Gas prices expected to go up even further thanks to Biden

The Biden administration is turning a deaf ear to Republicans pleading with him to ramp up oil production to help curb gas prices that are skyrocketing and further enriching Putin.

But hey, there is a war to wage on fossil fuels that is soooo much ore important

After all, elections have consequences, and one of those is you losing all your money to gas prices.
Now, to be fair Biden did ask oil companies to help with pricing! Lol!
you are confused, you yourself said the price went down due to OPEC. Now you are giving Obama credit for them going down.

I wish you would make up your mind
It is you that is confused propaganda minister.

The Saudis flooded the market because of Obama's failed foreign policy
No one is soft on China, but we can't force them to clean up their act.
So what good are the Paris Accords? Further, what good are leaders holding US restricted on fossil fuels when those same leaders have business or investments in global companies engaged in fossil fuel production?
How Does Karen in her SUV driving around by herself getting 10 miles to the gallon get anything to market... she's the problem.

Good Grief you blithering idiot…What in the hell do you think those tractor trailers that deliver your goods to the shelves you empty like a selfish pig when there’s a panic, run on? Pixie dust?
How Does Karen in her SUV driving around by herself getting 10 miles to the gallon get anything to market... she's the problem.

I've given you a reasonable reply. In the 1970's, OPEC played absolute havoc with our economy. Any sensible nation would have invested in alternatives. Instead, we've found new ways to waste petroleum and became even more dependent on foriegn oil

I am sure when future generations are wandering across deserts in the Midwest, they are going to be cursing the big cars.

As it again- how is Karen driving her fat ass in an SUV helping to bring goods all over the nation.

Little Joey is jealous Karen can afford a big luxurious SUV and he can’t.
Have you raised your environmental concerns to China and their fossil fuel based expansion or is it just easier and safer to shit on the US?

China is making efforts, and can be worked with if we stopped treating it like the enemy. They have a bigger stake in clean air than we do, because they have 1.3 billion people crammed into a relatively small area.

We need to do our part as well... so I don't have a lot of sympathy when someone complains that $4.00 gasoline is making their life unhappy after they bought a gas guzzler.
Good Grief you blithering idiot…What in the hell do you think those tractor trailers that deliver your goods to the shelves you empty like a selfish pig when there’s a panic, run on? Pixie dust?

Tractor Trailers aren't driving up the price. It's Karen and her gas guzzling SUV.
Yet one more USMB woman-hater.

Probably another one posting from prison. I suppose they have to do something with all their time ----

Despising Karens (there are male karens, after all) is hardly hating women. It's hating Karens.

Little Joey is jealous Karen can afford a big luxurious SUV and he can’t.

I wouldn't want to own an SUV. They are largely impractical for most consumers.

You see, when the government mandated better fuel efficiency, they left a loop hole for "Sports utility vehicles". So you see people who never go camping or off road buying these things because the car companies marketed these beasts to people.

And now those people are whining because it costs them $100 to fill their tank for a week and I just have to laugh at them.
China is making efforts, and can be worked with if we stopped treating it like the enemy. They have a bigger stake in clean air than we do, because they have 1.3 billion people crammed into a relatively small area.

We need to do our part as well... so I don't have a lot of sympathy when someone complains that $4.00 gasoline is making their life unhappy after they bought a gas guzzler.
Who the hell are you? You telling everyone else how to live! American car companies cannot even make automobiles anymore. They have to build the SUV's, Crossovers, Mini Vans and Pick Up Trucks. Our future masters make a better product. Wait until China gets into the auto market and East Asia starts building passenger jets.
No it’s Biden with his policies.

NOpe, it's the fact we have had 50 years to get off our dependence on petroleum, and we just can't do it. Your SUV runs on the blood of oppressive regimes, some of which are our enemies, some of which we support.

Who the hell are you? You telling everyone else how to live! American car companies cannot even make automobiles anymore. They have to build the SUV's, Crossovers, Mini Vans and Pick Up Trucks. Our future masters make a better product. Wait until China gets into the auto market and East Asia starts building passenger jets.

Nobody has to build an SUV. SUV's are how the car companies got around sensible laws instead of investing in greater fuel efficiency.
China is making efforts, and can be worked with if we stopped treating it like the enemy. They have a bigger stake in clean air than we do, because they have 1.3 billion people crammed into a relatively small area.

We need to do our part as well... so I don't have a lot of sympathy when someone complains that $4.00 gasoline is making their life unhappy after they bought a gas guzzler.
What efforts is China making? What are the results? China signed bullshit papers in Paris and continues to expand and push forward with coal plants. I thought climate change was a global issue? Where are the international activists on China?

The Biden administration is turning a deaf ear to Republicans pleading with him to ramp up oil production to help curb gas prices that are skyrocketing and further enriching Putin.

But hey, there is a war to wage on fossil fuels that is soooo much ore important

After all, elections have consequences, and one of those is you losing all your money to gas prices.
The cheapest for diesel in my area is 149.9p per litre (£1.499. UK). Equate that to US gallon at current exchange rate, $7.55.
NOpe, it's the fact we have had 50 years to get off our dependence on petroleum, and we just can't do it. Your SUV runs on the blood of oppressive regimes, some of which are our enemies, some of which we support.

JoeB, you are one stupid SOB…A walking talking cliche….I am no more interested in your talking point pablum, than I am you…You are one of the people that dumbs this message board down, everyone in here shakes their head at your stupidity…

You want to drive a piece of shit Yugo, go right ahead. But when you try to tell me what to drive, I just flip you the bird and laugh at you.

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