Gas was high throughout trump admin.

I bought a 100 gallons of diesel for $189 two years ago. Now it would cost me close to $600.

The price of diesel is a joke!!!
It's a by product when making gas.
My Wife had a Mercedes diesel 300 touring model that held 50 gallons and you could fill it up for $25 bucks.
She could drive back and forth to work for almost a month before refueling.
The price of diesel is a joke!!!
It's a by product when making gas.
My Wife had a Mercedes diesel 300 touring model that held 50 gallons and you could fill it up for $25 bucks.
She could drive back and forth to work for almost a month before refueling.
Yet there are still posters here who think
The GOP are the Bad Actors in DC
Gas prices never came close to five dollars a gallon under Trump while Russias invasion of Ukraine did exacerbate the problem it did not cause it. Gas prices were on the rise long before the invasion only a fool, liar or both would claim otherwise.

Just saying, Republicans are full of crap.
I don't see anything over $3/gal. Mostly around 2.5/gal on average. In fact, here are the average gas prices for each year of Trump's Presidency:
2017: $2.53/gal
2018: $2.82/gal
2019: $2.66/gal
2020: $2.26/gal
Average for the 4 years = $2.57/gal

So, please repent because the National Average is now over $5/gal. Some places are paying $10/gal already. Democrats are full of crap. Biden is the worst President since Carter and even worse now.
It's basically now doubled under Biden Goof. and, check the inflation numbers. 8.6% just reported. 87% of the country are bargain hunting for cheaper products while 77% have cut back on eating out and entertainment. That's going to lead to fewer jobs and a greater recession coming up. And, Biden keeps blaming Putin. How stupid!
It just started going up after war in Ukraine, Iran and Saudi are pro Russia, and Saudi won't put out many barrels and they use to under tramp.
January 2021, the National Average was $2.30/gal when Trump left the White House. Putin started the war with the Ukraine in February of 2022 when the average was about $4/gal when the war started. Now, it's over $5/gal. Most of the gain was before Putin's war. Not only that, the reason why Putin started the war is because Biden overturned 49 of Trump's executive orders giving Putin opportunity to sell oil to Germany and other countries which helped fun his war. Not only that, Putin saw the bumbling Biden exit from Afghanistan and knew Biden wouldn't do much to help Ukraine. So, he attacked. If you are going to use Putin as a guinea pig for the rising oil prices, blame Biden for allowing it and encouraging Putin to do it.
Saudi wasn't pro Russia under Trump. In fact, Trump had helped make peace with many Muslim countries with Israel. He would have had all the countries in agreement with Israel by now except Iran. But now, Iran is dictating the price of oil again and it will get to $150/barrel. Stop watching CNN and MSNBC because you will never get any truth from them.
Yesterday, I paid for my first tank EVER where the price exceeded $6.00 a gallon. This is now beyond ridiculous, and it hurts like hell!

We are now in the territory where people are going to be changing their habits. A report I came across recently, said there is no sign that Americans were going to change their driving habits, but it's going to happen with these prices.

It's all the fault of Putin though, right Dims? It has NOTHING to do with your constant rhetoric about ending fossil fuels, no of course not!
The Progressives are using Jan 6th circus event to fund raise. I find it kinda humorous that with inflation at an all time high, not too many donations will be happening when food and fuel is more important. Yes progressives are that stupid.

Just saying, Republicans are full of crap.
High compared to what? Most of those prices are under $3 a gallon. Under Biden today it’s $5. I think most Americans will take Trump’s $2.90 vs. Biden’s low $4.

Just saying, Republicans are full of crap.
Bullshit some of us were paying under 2 bucks for 93 octane
Yea, I hated paying $100 a gallon gas under Trump

Things are much better now.

Why is it that after a while, everything democrats say becomes hysterically funny?
I can't believe she even posted that....only proving her post title to be totally inaccurate and THEN! stomps off in a self righteous huff....wearing her wrongness like a glowing robe of vindication.

Um..... Bwahhhhhhhahahahahaaaaaah



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