean there's a way to discuss slavery and Native American Genocide "nicely"?

I mean, yes, we could "Disney-fy" history. Just tell kids the nice parts and leave out the icky parts.

Or we can tell kids, "Our ancestors made a lot of mistakes. Some of us are still suffering for it, others of us have benefited, but we should all try to make things better."

It's restricted for you? What, are you ten?

Not at all. The problem with the Karens of the world is that it shows white entitlement. You don't belong in my park, so I'm going to call the cops. I'm going to scream at you maniacally because I didn't clearly tell you what I wanted when I placed my order.

You miss the point of the story entirely... it wasn't that he said racist things or did racist actions. It was that he showed an unconscious bias. (This guy also did other things, like terminate a Jamaican temp to create a job for his drinking buddy his drinking buddy wasn't qualified for. ) People of color who had worked hard were not recognized, people who really didn't do that much got an advantage for merely being white.
You should move to Cuba. Sounds like you don't like the US very much.
Except we did. They all looked at tape of Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice being murdered by police and said, 'Yup, we're fine with this."

Then you should have no problem with Garland going after the Klan Parents who do it.

I know I don't.

I'd like to have laws like Germany, where belonging to a racist group can get you jail time. Then again, they have experience with what happens when you let THAT get out of control.
"Klan parents"?

Gotta link to these "Klan parents"?
Yes, I know, man, the Truth hurts...

The funny thing is, we start the teaching of American history with a lie. "Columbus Discovered America". Columbus didn't discover America. He opened it up for European settlement, which resulted in the genocide of Native Americans and the Enslavement of black people.

We’re not talking about Columbus.
A bunch of Slave-owners revolted against the Crown, and despite all their talk of "all men being created equal", they enshrined slavery in this country's founding documents.

Please don't try to pretend that this doesn't have an effect to this very day.

All you’re doing is proving my point that you don’t want to teach kids that racism is bad, you just want to teach them that whites are racist.

This is what I was talking about and is why I don’t want this taught to our kids. At least not the way you want it taught.
You mean there's a way to discuss slavery and Native American Genocide "nicely"?

I mean, yes, we could "Disney-fy" history. Just tell kids the nice parts and leave out the icky parts.

Teach history. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. This includes strides we’ve made towards equality and equal rights.

But I know you, you would want to gloss over that stuff just like you think I want to gloss over the bad stuff.

You have proven yourself to be anything but objective on most issues but race issues are your worst.
Or we can tell kids, "Our ancestors made a lot of mistakes. Some of us are still suffering for it, others of us have benefited, but we should all try to make things better."

If that’s what you think I’m suggesting then you’re an idiot.
It's restricted for you? What, are you ten?

It’s age restricted so they want me to sign in but I don’t have a Youtube account. Dumbass.
Not at all. The problem with the Karens of the world is that it shows white entitlement. You don't belong in my park, so I'm going to call the cops. I'm going to scream at you maniacally because I didn't clearly tell you what I wanted when I placed my order.

Yeah, whatever. You used the term that snowflakes want you to use because you have no imagination and are incapable of original thought or expressing yourself intelligently and have to be told what to say.
You miss the point of the story entirely... it wasn't that he said racist things or did racist actions. It was that he showed an unconscious bias.

My point still stands: you cite one case of white bias and cite that as an example that whites are biased.

You’re not saying anything you didn’t say in the first place.
(This guy also did other things, like terminate a Jamaican temp to create a job for his drinking buddy his drinking buddy wasn't qualified for. ) People of color who had worked hard were not recognized, people who really didn't do that much got an advantage for merely being white.

Blah blah blah. You skipped right over my examples of black bias in the workplace.

Get the fuck outa here.
Except we did. They all looked at tape of Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice being murdered by police and said, 'Yup, we're fine with this."

Who’s “they” and how do you know which ones even saw the video?
Then you should have no problem with Garland going after the Klan Parents who do it.

Who are these “Klan parents”?
I know I don't.

I'd like to have laws like Germany, where belonging to a racist group can get you jail time. Then again, they have experience with what happens when you let THAT get out of control.

What does this have to do with these parents that issued threats?
We’re not talking about Columbus.

We should be. It's event one of how the teaching of history is racist. America didn't exist until White People noticed it. This is what we taught kids for generations, along with such horseshit like 'He was trying to prove the world was round". We downplay events like his complete extermination of the Arawak people.

Let's Disneyfy history... we wouldn't want to get the white children upset.

All you’re doing is proving my point that you don’t want to teach kids that racism is bad, you just want to teach them that whites are racist.

This is what I was talking about and is why I don’t want this taught to our kids. At least not the way you want it taught.

The problem is, as I've stated, is that a lot of racism is subtle and not obvious. The same person who might be horrified when someone uses the N-word in public is the same guy who will hire the white person who looks like him and not consider the potential of a person of color.

Teach history. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. This includes strides we’ve made towards equality and equal rights.

But I know you, you would want to gloss over that stuff just like you think I want to gloss over the bad stuff.

You have proven yourself to be anything but objective on most issues but race issues are your worst.

Wait, checking on those great strides we've made...



Yeah, whatever. You used the term that snowflakes want you to use because you have no imagination and are incapable of original thought or expressing yourself intelligently and have to be told what to say.

Naw, man, I'm very imaginative coming up with funny names for people to make you nuts... like "Smirky McBitchslap" and "Mannish Woman". But Karen fits these women.... White Entitlement Incarnate.

My point still stands: you cite one case of white bias and cite that as an example that whites are biased.

You’re not saying anything you didn’t say in the first place.

And you still missed the point. The point was, based on merit, the guy should have recognized the Chinese lady with the long history with the company instead of the White Intern whose name he probably couldn't remember today on a bet. (I don't even remember her name.)

The thing is, most managers are white guys like him.

Blah blah blah. You skipped right over my examples of black bias in the workplace.

Well, first, I never believe a fucking thing you say...
Second, it's not like Walmart is a keen job people are hopping over each other to get. "Gee, I wanted that job where they pay me so little I need to go on welfare, but that black manager gave the job to his buddy!"


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Except we did. They all looked at tape of Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice being murdered by police and said, 'Yup, we're fine with this."

Then you should have no problem with Garland going after the Klan Parents who do it.

I know I don't.

I'd like to have laws like Germany, where belonging to a racist group can get you jail time. Then again, they have experience with what happens when you let THAT get out of control.
You may be right, but we are getting poorer and more totalitarian. We do not even have the freedoms the founding fathers gave us as we get poorer. We are like the Wild west towns now where the Progressive Socialist sheriff and the Progressive Socialist town leaders are the real bad guys punishing the citizens who follow civility rules at a much greater percentage while the totally lawless citizen outlaws coming into town can do what they want.
You may be right, but we are getting poorer and more totalitarian. We do not even have the freedoms the founding fathers gave us as we get poorer. We are like the Wild west towns now where the Progressive Socialist sheriff and the Progressive Socialist town leaders are the real bad guys punishing the citizens who follow civility rules at a much greater percentage while the totally lawless citizen outlaws coming into town can do what they want.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?

The America of the Founding Slave Rapists was great if you were a rich, propertied male, but for everyone else, not so much.
Yes, I know, man, the Truth hurts...

The funny thing is, we start the teaching of American history with a lie. "Columbus Discovered America". Columbus didn't discover America. He opened it up for European settlement, which resulted in the genocide of Native Americans and the Enslavement of black people.

A bunch of Slave-owners revolted against the Crown, and despite all their talk of "all men being created equal", they enshrined slavery in this country's founding documents.

Please don't try to pretend that this doesn't have an effect to this very day.

You mean there's a way to discuss slavery and Native American Genocide "nicely"?

I mean, yes, we could "Disney-fy" history. Just tell kids the nice parts and leave out the icky parts.

Or we can tell kids, "Our ancestors made a lot of mistakes. Some of us are still suffering for it, others of us have benefited, but we should all try to make things better."

It's restricted for you? What, are you ten?

Not at all. The problem with the Karens of the world is that it shows white entitlement. You don't belong in my park, so I'm going to call the cops. I'm going to scream at you maniacally because I didn't clearly tell you what I wanted when I placed my order.

You miss the point of the story entirely... it wasn't that he said racist things or did racist actions. It was that he showed an unconscious bias. (This guy also did other things, like terminate a Jamaican temp to create a job for his drinking buddy his drinking buddy wasn't qualified for. ) People of color who had worked hard were not recognized, people who really didn't do that much got an advantage for merely being white.
As long as you live a good life makes you a hypocrite. Your answer is to make many other impoverished for the promoted wrongs of the past. All of the media/entertainers and politicians who live a good life while lamenting those trailing are not just hypocrites, but evil. What makes it worse is that they are no different then Stalin, Hitler, Mao. Pol Pot. Castro, Big Daddy, La Papa Doca, Che, and many more, but they have not even suffered a smidgen as they live lives of royalty!! Which means when it gets here in earnest, we are in deep doodoo.
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

That stuff has been going on since before we were a nation, why does it surprise yous?


MERRICK GARLAND Threat Against Parent’s 1st Amendment Right Backfires…Dad Serves Stunned School Board With $200 Million Lawsuit In Middle of Meeting​

14 Oct 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
We are in serious trouble in the United States of America. We have a mostly incoherent “president” that over half of America doesn’t believe was elected fairly. Joe Biden is likely taking orders from unelected people working behind the scenes with an agenda that is so evil that, if exposed by our dishonest media, would shock our nation to its core.
100 Percent Fed Up reports – On October 4, Barack Obama’s failed Supreme Court nominee turned Joe Biden’s Barack Obama’s Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a threatening note to warn parents of his plan to plant federal law enforcement agencies in communities around America. The letter was likely meant to chill dissent against school boards or school administrators over mask mandates and the teaching of CRT. The letter was prompted by the National School Board Association (NSBA), who called on the Biden administration to take action against unruly parents who keep showing up at school board meetings; the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland has taken up the cause against parents. The NSBA encouraged the Biden administration to classify the actions of concerned parents as “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”
On Monday, a father in Clark County, Nevada, showed up to a Clark County School Board meeting and stunned the board members when he served them with papers in the middle of his speech.
“This is segregation based off of your own fears and your own personal interests,” the unidentified father told the school board members. “The people in this country have had enough, and we are fighting back.”
“I have something to give you,” he said. He called security and asked them to do him a “favor,” asking “Would you please hand those forms to the board members?” As the security person was handing out the papers serving each member, the father announced, ” You’ve been officially served a $200 million lawsuit with six complaints and violations or multiple amendments.”
“Your job is not to be concerned with the children’s health,” he told them. “You’re not nurses. You’re not doctors. You are not responsible for their health organization. Your only focus is on our children’s education, and the education system here is 50th in the state, and you make almost more money than anybody else.”
“It is very clear that you have failed in doing that job,” he said. “This country is not alone. It’s time that we wake up. Now, we’re gonna do a lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit. We can throw it out as much as you want. We’re gonna keep this paperwork on your desk and keep the problem going until we get exactly what we want.”
“This is not a negotiation, we will have our freedom of choice, and we’re gonna see you in court,” he added.

As the members were being served, the parents sitting behind the brave dad, who are clearly undeterred by our United States Attorney General’s threats, erupted in cheers and applause.

Perhaps the parents of Loudon County should be doing the same. In fact parents who find the same happening at their schools should all do the same across the country.
Are all these schools boards insured? I don't think so...
Remember! WE all pay taxes for the schools to teach our children and grandchildren.
It's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Segregationist Class warfare? "If you ain't rich like me then you don't get to have kids and aught to be sterilized!" "If your father or grandfather wasn't a millionaire then you don't deserve to be free!".
We should be. It's event one of how the teaching of history is racist. America didn't exist until White People noticed it. This is what we taught kids for generations, along with such horseshit like 'He was trying to prove the world was round". We downplay events like his complete extermination of the Arawak people.

Let's Disneyfy history... we wouldn't want to get the white children upset.

We’re still not talking about Columbus. Keep trying though.
The problem is, as I've stated, is that a lot of racism is subtle and not obvious. The same person who might be horrified when someone uses the N-word in public is the same guy who will hire the white person who looks like him and not consider the potential of a person of color.

Okay, fine. As long as the children understand that anyone is capable of unconscious bias, including minorities, I’m okay with it. As I said, I just don’t want our children being taught that whites are evil.

Wait, checking on those great strides we've made...

View attachment 551563

This is why I don’t want your version taught.
Naw, man, I'm very imaginative coming up with funny names for people to make you nuts... like "Smirky McBitchslap" and "Mannish Woman". But Karen fits these women.... White Entitlement Incarnate.

A twelve year old can come up with this shit. It’s not funny, creative or clever. It’s childish and it’s just a way for you to dehumanize them.

You’re a bigger redneck than the rednecks you hate.
And you still missed the point. The point was, based on merit, the guy should have recognized the Chinese lady with the long history with the company instead of the White Intern whose name he probably couldn't remember today on a bet. (I don't even remember her name.)

The thing is, most managers are white guys like him.

In other words, whites are racist.

You just keep repeating what the guy did while telling me I’m missing the point. If your point is not that whites are racist, then what IS your point?
Well, first, I never believe a fucking thing you say...

So you’re calling me a liar now. This from the guy who repeatedly lied about details in the Nick Sandmann, Michael Brown and George Floyd cases.

First of all, I’m not the one who made these claims, these are experiences related to me from other people. Secondly, based on my own experiences, I have no doubt they are true.
Second, it's not like Walmart is a keen job people are hopping over each other to get.

What does this have to do with anything?
"Gee, I wanted that job where they pay me so little I need to go on welfare, but that black manager gave the job to his buddy!"

My sisters are not on welfare and neither are the blacks they work with.

What a moron.
We’re still not talking about Columbus. Keep trying though.

I'm sure you like to keep avoiding the subject, I'm sure. Event One of American Racism was Columbus landing in the New World. It was all downhill from there.


Okay, fine. As long as the children understand that anyone is capable of unconscious bias, including minorities, I’m okay with it. As I said, I just don’t want our children being taught that whites are evil.

The problem is you want to decouple bias from white privilege... and you really can't. Black folks don't have the institutional power to act on their biases.

This is why I don’t want your version taught.

Because it hurts your feelings?

A twelve year old can come up with this shit. It’s not funny, creative or clever. It’s childish and it’s just a way for you to dehumanize them.

Naw, it's hilarious... It's fun watching entitled white people whine. "MOMMY, They put pictures of me smirking on TV, let's get an image consultant!!!"

In other words, whites are racist.

You just keep repeating what the guy did while telling me I’m missing the point. If your point is not that whites are racist, then what IS your point?

The point is, a guy in a position of power showed a favor based on race and not contributions to the company. That's the point. And this was over something as meaningless as a lunch. In addition to being kind of subtly racist, this guy was also ageist. Even though he was in his fifties, he liked to hang out with younger employees and older ones were the first ones to get the ax when he downsized.

The ironic thing was, he was one of the better bosses I've had in my career.

So you’re calling me a liar now. This from the guy who repeatedly lied about details in the Nick Sandmann, Michael Brown and George Floyd cases.

Nope. I just don't accept your Fox News Narrative about poor oppressed white people getting the consequences of their bad behavior.

First of all, I’m not the one who made these claims, these are experiences related to me from other people. Secondly, based on my own experiences, I have no doubt they are true.

YOu really wanted that Welfare Walmart job, really bad, didn't you?

What does this have to do with anything?

Quite a lot. We all start our careers doing the shitty jobs, the McDonalds and the Walmarts. But when it comes to the actually good jobs, the ones that pay benefits and have some kind of job security... that's when it really pays off to be a white male and other white males are making the hiring decisions.

My sisters are not on welfare and neither are the blacks they work with.

Check out what that Commie Rags Forbes had to say about it.

Walmart's low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.

Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups, made this estimate using data from a 2013 study by Democratic Staff of the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce.
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

/----/ "As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there."
What's stoppibg dementia joe from appointing him anyway, either when another justice dies or when democRATs stack the court?
We should be. It's event one of how the teaching of history is racist. America didn't exist until White People noticed it. This is what we taught kids for generations, along with such horseshit like 'He was trying to prove the world was round". We downplay events like his complete extermination of the Arawak people.

Let's Disneyfy history... we wouldn't want to get the white children upset.

The problem is, as I've stated, is that a lot of racism is subtle and not obvious. The same person who might be horrified when someone uses the N-word in public is the same guy who will hire the white person who looks like him and not consider the potential of a person of color.

Wait, checking on those great strides we've made...

View attachment 551563

Naw, man, I'm very imaginative coming up with funny names for people to make you nuts... like "Smirky McBitchslap" and "Mannish Woman". But Karen fits these women.... White Entitlement Incarnate.

And you still missed the point. The point was, based on merit, the guy should have recognized the Chinese lady with the long history with the company instead of the White Intern whose name he probably couldn't remember today on a bet. (I don't even remember her name.)

The thing is, most managers are white guys like him.

Well, first, I never believe a fucking thing you say...
Second, it's not like Walmart is a keen job people are hopping over each other to get. "Gee, I wanted that job where they pay me so little I need to go on welfare, but that black manager gave the job to his buddy!"
/-----/ '"Gee, I wanted that job where they pay me so little I need to go on welfare, but that black manager gave the job to his buddy!""
Geee, instead of blaming others, why not improve your skills so you can get a better, high-paying job?
I'm sure you like to keep avoiding the subject, I'm sure. Event One of American Racism was Columbus landing in the New World. It was all downhill from there.

View attachment 551997

The problem is you want to decouple bias from white privilege... and you really can't. Black folks don't have the institutional power to act on their biases.

Because it hurts your feelings?

Naw, it's hilarious... It's fun watching entitled white people whine. "MOMMY, They put pictures of me smirking on TV, let's get an image consultant!!!"

The point is, a guy in a position of power showed a favor based on race and not contributions to the company. That's the point. And this was over something as meaningless as a lunch. In addition to being kind of subtly racist, this guy was also ageist. Even though he was in his fifties, he liked to hang out with younger employees and older ones were the first ones to get the ax when he downsized.

The ironic thing was, he was one of the better bosses I've had in my career.

Nope. I just don't accept your Fox News Narrative about poor oppressed white people getting the consequences of their bad behavior.

YOu really wanted that Welfare Walmart job, really bad, didn't you?

Quite a lot. We all start our careers doing the shitty jobs, the McDonalds and the Walmarts. But when it comes to the actually good jobs, the ones that pay benefits and have some kind of job security... that's when it really pays off to be a white male and other white males are making the hiring decisions.

Check out what that Commie Rags Forbes had to say about it.

Walmart's low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.

Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups, made this estimate using data from a 2013 study by Democratic Staff of the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce.
Live as you promote. No known Prog with comforts gives them up. Kimmel, Fallon, Colbert, Myers, Samantha Bee, women of the view just a grain of sand of Progs with say live great lives and give up nothing. Be what you promote.

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