Gas Prices Up 45% Since Joey 'Took' Office And, What's Worse Is.......

He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I wonder how dems will cover this in the Media? Ignore it? Hardly. Can't hide gas prices from Karen. She knows exactly how much it costs to fill up her Subaru and how much it takes away from her daily Dose of Chardonnay.

I know their election strategy for '24 will be a repeat of '22 -- Abortion. Try to get all the High School Girls (which is what the D Party consists of) excited about "Muh Vag, Muh Rulz!" but I don't think it will work in the General. But, it's all they got.

Good Luck, dems.

Not really.

….why do you fools keep clamoring for cheap RECESSIONARY ECONOMY gas?

Biden will do very well contrasting the hole we were in 2020 to where we are in 2024 to American people.

Are Americans better off today? Of course we are.
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High gas prices, high food prices, millions of Americans struggling, war in the middle east, an open border and Biden is more concerned about abortion.
It is pretty funny the Biden admin now cannot artifically lower the price of gas by releasing some of the strategic reserve shortly prior to the election for political purposes.

See, you lefties DO understand the supply and demand curve.
LOL!! Russian disinformation....again.
So what's wrong with the Sauds preferring Trump?
Your "Russia/Putin" bullshit is nonsense.
Biden's war on energy is driving inflation, and that is what will defeat Biden, the price of groceries.
Putin prefers Trump, who is his regime’s rare chance at surviving Ukraine clusterfuck.

It’s not hard to tell what Putin prefers because unlike our president he actually has de-facto monopoly on the national propaganda machine you can watch reflect his designs in action.

The idea for Russian win is known to every Russian “patriot”: Trump will win, he will go to negotiating table with Putin and sell Ukraine down the Russian river. There is no ambiguity in any of their minds about who is better for Russia.

Trump win, is Russia’s lone answer to the question of how they don’t lose the war, given massive backing of Ukraine by the west.

This is what you right wing dupes have hitched yourself to, this is what you spend your time defending and voting for.

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High gas prices, high food prices, millions of Americans struggling, war in the middle east, an open border and Biden is more concerned about abortion.
world's largest oil companies made $281 billion in profits since invasion of Ukraine.
He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I wonder how dems will cover this in the Media? Ignore it? Hardly. Can't hide gas prices from Karen. She knows exactly how much it costs to fill up her Subaru and how much it takes away from her daily Dose of Chardonnay.

I know their election strategy for '24 will be a repeat of '22 -- Abortion. Try to get all the High School Girls (which is what the D Party consists of) excited about "Muh Vag, Muh Rulz!" but I don't think it will work in the General. But, it's all they got.

Good Luck, dems.

Not really.

There was no demand for oil (or gasoline) in 2020. That's why prices were low and over 200 US oil companies declared bankruptcy.
Putin prefers Trump, who is his regime’s rare chance at surviving Ukraine clusterfuck.

It’s not hard to tell what Putin prefers because unlike our president he actually has de-facto monopoly on the national propaganda machine you can watch in action.

The idea for Russian win is known to every Russian “patriot”: Trump will win, he will go to negotiating table with Putin and sell Ukraine down the Russian river.

Trump win, is Russia’s lone answer to the question of how they don’t lose the war, given massive backing of Ukraine by the west.

It is pretty funny the Biden admin now cannot artifically lower the price of gas by releasing some of the strategic reserve shortly prior to the election for political purposes.

See, you lefties DO understand the supply and demand curve.
When attacks against Russian fuel depots and refineries end and Israel is not attacking Iran we may see a reduction in price.
Not that this will do any good because maga's believe all disinformation but:

The reality is the Biden administration has benefited from an oil production boom in the U.S. that’s helped cool gasoline prices. Crude oil production hit a record average of 12.9 million barrels per day in 2023—but it’s hard to give Biden too much credit for that boom, considering he promised to “end fossil fuel” on the campaign trail in 2019.

Biden’s policies while president certainly didn’t hurt or quash oil production, however. After all, he moved forward with plans to allow oil drilling on federal lands, auctioned over 73 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico to oil drillers, and approved multiple oil and gas projects—much to the chagrin of green activists.

Being a petroleum analyst in an election year is frustrating. At least, that was the impression GasBuddy’s head of petroleum analysis, Patrick De Haan, gave in an interview with Fortune.

For a man like De Haan, who spends his time tracking refinery utilization rates, oil inventory levels, and weather conditions to better understand the intricacies of the complex, global oil and gasoline market, the uninformed opinions of politicians and the masses during election season can be draining.

De Haan said that this election year people are “voting with their wallets much more than ever before,” but the information they’re getting about what drives prices at the gas pump is subpar at best.

“There's so much misinformation from politicians on gas prices on both sides of the aisle that Americans really think gas prices are more a function of a president than they do economics,” he explained.

President Joe Biden was widely blamed for the spike in gasoline prices to their record high of just over $5 per gallon in June 2022. But the reality is, one president’s actions don’t have that much of an impact on the global oil market, which ultimately drives domestic gasoline prices. The war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions from numerous western nations were the major drivers of rising oil prices in 2022, and gasoline prices were pushed even higher due to the loss of refining capacity during the COVID-era lockdowns.

By that same token, this means that Biden can’t really take credit for the retreat in gas prices from their record highs. His release of 230 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in late 2021 and early 2022 certainly helped lower gasoline prices, but even when combined with all of the other petroleum reserve releases from western nations, it only lowered gasoline prices by 40 cents, according to estimates from the Department of Energy.

The reality is the Biden administration has benefited from an oil production boom in the U.S. that’s helped cool gasoline prices. Crude oil production hit a record average of 12.9 million barrels per day in 2023—but it’s hard to give Biden too much credit for that boom, considering he promised to “end fossil fuel” on the campaign trail in 2019.

Biden’s policies while president certainly didn’t hurt or quash oil production, however. After all, he moved forward with plans to allow oil drilling on federal lands, auctioned over 73 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico to oil drillers, and approved multiple oil and gas projects—much to the chagrin of green activists.

Still, for De Haan, this discussion always comes back to his point about oil and gasoline prices being driven by economics, not politicians. “I just remind folks that, at the end of the day, one president in one country in a world with 200-some countries is rather powerless to control the price of a global commodity, or the global balance of economics that drives the price of that commodity,” he told Fortune.

Now, with the national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline jumping nearly 8% this month to $3.54, De Haan has been fielding a lot of questions about who or what is to blame for the spike—and there are a few key culprits.

First, WTI crude oil prices have surged from their Dec. 12 low of $68.61 to over $82 this week amid a supply-demand imbalance.

The ongoing Red Sea crisis, 2.2 million barrels per day of crude production cuts from OPEC+, the International Energy Agency’s recent upgrade to its global crude demand growth outlook, and Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian oil refineries, which have shut down 1% of global crude refining capacity, are all playing a role in driving oil prices higher

The U.S. is also going through its annual, and somewhat costly, “fuel switching” process where refiners change from winter-grade to summer-grade fuel, which has added to gas prices' rise. Overall, De Haan described gas prices as “slightly elevated,” and noted that the impact of the Ukraine war and refinery capacity losses that were “locked in” during the COVID era are still playing a big role in driving price action. But the situation today is still far better than it was in 2022.

“Over time, the volatility, the bumps in the road, are continuing to get smoothed out,” De Haan added. “We continue to see things kind of getting closer to back to normal.”

The petroleum analyst argued that many Americans need perspective when it comes to gas prices. With the national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline currently around $3.54, prices, when compared to incomes, prices are actually “close to historic norms."

“People always have this expectation that gas is going to be $1, $2. Right? It's not cheap until it’s $1 or $2,” De Haan said. “But historically speaking, comparing the amount of work that Americans need to do to be able to buy one gallon of gasoline…while the price may feel high, Americans are actually doing a little bit less labor than they were a couple of years ago to buy a gallon of gasoline.”

This story was originally featured on
Might we?

How about drilling?
he reality is the Biden administration has benefited from an oil production boom in the U.S. that’s helped cool gasoline prices. Crude oil production hit a record average of 12.9 million barrels per day in 2023—but it’s hard to give Biden too much credit for that boom, considering he promised to “end fossil fuel” on the campaign trail in 2019.

Biden’s policies while president certainly didn’t hurt or quash oil production, however. After all, he moved forward with plans to allow oil drilling on federal lands, auctioned over 73 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico to oil drillers, and approved multiple oil and gas projects—much to the chagrin of green activists.
United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever

Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d. oil production in the,than 13.3 million b/d.

Meaning a combination of global demand and unrest in the ME has driven gas prices higher.
United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever

Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d. oil production in the,than 13.3 million b/d.

Meaning a combination of global demand and unrest in the ME has driven gas prices higher.

Is see it the other way around. Higher gasoline prices have driven American oil companies to produce record amounts. Demand is higher but there's plenty of oil to meet that demand. It has more to do with OPEC remaining a cartel that has major influence on price. They've been cutting production and last month deepen those cuts by 2.2 million barrels a day.
High gas prices, high food prices, millions of Americans struggling, war in the middle east, an open border and Biden is more concerned about abortion.
'Abortion' gets the High School/College Sophomore Girls coalition out to vote.

Most everything else is fairly well settled. People are going to vote whatever they feel. But abortion gets the Barbie Faction off their lazy, soon-to-be-fat, asses to go vote.

dimocraps care about power, not about America or Americans.

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