Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

/----/ "As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there."
What's stoppibg dementia joe from appointing him anyway, either when another justice dies or when democRATs stack the court?
Obama is waiting for that spot to open....
How about understanding the context of the conversation before opening your mouth?
/——-/ I understand the problem. It’s up to the individuals to dig themselves out of a dead end job. Sorry if that offends you.
I'm sure you like to keep avoiding the subject, I'm sure.

I can’t avoid a subject that was never the subject.
The problem is you want to decouple bias from white privilege... and you really can't. Black folks don't have the institutional power to act on their biases.

Because it hurts your feelings?

Yeah, sure. Go with that if it makes you feel woke.
Naw, it's hilarious... It's fun watching entitled white people whine. "MOMMY, They put pictures of me smirking on TV, let's get an image consultant!!!"

I’m not talking about that, I’m saying that YOU are not funny or clever.
The point is, a guy in a position of power showed a favor based on race and not contributions to the company. That's the point. And this was over something as meaningless as a lunch. In addition to being kind of subtly racist, this guy was also ageist. Even though he was in his fifties, he liked to hang out with younger employees and older ones were the first ones to get the ax when he downsized.

The ironic thing was, he was one of the better bosses I've had in my career.

Unless you’re going to acknowledge that minorities are capable of bias then again, all you’re saying is that whites are racist.
Nope. I just don't accept your Fox News Narrative about poor oppressed white people getting the consequences of their bad behavior.

This came from my sisters, not Fox News. Moron.
YOu really wanted that Welfare Walmart job, really bad, didn't you?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Quite a lot. We all start our careers doing the shitty jobs, the McDonalds and the Walmarts. But when it comes to the actually good jobs, the ones that pay benefits and have some kind of job security... that's when it really pays off to be a white male and other white males are making the hiring decisions.

Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with blacks practicing bias. Idiot.

Check out what that Commie Rags Forbes had to say about it.

Walmart's low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.

Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups, made this estimate using data from a 2013 study by Democratic Staff of the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with blacks practicing bias. Stupid fuck.
How about understanding the context of the conversation before opening your mouth?

How about YOU understand the context of the conversation before opening your mouth?

Your bullshit about Wal-Mart was never the context of the conversation. The context was blacks practicing bias, favoritism and racism in the workplace.
I’m not talking about that, I’m saying that YOU are not funny or clever.

Yet here you are, still getting butthurt over "Smirky McBitchslap".

Unless you’re going to acknowledge that minorities are capable of bias then again, all you’re saying is that whites are racist.

There is a school of thought that blacks can't be racist because racism isn't just bias, but the institutionalized power to act on your biases.

As I stated, I don't think my boss was a white supremacist or a Klan member... but the fact that he favored white people and had the institutionalized ability to do it was the problem. So his white drinking buddy gets the job and the Jamaican single mom gets the door.

This came from my sisters, not Fox News. Moron.

I'm not sure there is much I can say, then, without risking the whole "Criticizing family" rules.

But in a hypothetical case, if the best you are doing in your career is working at Walmart, you are probably doing it wrong.

Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with blacks practicing bias. Idiot.

Bias is irrelevant if you don't have the institutionalized power to act on it.

Your bullshit about Wal-Mart was never the context of the conversation. The context was blacks practicing bias, favoritism and racism in the workplace.

Funny, I've never worked in a place where a black person had a say in whether or not I was hired, ever. In fact, every boss I've had has been a white person and in most cases male.

I think the closest I had was a job where a Filipina recommended me for a position because much earlier in my career, I kind of mentored her. But it was still a white dude making the decision.
Yet here you are, still getting butthurt over "Smirky McBitchslap".

I don’t have to be butthurt to know you’re not funny.
There is a school of thought that blacks can't be racist because racism isn't just bias, but the institutionalized power to act on your biases.

And yet they acted on their bias anyway.
As I stated, I don't think my boss was a white supremacist or a Klan member... but the fact that he favored white people and had the institutionalized ability to do it was the problem. So his white drinking buddy gets the job and the Jamaican single mom gets the door.

No one needs “institutionalized ability” to practice bias or be racist. The words “racism” and “bias” are not at all defined this way and it is not required.

Bias and racism can be practiced by anyone at any time and in any setting and it is.
I'm not sure there is much I can say, then, without risking the whole "Criticizing family" rules.

Even without those rules, just what criticism do you think you can level at my sisters without ever having met them in the first place?

Any criticism you might have would be based on two things:

1.) Your feelings and opinion of me, and
2.) Your reluctance to acknowledge the fact that blacks can be racist.

That’s it. Nothing you might have to say would be informed by any knowledge of their characters since you never met them, nor would it be informed by any knowledge of the incidents since you were not there.
But in a hypothetical case, if the best you are doing in your career is working at Walmart, you are probably doing it wrong.

Is this the best you can do, criticize them for working at Wal-Mart? What does any of this have to do with some of their black coworkers practicing bias? And, would you have the balls to say something like this to their black coworkers?
Bias is irrelevant if you don't have the institutionalized power to act on it.

And yet they act on it anyway.
Funny, I've never worked in a place where a black person had a say in whether or not I was hired, ever. In fact, every boss I've had has been a white person and in most cases male.

I never said anything about people being hired. Are you so dimwitted as to think this is the only way bias can be expressed?
I don’t have to be butthurt to know you’re not funny.
The fact that you are butthurt is what makes it funny.

No one needs “institutionalized ability” to practice bias or be racist. The words “racism” and “bias” are not at all defined this way and it is not required.

But for practical purposes, it's the only meaningful definition. Now, I've known some really angry black people in my time, particularly the older ones who grew up with Jim Crow. If I had to grow up with that, I'd be angry. But it's not like they can do anything about their anger, can they?

Bias and racism can be practiced by anyone at any time and in any setting and it is.
Bias can be, racism requires institutional power... as stated.

Even without those rules, just what criticism do you think you can level at my sisters without ever having met them in the first place?

That they work at Walmart . and the fact that they have jobs despite having a black supervisor who doesn't like them just shows that there is no racism involved there.

Is this the best you can do, criticize them for working at Wal-Mart? What does any of this have to do with some of their black coworkers practicing bias? And, would you have the balls to say something like this to their black coworkers?

Um, yeah, Walmart is fucking evil. I refuse to shop at it. I refuse to work for it. It's the worst part of our system. They pay their employees so poorly that many of them have to get food stamps and Medicaid, and they show them on the website how to apply for it.

I never said anything about people being hired. Are you so dimwitted as to think this is the only way bias can be expressed?

No, but it the most clear example of how institutional bias can manifest itself. 8 times I've changed jobs in the last 30 years... and not once was it a person of color making the decision.... not even when I worked for the Japanese company, it was STILL a white person making the hiring decision.
The fact that you are butthurt is what makes it funny.

But I’m not.

The real question here is why YOU are so butthurt that you feel the need to dehumanize people this way. After all, I’m not the one who got offended by a minor smiling at someone.
But for practical purposes, it's the only meaningful definition.

Nope. It’s not a “meaningful definition” since there is no definition of these words that include these types of provisos or caveats whatsoever.

This is pure opinion on your part, nothing more.
Now, I've known some really angry black people in my time, particularly the older ones who grew up with Jim Crow. If I had to grow up with that, I'd be angry. But it's not like they can do anything about their anger, can they?

They can control how they deal with their anger just like anyone else. Or are you saying blacks are incapable of controlling their anger?
Bias can be, racism requires institutional power... as stated.

Bullshit. That’s a woketard talking point and has no basis in fact.
That they work at Walmart .

I said these things were related to me by my sisters and your response to that was to bring up the rules about criticizing family members.

So your criticism of them telling me about black bias at work is that they work at Wal-Mart. Is that what you’re telling me?

Can you please explain to me what the connection is here?
and the fact that they have jobs despite having a black supervisor who doesn't like them just shows that there is no racism involved there.

I’m not surprised that you are that fucking stupid as to think hiring and firing are the only way racism and bias is expressed in the workplace.

In case you missed it the first time, I said the store’s management was largely black. This means that many of my sisters’ superiors are black. That being the case, they are in a position to practice bias aganst and favoritism over whites and some do.

This may be hard for one as dense as you to accept but it’s the truth.
Um, yeah, Walmart is fucking evil. I refuse to shop at it. I refuse to work for it. It's the worst part of our system. They pay their employees so poorly that many of them have to get food stamps and Medicaid, and they show them on the website how to apply for it.

Again, irrelevant. None of this has anything to do with black bias in the workplace.
No, but it the most clear example of how institutional bias can manifest itself.

So if you agree that this is not the only way bias is expressed in the workplace and I never mentioned hiring/firing in the first place, what is your point?
8 times I've changed jobs in the last 30 years... and not once was it a person of color making the decision.... not even when I worked for the Japanese company, it was STILL a white person making the hiring decision.

I really don’t care. This has no bearing on the fact that blacks can be racist.

Again, the gist of all your posts up to this point boils down to two things:

1.) Whites are racist.
2.) People who work at Wal-Mart are losers.
But I’m not.

The real question here is why YOU are so butthurt that you feel the need to dehumanize people this way. After all, I’m not the one who got offended by a minor smiling at someone.

You mean hurling racist taunts at a veteran of color after he just got done trying to deprive women of their rights to choose. Seriously, Smirky is a real piece of shit.

They can control how they deal with their anger just like anyone else. Or are you saying blacks are incapable of controlling their anger?

I'm saying anger is kind of meaningless if you don't have the power to act on it.

So your criticism of them telling me about black bias at work is that they work at Wal-Mart. Is that what you’re telling me?
Do yo not have the ability to read English. I have no idea why your sisters are hated by their black coworkers. Well, I kind of do, but again, those pesky rules.

I’m not surprised that you are that fucking stupid as to think hiring and firing are the only way racism and bias is expressed in the workplace.

The only meaningful way, really. Did they go full Karen because a black supervisor told them what to do?

In case you missed it the first time, I said the store’s management was largely black. This means that many of my sisters’ superiors are black. That being the case, they are in a position to practice bias aganst and favoritism over whites and some do.


So if you agree that this is not the only way bias is expressed in the workplace and I never mentioned hiring/firing in the first place, what is your point?

Not sure you ever had a point, other than your sisters seem to be really upset a black person is telling them what to do. Why am I not surprised?
You mean hurling racist taunts at a veteran of color after he just got done trying to deprive women of their rights to choose. Seriously, Smirky is a real piece of shit.

And this is one of your lies I was referring to. Sandmann never said a word to Phillips.
Do yo not have the ability to read English.

Do you have the ability to stay on topic? Wal-Mart and your hatred of them have absolutely nothing to do with what we’re talking about.
I have no idea why your sisters are hated by their black coworkers.

Who said my sisters were hated by them?
Well, I kind of do, but again, those pesky rules.

Don’t let those “pesky rules” stop you. By all means, let everyone else see your ignorance by expressing your opinion of two people you never met.
The only meaningful way, really. Did they go full Karen because a black supervisor told them what to do?

Why bother asking the question since you seem to think they did anyway?

Tell you what, you tell me of the situation with my sisters and their black coworkers and we’ll avoid the subject of black bias altogether. That’s actually what you’re doing anyway.
Not sure you ever had a point, other than your sisters seem to be really upset a black person is telling them what to do. Why am I not surprised?

I said they experienced bias and favoritism, that’s it. From that you somehow got that my sisters are a couple of racist Wal-Mart loser Karens who hate having blacks tell them what to do.

Jesus, you are thee biggest fucking ignorant moron on this board.
You mean hurling racist taunts at a veteran of color after he just got done trying to deprive women of their rights to choose. Seriously, Smirky is a real piece of shit.
Link us up to the video of these racist taunts JoeB131

Surely you didn’t just get caught being a lying sack of shit again, right?
And this is one of your lies I was referring to. Sandmann never said a word to Phillips.

No, but his racist Little Catholic Bastard buddies did... and Smirky McBitchslap just stood there like a little smirking punk.

Do you have the ability to stay on topic? Wal-Mart and your hatred of them have absolutely nothing to do with what we’re talking about.

I guess. If your greatest ambition in life is to work at Walmart for poverty wages, have at it. Good little serf.

Tell you what, you tell me of the situation with my sisters and their black coworkers and we’ll avoid the subject of black bias altogether. That’s actually what you’re doing anyway.

I don't need to, you are the one who got on here and said that they were being horribly oppressed by their black boss who asked them to do their jobs or something.

I said they experienced bias and favoritism, that’s it. From that you somehow got that my sisters are a couple of racist Wal-Mart loser Karens who hate having blacks tell them what to do.

Well, that and you never really defined what happened to them that was SOOOOOOOO horrible, so you can draw your own conclusion.

They got the jobs and no one has fired them yet... so what are they bitching about?
No, but his racist Little Catholic Bastard buddies did... and Smirky McBitchslap just stood there like a little smirking punk.

I guess. If your greatest ambition in life is to work at Walmart for poverty wages, have at it. Good little serf.

I don't need to, you are the one who got on here and said that they were being horribly oppressed by their black boss who asked them to do their jobs or something.

Well, that and you never really defined what happened to them that was SOOOOOOOO horrible, so you can draw your own conclusion.

They got the jobs and no one has fired them yet... so what are they bitching about?
May I say something about the kid that you say had a smirk? Did it every occur to you that he may have been nervous? And that was his reaction? Correct angles of the i phones tend to make images slightly distorted also. If the teenagers history is of arrogance then maybe it should be known before passing judgement. The propaganda stations passed judgement and attempted to destroy the kid. That is a reason of many that they will never be trusted again.
So the fascist Neo-GOP don't care if school board members are threatened and harassed....

"In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation's public schools. While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views."

Just goes to show you that theological forms of pedophilia will raise some ires. What did you expect, when POSPOTUS JoeXi is a double CIA-catholic puppet?
Just goes to show you that theological forms of pedophilia will raise some ires. What did you expect, when POSPOTUS JoeXi is a double CIA-catholic puppet?

Sounds like another Double Switch-a-Reaux plot by the Grand Illuminati!
No, but his racist Little Catholic Bastard buddies did... and Smirky McBitchslap just stood there like a little smirking punk.

Then why did you say he did?
I guess. If your greatest ambition in life is to work at Walmart for poverty wages, have at it. Good little serf.

Irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with the topic.
I don't need to, you are the one who got on here and said that they were being horribly oppressed by their black boss who asked them to do their jobs or something.

Show me where I said they were “horribly oppressed”.
Well, that and you never really defined what happened to them that was SOOOOOOOO horrible, so you can draw your own conclusion.

Never said it was SOOO horrible because it wasn’t. And you would have drawn your own conclusions anyway no matter what I said.
They got the jobs and no one has fired them yet... so what are they bitching about?

I thought I made that clear: bias and favoritism. Have you not been paying attention? Or were you just obsessed with your hatred of Wal-Mart?
May I say something about the kid that you say had a smirk? Did it every occur to you that he may have been nervous? And that was his reaction? Correct angles of the i phones tend to make images slightly distorted also. If the teenagers history is of arrogance then maybe it should be known before passing judgement. The propaganda stations passed judgement and attempted to destroy the kid. That is a reason of many that they will never be trusted again.

Nope, he was a little entitled Catholic Bastard out there demonstrating against a woman's right to choose, like that's any of his fucking business.

Never said it was SOOO horrible because it wasn’t. And you would have drawn your own conclusions anyway no matter what I said.

Well, it must have been if you are whining about it.


I thought I made that clear: bias and favoritism. Have you not been paying attention? Or were you just obsessed with your hatred of Wal-Mart?

That's kind of vague...

Now, when I pointed out my example of the White Manager who fawned over the white intern while ignoring the women of color who had worked for him for years, I gave a pretty specific example. Not "bias and favoritism", which meant that Karen had to go clean up Aisle Five instead of Jamal today.

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