Gas Prices Up 45% Since Joey 'Took' Office And, What's Worse Is.......


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I wonder how dems will cover this in the Media? Ignore it? Hardly. Can't hide gas prices from Karen. She knows exactly how much it costs to fill up her Subaru and how much it takes away from her daily Dose of Chardonnay.

I know their election strategy for '24 will be a repeat of '22 -- Abortion. Try to get all the High School Girls (which is what the D Party consists of) excited about "Muh Vag, Muh Rulz!" but I don't think it will work in the General. But, it's all they got.

Good Luck, dems.

Not really.
He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I wonder how dems will cover this in the Media? Ignore it? Hardly. Can't hide gas prices from Karen. She knows exactly how much it costs to fill up her Subaru and how much it takes away from her daily Dose of Chardonnay.

I know their election strategy for '24 will be a repeat of '22 -- Abortion. Try to get all the High School Girls (which is what the D Party consists of) excited about "Muh Vag, Muh Rulz!" but I don't think it will work in the General. But, it's all they got.

Good Luck, dems.

Not really.
In our neck of the woods, gas prior to Biden was $2.25. Today, $4.29--that's nearly a 90% increase. Joe did that.
This is how the scum of the Earth dimocrap filth roll. They don't care about The American People. At all.

For instance, FDR kept the USA in the Great Depression for at least 5 years longer than necessary; just so he could grab more power. dimocrap scum put THEIR people in charge of Banks (all of whis went broke during the crash). In the rest of the World, the Great Depression ended in the 1930's, here, the Unemployment rate in January of 1941 was 14%. WW2 got us out of the Depression, NOT dimocrap policies-for-the-stoopid

LBJ kept the US in Viet Nam so he could push his Great Society bullshit on us. That is an accepted FACT.

The Lying Cocksucker in Chief, aka; the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis, aka; obama kept us in the Great Recession for at least 2 years longer than necessary.

And Sponge Brains Shits Pants pushed his phony-as-hell Kung Flu bullshit on us and kept Americans and America Down so dimocrap scum could steal an election and seize power. They did. They have.

I don't call fellow Americans "Scum of The Earth" lightly.

Unless they are. And, people...... dimocraps ARE the scum of the Earth
This is how the scum of the Earth dimocrap filth roll. They don't care about The American People. At all.

For instance, FDR kept the USA in the Great Depression for at least 5 years longer than necessary; just so he could grab more power. dimocrap scum put THEIR people in charge of Banks (all of whis went broke during the crash). In the rest of the World, the Great Depression ended in the 1930's, here, the Unemployment rate in January of 1941 was 14%. WW2 got us out of the Depression, NOT dimocrap policies-for-the-stoopid

LBJ kept the US in Viet Nam so he could push his Great Society bullshit on us. That is an accepted FACT.

The Lying Cocksucker in Chief, aka; the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis, aka; obama kept us in the Great Recession for at least 2 years longer than necessary.

And Sponge Brains Shits Pants pushed his phony-as-hell Kung Flu bullshit on us and kept Americans and America Down so dimocrap scum could steal an election and seize power. They did. They have.

I don't call fellow Americans "Scum of The Earth" lightly.

Unless they are. And, people...... dimocraps ARE the scum of the Earth
White will be on here soon to tell us we are all crazy and gas is $1.65 where he lives in Lalaland.
I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

The SPR does not produce oil, are you really this stupid. The oil in the SPR was already counted as produced when it was pulled out of the ground.

How can anyone be an adult and not know these things?
He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

He also didn't have the Saudi's over-producing in attempt to destroy this country's fracking industry. Their attempt during the mid and late 2010's failed as U.S. oil companies laid folks off and settled for lower profits.

A couple of items Biden does have since taking office are (1) the return of the travel industry that was in the crapper and (2) oil company CEO's reacting to shareholders demand for profits after unsatisfactory returns during those low-price years.

At best, I see the price of gasoline on the bottom of the list as reason to vote for anybody.
He also didn't have the Saudi's over-producing in attempt to destroy this country's fracking industry. Their attempt during the mid and late 2010's failed as U.S. oil companies laid folks off and settled for lower profits.

A couple of items Biden does have since taking office are (1) the return of the travel industry that was in the crapper and (2) oil company CEO's reacting to shareholders demand for profits after unsatisfactory returns during those low-price years.

At best, I see the price of gasoline on the bottom of the list as reason to vote for anybody.
The price of fuel affects far more than putting gas in your SUV.

The cost of groceries, for one. Last I checked, Farming was no longer done by a forlorn mule with a broad-shouldered man behind a plow. It takes Equipment. Heavy equipment. Some of it, bigger than a house. It takes fuel to run that equipment. Lots of fuel.

Same with getting your pork chop to the store. Diesel seems to be the latest bogey-man targeted by the communists at the EPA. For some reason, they're convinced it's downright evil.

Not caring about the price of fuel is the same as not caring about the economy. They are inseparable. Everything, and I do mean everything, in your life is affected by the price of fuel. Fuel/Oil is used to generate the power coming from the outlet you have your computer plugged in to.

The shallow thinking of some in here is........ Totally predictable.
The price of fuel affects far more than putting gas in your SUV.

Sure it does. But what's your point?

You're coming across as one of those socialist/fascist that expects government to control prices instead of the free-market charging a price the consumer will support. Gasoline is up 45%, have you even taken notice that during that same time Exxon Mobil's stock value has risen 276%? It sure doesn't seem so. You actually believe these oil companies should care about what I pay for a pork chop?
Sure it does. But what's your point?

You're coming across as one of those socialist/fascist that expects government to control prices instead of the free-market charging a price the consumer will support. Gasoline is up 45%, have you even taken notice that during that same time Exxon Mobil's stock value has risen 276%? It sure doesn't seem so. You actually believe these oil companies should care about what I pay for a pork chop?
I don't care about Exxon's stock price. But, FYI, Exxon Stock was at about $80 five years ago. Include inflation and it's gone up in the neighborhood of 12% @ $119 per share now. Nice try but you can BS your 3rd grade students, not me. Don't lead with your chin in the future.

OTOH, I have no problem with Companies that provide an existential NEED for our society making a few bucks here and there. Especially when they have to spend so much to explore for, drill for, and deliver an indispensable product to Humanity.

If you want to complain about Corporate profits, try Microsoft or Apple.

I expect the government to, at the very least, not get in the way of Private Corporations delivering us what we need.

I see the ideal goobermint as acting like a baseball Umpire. Just call balls and strikes, enforce the rules, etc.

But dimocrap scum can't do that. That can't sit on the sideline watching the game be played by professionals who know what they're doping. Nope. They have to be PART of the game.

THE dumbest, most unqualified human beings on the Planet Earth running things? How did Granny Granholm get to be Energy Secretary? How did Peter Breath Bootyjudge get to be Transportation Sec?

Am I wasting my time? I think so.
He doesn't have an SPR to dump on the Market anymore to artificially lower prices.

I recall virtually every dem in here tellng us how we're producing more oil than ever but what they didn't tell you is -- It was being produced from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I wonder how dems will cover this in the Media? Ignore it? Hardly. Can't hide gas prices from Karen. She knows exactly how much it costs to fill up her Subaru and how much it takes away from her daily Dose of Chardonnay.

I know their election strategy for '24 will be a repeat of '22 -- Abortion. Try to get all the High School Girls (which is what the D Party consists of) excited about "Muh Vag, Muh Rulz!" but I don't think it will work in the General. But, it's all they got.

Good Luck, dems.

Not really.
/——/ democRATs gift to this Generation.
You mean the fracking industry that Biden and the squad shut down? That one?

Companies shut down when they don't get an adequate return on investment. Likewise with a fracking oil well. Can you guess what happened to fracking when oil was cheap? Come on, give it a shot, and think when fracking was at its lowest point. Perhaps your choice of media is fouling up your mind. I suggest when you care for useful information, trade journals are the best source for non-political tainted information.


About JPT​

The Journal of Petroleum Technology, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ flagship magazine, presents authoritative briefs and features on technology advancements in exploration and production, oil and gas industry issues, and news about SPE and its members.
The JPT website includes three other SPE magazines:
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Companies shut down when they don't get an adequate return on investment. Likewise with a fracking oil well. Can you guess what happened to fracking when oil was cheap? Come on, give it a shot, and think when fracking was at its lowest point. Perhaps your choice of media is fouling up your mind. I suggest when you care for useful information, trade journals are the best source for non-political tainted information.

About JPT​

The Journal of Petroleum Technology, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ flagship magazine, presents authoritative briefs and features on technology advancements in exploration and production, oil and gas industry issues, and news about SPE and its members.
The JPT website includes three other SPE magazines:
  • Oil and Gas Facilities
  • HSE Now
  • Data Science and Digital Engineering
The price of oil is heading up, by the time the November election hits it should be over $100/bbl.

The price of oil is heading up, by the time the November election hits it should be over $100/bbl.

The last paragraph of an article back in December on

I think OPEC members like Saudi Arabia and allies like Russia would prefer to see Donald Trump reelected, and they may therefore try to drive prices up ahead of the election. It will be harder for President Biden to win reelection if gasoline prices are skyrocketing ahead of the election, so this will be something to watch in 2024.
The last paragraph of an article back in December on

I think OPEC members like Saudi Arabia and allies like Russia would prefer to see Donald Trump reelected, and they may therefore try to drive prices up ahead of the election. It will be harder for President Biden to win reelection if gasoline prices are skyrocketing ahead of the election, so this will be something to watch in 2024.
LOL!! Russian disinformation....again.
So what's wrong with the Sauds preferring Trump?
Your "Russia/Putin" bullshit is nonsense.
Biden's war on energy is driving inflation, and that is what will defeat Biden, the price of groceries.
The last paragraph of an article back in December on

I think OPEC members like Saudi Arabia and allies like Russia would prefer to see Donald Trump reelected, and they may therefore try to drive prices up ahead of the election. It will be harder for President Biden to win reelection if gasoline prices are skyrocketing ahead of the election, so this will be something to watch in 2024.
/——/ Yeah, Dementia Joe’s disaster of a presidency has nothing to do with it. You dork.
Teabaggers think Biden went to Indiana and pulled the plug, himself.

BP Whiting, Indiana refinery to be shut up to three weeks​

Reuters › business › energy › bp-whiti...

Feb 7, 2024 — BP Plc plans to keep the 435000 barrel-per-day (bpd) Whiting, Indiana refinery shut for up to three weeks for inspections of units and ...

Shutdown of Indiana oil refinery impacts gas prices with ...​

IndyStar › news › local › 2024/02/19

Feb 19, 2024 — Gas prices are currently high and will likely remain that way for now as an an oil refinery in Indiana remains closed.

BP Oil Refinery in Indiana Resumes Normal Operations ...​

U.S. News & World Report › News › Business News

Mar 19, 2024 — On Feb. 1, a power outage prompted BP to shut down the refinery complex, evacuate workers and begin flaring its stacks, which are designed to ...

Teabaggers always blame the government, for what corporations do.

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